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No claims of absolute originality are made for this material. As one man said, "I milk a lot of cows, but I churn my own butter." Please use these sermons as the Lord leads, but nothing on this site may be used for profit without my expressed, written permission!
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11:1-11 THE
THE RULER Intro: For me, studying the book of Judges can be very
depressing. This book chronicles the years in Israel between the death of
Joshua and the appointment of Saul as their first king. What we see in this
book is a scene of lawlessness. Israel
would abandon the Lord for false gods. God would punish them for their sins by
allowing their enemies to defeat them and enslave them. After a time of enemy
oppression, Israel would repent and God would raise up a judge to deliver them.
They would be set free from their enemies, and then the cycle would repeat
itself all over again. The
spiritual climate in Israel during those days is summed up by the last verse in
the book. Judges 21:25 says,
those days there was no king in Israel: every man did that which was right in
his own eyes.” And, what is so discouraging about this book is that
there is ample evidence that we humans do not learn our lessons well. Left to
ourselves, we can do little but get ourselves in trouble time and again. Of
course, the positive side of this book is the fact that God never completely
forsook His people. They failed Him and He chastised them, but He always took
them back they returned to Him in genuine repentance. That lets me know that He
will never forsake us. You see, the people of Israel had been purchased with
the blood of a lamb, Ex. 12:1-13;
15:16. The church has been purchased with the blood of His Darling Son,
Rev. 1:5; 1 Pet. 1:18-19.
Thus, He will ever stand by us, Heb.
13:5. While
the times of the Judges were dark and dismal days for Israel, a few lives stand
out as bright lights against the darkness. One of those lights is the man
before us in our text today. In this passage we are introduced to a man named
Jephthah. What the word of God teaches us about this man should serve as an
encouragement to every person in this room. Jephthah
walked through some hard places in his life, yet he overcame all the obstacles in
his life and he accomplished great things for the Lord. He was a man rejected
by his family, outcast by society and written off by everyone who should have
cared about him. Yet, in the end Jephthah became the leader of his people. Jephthah
is not an altogether good example. As we will see, he was chosen to lead the
people by the people and not by God. Israel would repeat the same mistake years
later when they would choose Saul to be their king, rejecting God as their sole
ruler. Jephthah was a mixture of the spiritual and the fleshly. His life is
confusing at best. While he was not the Lord’s choice as Judge in Israel, the
Lord allowed Jephthah to lead the people to victory for His Own purposes. God
had a plan in using Jephthah; we just do not know all the details of that plan! Let’s
get to know Jephthah and learn the lessons his life reveals. I want to
preach about The Reject Who Became The Ruler. I. v. 1-3 AN
REJECTION A. v. 1 Jephthah’s
Character – The first revelation we have concerning Jephthah is
that he is “a mighty man of valor”. The phrase “mighty man” means that
Jephthah was marked by “great bravery”. The word “valor”
refers to “strength, ability and efficiency”. This identified Jephthah as
a very courageous and powerful man. He was the kind of man who did what needed
to be done in every situation he faced in life. He was the kind of man who
refused to back down. He was the kind of man you would like to have at your
back in a battle. He was the kind of man others would look to for leadership.
He was a strong, able and efficient man. B. v. 1 Jephthah’s
Challenge – The next truth we learn about this man is the fact
that “he was the son of a harlot”. His father’s named was “Gilead”.
Evidently, Gilead was a man who frequented prostitutes. One became pregnant and
bore him a son named Jephthah. This was a major strike against Jephthah as it
marked him as an illegitimate son of Gilead. (Note: Like everyone in this
room, Jephthah had marks in the plus column and marks in the minus column. He
had areas of his life that were extraordinary while other areas were problematic.
