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No claims of absolute originality are made for this material. As one man said, "I milk a lot of cows, but I churn my own butter." Please use these sermons as the Lord leads, but nothing on this site may be used for profit without my expressed, written permission!
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Jesus: The Suffering Servant - Sermon #3
Mark 1:12-13 THE TEMPTATION OF THE SERVANT Intro: As we continue to move through the
Gospel of Mark, we are observing Jesus as He begins His earthly ministry. His
coming was announced by John the Baptist, v.
7-8. Then Jesus appeared and submitted to baptism, v. 9-11. Jesus was baptized, not to cleanse Him of any sin, for He
had no sin to be cleansed of. Jesus was baptized to publically accept His
Father's mission to be the Savior of the world. As soon as He was baptized,
Jesus was anointed by the Spirit of God for service, and Jesus heard the voice
of His Father acknowledging Him as His Son and approving of Him in every way. Our verses today reveal even more about
the preparation of Jesus Christ for His mission of service to fallen humanity.
As soon as He is baptized, the Spirit of God “driveth” Jesus into the
wilderness. The word “driveth” is a strong word. It means “to
throw or cast out, to force out.” This word does not suggest that Jesus
had to be forced to do the will of the Father; it simply means that the Spirit
of God moved on Jesus in a strong manner and led Him into the wilderness to be
tested. I am interested in this passage because
Jesus Christ went through a period of temptation and He came out the other side
victorious. Every person in this room faces time of temptation as well. We need
help when our times of testing come, because, unlike Jesus, we fail in this
area far more often than we succeed. This passage offers some much needed help
and hope when our own times of testing and temptation come. Let's look into
these verses and consider The Temptation Of The Servant. Since Mark's account of this event is so
limited, we will be calling on the testimony of Matthew to aid us in our
understanding of the Lord's temptation. You can find Matthew's account in Matt. 4:4-11. Let me show you some of
the details
of our Lord's temptation that can help us when we face temptation in our own
lives. I. v.
12 THE TIMING OF HIS TEMPTATION A. The word “immediately” lets us know
that the trial Jesus faced in the wilderness occurred just as His baptism was
completed. There was no lag in the action. One moment Jesus was hearing the
approval of the Father; receiving the anointing of the Spirit and confirming the
acceptance of His mission; the next moment, He finds Himself being compelled to
go into this time of temptation. B. There is a great lesson
here for the children of God. We are never more vulnerable than when we are
coming out of a time of great victory. Satan loves to attack us when we think
we are the strongest. This is clearly taught in the Bible, 1 Cor. 10:12. Look at Elijah on Mount
Carmel. He prays a short prayer and the fire of God falls consuming the
sacrifice. He takes the 450 prophets of Baal and has them all put to death. He
prays again and it rains for the first time in three and one-half years. He
even outruns the chariot of King Ahab all the way back to Samaria. Elijah is at
the top of his game! Fast forward less than twenty-four hours. Jezebel sends
him word that she is going to do the same thing to him that he did to the
prophets of Baal, 1 Kings 19:2. What
does Elijah do? Does he remember the power of God and say “Bring it on Jezzie! God can handle you!”? No, he runs away in fear. C. Beware when you enjoy a great spiritual
victory or get in on a good move of God. You might think that you are
invincible and that you have reached a place where the devil can't touch you.
When you think like that, you are headed for a time of testing! (Ill. How
many faced a trial on the heels of Wednesday night's service? ) (Ill.
Satan will also come when you are tired and weak - Ill. Jesus!) II. v. 12 THE
was sent into the “wilderness”. The Jews saw the wilderness as a place of danger,
gloom and as the abode of demons. For them it represented everything that was
evil and separated from God. B. Jesus was sent into the wilderness to do
battle with the devil on his own territory. Jesus had already invaded the
devils' territory when He was born in this world. Satan is the “god
of this world”, 2 Cor. 4:4.
When Jesus came into this world, He was declaring war on the devil and bringing
the battle to him. In the temptation, the
battle lines between Jesus and Satan were clearly drawn from the outset. C. The temptation of Jesus served three basic
purposes. 1. The devil found out
just Who he was dealing with. 2. The Son to experience the Father's ability to
take care of Him. 3. We can see that there is help for us when we
face our own times of testing. (Ill. I am glad that Jesus endured temptation
and testing. He is able to help us when we face those times in our own lives, Heb. 2:18.) III. v. 12-13 THE
Mark's description of these events is very brief, but we can see some important
truths here.) A. The
Leadership - The temptation was all about Jesus doing battle with the
devil. But, Mark is quick to tell us that the “Spirit” of God is the One
Who caused Jesus to go into the wilderness. When temptations to evil
come, they never come from the hand of God, James 1:13. God never leads people into sin. He is in the business
of leading us away from evil, 1 Cor.
10:13. However, He will send us into periods of testing. He does this, not
to cause us to fail, but to help us grow in the Lord. He knows that we do our
best growing when the pressure is on. God will not send you into a time of
temptation to sin, but He will send you into a time of testing to help you
grow. Just ask Joseph about why he ended up in that pit, Gen. 37; Gen. 50:20. God will never send you into sin, but He will
put you in places where your faith will be tested! Satan also uses these times
to tempt us. B. The
Loneliness - In that wilderness place, Jesus was cut off from friends
and family. He was shut off for a time so that He might be tested. His only
companions where “the wild beasts”, “the angels” and “the
devil”. We do not know why Mark
mentions the “wild beasts”. He may have mentioned them to emphasize the fact
that Jesus was in a barren place inhabited only by wild animals. The deserts in
Jesus' day were inhabited by lions, hyena, wild boars, and jackals. These were
all fierce beasts of prey that might have stalked the Lord Jesus. Some believe
that these animals recognized their Creator and came near to comfort Him in His
trials. The angels did not give
Him food until His testing was finished, Matt.