We are all in the same boat. Most of us do not trumpet our abilities, yet we go
to great lengths to conceal our problems. This just reminds us that we are
human, and as long as we live in this world, we are going to remain less than
perfect. No matter how far up the ladder of holiness we climb, we will still be
sinners, and we will still desperately need a Savior.) C. v. 2 Jephthah’s Conflict – Jephthah’s father also had
children with his wife. When these legitimate children reached maturity, they all
turned on Jephthah and forced him out of the family home. Apparently, their
father is dead and they refused to share their inheritance with Jephthah. Most
likely they were motivated by greed. With Jephthah out of the way, there was
more money to go around. Besides, Jephthah’s presence in the family was a
constant reminder of their father’s infidelity. They had probably
hated Jephthah all their lives. They may have even envied him since he was a
strong, able and efficient man. He was probably everything they were not and
they turned on him. They hated him because he represented everything they could
never be. (Note: Jephthah paid a price for
the sins of his father. His father was a philanderer who brought an
illegitimate child into the world. That child lived with the stigma of his
father’s sins his whole life. His life was scarred by the actions of his father
and his half-brothers, but he did not stoop to the same level of evil he saw in
them. Jephthah broke the cycle of sin in his family and became a better man
than the others in his family. We need to stop
here and learn a valuable lesson. Exodus
34:7 says, “Keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and
sin, and that will by no means clear the guilty; visiting the iniquity of the
fathers upon the children, and upon the children's children, unto the third and
to the fourth generation.” This does not mean that God will punish you
for what your parents did. It does mean that what your parents did will often
bear fruit in your life. Children often
develop attitudes that are similar to their parents. They develop ways of
living that are like their parents. They have prejudices, likes and dislikes
that were built into them by their parents. The fact is, a
lot of what we do is generational. We may not like it, but we carry the
influence of our family with us all the days we live. If your mother was
hateful, there is a good chance that you might have the tendency too. If your
father was a drunk, you could be prone to problems in that area. If you grew up
hearing criticism and negativity, you have a good chance of becoming a negative
of person too. If you grew up in an abusive home, you might have that kind of
mindset as well. However, someone
has to break the cycle! Just because your parents did certain things to you or
around you it does not mean that those things have to be a part of your life
today. You have the opportunity to change. There is power, grace and help in
the Person of the Holy Spirit and in the Word of God. As we yield to God and
allow Him to work in our lives, we can rest assured that He will work to change
us into His image. That is His goal, Rom.
8:28-29; Eph. 1:4; 4:13-15. I don’t know if
that speaks to any of your hearts today, but let’s break the cycle of sin in
our families and set our children free. There is help, hope and power in the
Word and will of God.) (Note: Others have suffered this
kind of familial rejection. David experienced it. When Samuel came to Jesse’s
house to anoint one of his sons as king of Israel, they did not even think
enough of David to call him to appear before the prophet. Jesus Christ
experienced it. His half-brothers mocked His claims to be the Messiah. They
doubts His identity and none of them believed on Him until after His death and
resurrection, John 7:2-5. At
one point all His family and friends thought He was crazy, Mark 3:21. Your earthly
family may turn against you, but if you are saved, you are a member of a new
family. Your Heavenly Father will never turn you away! Your true brothers and
sisters will never fail to love you, forgive you and stand by you. That is the
nature of our new family! Like the song writer said. “I’m so glad that I’m a part of
the family of God!”) D. v. 3 Jephthah’s
Companions – When Jephthah left the family home, he went to a
place called “Tob”. Tob was located east of the Jordan River in the country
of Syria. We are told “vain
men” gathered themselves to Jephthah. The phrase “vain men” refers to those
who are “unemployed, bankrupt and empty.” These were idle men looking
for something to fill their time. We do not know why flocked to Jephthah, but
it may that in him, they saw a leader. Maybe they saw someone who could help
them find a purpose in life. Whatever their
reason for coming to Jephthah, the Bible tells us that they “went
out with him.” This does not mean that they dated. Jephthah was not
that kind of man! What it means is that Jephthah became the ragtag leader of
this band of misfits and outcasts. It is speculated that they acted like David
and his men did during the time they were running from King Saul. They probably
served as an informal police force that protected the Hebrews from the attacks
of their enemies. It seems that Jephthah was able to mold these misfits into an
effective fighting force. Jephthah was showing himself to be a leader of men. (Note:
There are a couple of lessons from Jephthah’s actions that I want to mention. 1. Jephthah took a negative and turned it into
a positive. He could have taken his rejection by his brothers as an
indication that his life was over and that he would never amount to anything.
Instead, he rose above the challenges of his life and made something of
himself. Sometimes it
looks like life is against us, but if you believe in divine sovereignty; you
know that ever the worst of circumstances are part of His plan to make us more
like Him, Psa. 37:23. Whether
you see it or not, whether you believe it or not, all the days of your life
have been structured by God to make you into the person He wants you to be! 2. God delights in using the unusable.
He specializes in taking those who seem to be the least of the least and making
them vessels of honor for His glory, 1
Cor. 1:26-31! 3. Birds of a feather tend to flock together.
People like Jephthah came to Jephthah. The principle is this: people tend to
gravitate toward those who reflect what is in their own hearts. Look at the
people you talk to. They are often people just like you. We usually seek out
others who are just like us. Look at the people you spend your time with. They
reveal the sort of person you are! If someone is
discontented, they will gravitate toward other discontents. If someone is given
over to a specific sin, they will gravitate toward others who do the same
thing. Conversely, is someone has a true heart for the things of god; they will
gravitate toward others who are seeking God too. Today would be a good time to
consider the kind of people you spend time with! 4. Rejection is hurtful, but beneficial.
God uses the animosity and attacks of others to build our character and refine
our lives!) I. An
Appalling Rejection II. v. 4-8 AN
REQUEST (Ill. Jephthah is living his life in exile. He is
something of a Robin Hood kind of figure. He is protecting the Israelites and
making the best out of his situation when his own people looking for him. They
come to him with an astonishing request. Let’s take a moment examine that
request.) A. v. 4-5 The
Cause Of The Request – The nation is under attack. The Ammonites
are trying to take over the land. The children of Ammon were the descendants of
Abraham’s nephew Lot through and incestuous relationship with one of his own
daughters. The Ammonites were cousins to the Jews, but they were also there
perpetual enemies. So, Israel is under attack and they do not have a strong
leader to guide them to victory over their enemies. B.
v. 6 The Character Of The Request – The elders of his
people come to him with the request that Jephthah come back and become their “captain”.
This word means “commander, chief, or ruler”. At one point they asked him to
leave; now they come to him asking him to lead! What a change of mind! What a
change of direction. (Note: This is just a reminder
that the call to service or leadership might come without notice. We are to be
ready and prepared to answer His call when it comes. Our duty is to
faithfully serve the Lord where we are. We should ever do His will where He has
placed us. We must strive to learn all the lessons He wants to teach us. It is
God’s responsibility to open the doors of ministry and opportunity. It is our
responsibility to grow where we are planted, and to trust the Lord to use us
when, where and how He sees fit. If we will make our hearts available to Him,
He will give us plenty of opportunities for service in His kingdom’s work. When
we serve Him faithfully today, He will look after our tomorrow’s!) C.
v. 7-8 The
Commitment Of The Request – In verse 7, Jephthah recounts their past attitude towards him.
He reminds him that they were the ones who asked him to leave; now they want
him to come back and be their ruler.
In verse 8, they reissue
their promise that Jephthah will be their “head” if he will only come back with
them and deliver them from their enemies. The word “head” means “the
top, the summit, the chief”. They want Jephthah to come back and take
over! They want him to come back and be their boss. They are offering him
control over their lives. There treatment
of Jephthah in these verses is sad. They had no use for him when things were
going well, but when the bottom fell out, they ran to him for the help they
needed. By the way, this
is how many people treat the Lord. They refuse to be faithful. They refuse to
serve Him. They refuse to honor His word, His will or His house. They treat Him
like He is an unwanted intruder in their lives. They treat Him like He is the
spare tire on the car of their life. He is to stay in the trunk and keep quiet,
but He better be ready when they have a flat and pull him out! What a shame! How
much better it is to walk in the will of the Lord day by day. Then, when the
bad days to come, you have the confidence that you have walked with Him, and
now He will walk with you. If you leave Him out of your life, He may just let
you deal with your problem on your own when it comes! If He did, who could
blame him? I. An
Appalling Rejection II. An
Astonishing Request III. v.
RESPONSE (Ill. I do not know what I would do if I were Jephthah
and that bunch of yahoos came to me. I probably would not respond like he did.
His is an amazing response. Let’s take a moment to examine it.) A. v. 9-11a Jephthah’s
Acceptance – After confirming that their offer is valid, Jephthah
consents to go with them and to lead them to victory. His treatment of them is
vastly different from their treatment of him! Even though they had abused him
and treated him like dirt, Jephthah is not bitter. He was able to get over the
things they did to him. He was able to see past their mean-spirited actions and
he caught a glimpse of the hand of God at work in his life. One that will
become clear as you read about Jephthah is that he was a man who honored the Lord
in his life. He might have been an exile from Israel, but he was never and
exile from God. Unlike his relatives, he proved his commitment to the Lord by
his treatment of others! Whether we will
accept it or not, how we treat others is a direct reflection of the place God
holds in our hearts. If we can spitefully mistreat and attack those who are
made in God’s image and bought by the blood of His Son, it does not say much
for our opinion of Him. When we love Him as we should, we will love others as
we should, Matt. 22:37-39; 1 John
3:14-16; 4:20. B. v. 11b Jephthah’s
Advancement – The people honored their word and they elevated the
reject and made him their ruler. He became their “head” and he became their
“captain”. C.
v. 11c Jephthah’s Acknowledgement
– We are told that “Jephthah uttered all his words before the
Lord in Mizpeh.” The word “Mizpeh” means “watchtower”. In Gen. 31:33-55 the place is
called “Mizpah”. It was there that Jacob and Laban made an agreement
that they would not attack the other. They called upon the Lord to witness
their covenant. By the way, there’s was not a friendly parting! They parted as
enemies. (Ill. The “Mizpah Coins” are supposed to express friendship. In reality,
they represent perpetual enemies!) That is what
Jephthah is doing here. He is calling on the Lord to look upon the promises
made to him by his people. He is calling on the Lord to watch over him as he
goes out to battle. He is acknowledging the Lord and looking to Him for the
help he will need to win the victory. In verse
9, Jephthah knows that any victory they might enjoy will only come from
the Lord. It would do us
well to remember that any victories we might enjoy in this life will be our
only if the Lord delights in us. Victory does not come from us, our efforts or
our abilities. Victory comes from the Lord and from a relationship that is
centered in Him and in Him alone! (Ill. 1
Cor. 15:57) It pays to acknowledge God in everything we do. It pays to
call on Him, look to Him and trust Him for the victories we seek in life.
Jephthah became a victor, but only because he was first a servant of God who
looked to the Lord for the victory! Conc: The reject became the ruler! Most of us will not
become rulers in our lifetime, but there are some lessons we can take away from
this message on Jephthah. 1. We all have strengths and weaknesses, but
the Lord can use us and make something special out of our lives. 2. There may be a cycle of sin in our
background, but it can be broken today! 3. God can use you in spite of your past, your
family or your failures. (Ill. A twenty dollar bill has the same value
whether it is new, worn or torn. Its value never changes!) 4. Your treatment of others reveals how you
really feel about God. 5. You can and should serve God faithfully
today and trust Him with all your tomorrows. If
He has touched you through the story of Jephthah, you should obey His voice and
do exactly what He is calling you to do! |
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Copyright 2003 by Alan Carr |