4:11. The word “ministered” is the same word translated “deacon”. It means “to
wait tables, offering food and drink to guests.” But, they were with
Him during the entire ordeal. They communed with Him and gave Him emotional,
spiritual and mental support during the testing time. The Spirit of God was also
there to give the Lord Jesus comfort during this trial. The Holy Spirit is
called the “Comforter” in the book of John, John 14:16. The word “Comforter” refers to “One Who comes alongside of another to offer
aid and comfort.” Of course, the devil was also there. He was there to see Jesus
fail. He came to tear the Lord down and defeat Him if he could. How many times
during those forty days did Satan tell Jesus that no one cared? How many times
did he tell the Lord how foolish He was for trusting God? How many times did he
point out the fact that Jesus was alone, had no food and no friends? (Ill. There are times when it feels
like we are walking through the hard places of life all alone. It seems that
the only one around is the devil. He comes around to do to us just what he did
to Jesus. He comes to mock our faith and challenge our resolve to truth the
Lord. Even when it seems you are
all alone, you are not! The Lord's angels are there ministering to you in ways
that you will not know until you get to Heaven, Heb. 1:14; Heb. 13:2. The Lord Himself is there! Even when you
can't see Him, sense Him or feel Him, He is still there to help you, Heb. 13:5; Matt. 28:20. He is in you.
He is with you. And He will never leave you, John 14:16-18. Our Lord knows how to help those who are lonely! He has been
there!) C. The
Length - This time of testing lasted forty days. The number forty in
the Bible is used for “times of testing, times of probation; and
times of preparation”. Israel spent forty years in the wilderness.
Moses spent forty years on the backside of the desert in training. The spies
spent forty days spying out Canaan. The rains were upon the earth forty days
and nights during the flood. So, the number forty is a number associated with
testing. We are told by Matthew
that Jesus fasted those forty days, Matt.
4:2. He also spent that time in close communion with His Father. He was
preparing Himself spiritually for the showdown that was coming when Satan
unleashed his temptations. Jesus was getting ready for battle. (Ill. This time of testing lasted
forty days for Jesus. We never know how long our times of testing will be when
they do come our way. Our duty is to be prepared for them when they come; to
weather them in the grace of God; and to exit them with our testimony intact.
We do not know how hard the battles may be, but we do have His promise that He
will support us through them all, 2 Cor.
12:7-10.) D. The
Load - Mark simply tells us that Jesus was “tempted of Satan”. This
implies that He was attacked by the devil during the entire forty day period.
Matthew tells us that it was at the end of the forty days, when Jesus was weak
from fasting, that Satan came against Him with his strongest and most pointed
attacks, Matt. 4:2. To understand what Jesus
faced and what it teaches us, we need to look at Matthew's account of these
events. Turn to Matthew 4. Let's
examine the three temptations that are mentioned here and see what lessons we
can glean from them. 1. The First Temptation - Matt.
4:3-4 - In this temptation, Satan questions the Son's relationship with the
Father. No doubt, Satan had heard the Father's declaration in Mark 1:11. Now, Satan calls that
relationship into question. He mocks Jesus and says, “Look at You starving here in the
wilderness! If You are really the Son of
God why are You starving to death in the wilderness? Use Your power and turn
these stones to bread. Feed Yourself since You are the Son of God.” Now, there is no question that
Jesus could have turned the stones to bread has He wanted to. He had the power
to do so. And, it is not a sin to want to meet a legitimate need. But, to use
His power in that way at this time would have shown a lack of faith in the
Father. The temptation here is for Jesus to act independently of the Father and
the Spirit. The devil wants Jesus to do His Own thing. Christ's answer to the devil
showed the condition of His heart. He would rather starve to death than be out
of His Father's will! Being in the center of the Father's will meant more to
Jesus than food or life. (Ill. What a challenge to us! How easily
we sell out to get our hands on the things we desire. How easily we give in to
compromise and sin so that we can satisfy the lusts of our flesh. Like the
foolish Jews, we love bread more than we love the Father at times, John 6:26!) 2. The Second Temptation - Matt.
4:5-7 - Here, Satan tries to get Jesus to perform the miraculous apart from
the will of the Father. Satan took Jesus to the pinnacle of the Temple. This
spot was said to be 450 feet high. Satan misquotes Psalm 91:11-12. Satan left out the phrase that says “to
keep thee in all thy ways”. This is God's promise to protect the
Messiah as He carried out the Father's will. Satan was trying to get Jesus to
step outside that will and work a miracle to prove that He was Who He claimed
to be. He was also trying to get Jesus to accept immediate fame. If He had
stepped off the pinnacle of the Temple and floated to the ground, He would have
been instantly famous. Again,
Jesus responded in the proper way. His response was one of faith. Jesus is
saying, “It is never right to operate contrary to God's will regardless of the
outcome.” God honors obedience, not outcomes. (Ill. Saul - 1 Sam. 15:1-33.) (Ill. Again, there is a lesson for us.
Far too many people and ministries in our day seem to think the ends justify
the means. They have the mentality that everything is all right as long as a
few people are brought to the Lord, and as long as things turn out all right in
the end. God does not bless programs,
people, puppets and petting zoos. He blesses His Word and He blesses obedience
to His Word. The increase belongs to the Lord, 1 Cor. 3:7. Obedience to His Word is our responsibility! External
prosperity does not mean that God approves of what we are doing. God always has
and always will bless obedience! He may not bless it in external ways, that men
recognize, but He always honors those who honor Him!) (Ill. Moses and the twice smitten rock
- Num.20:1-12 - Moses was commanded
to speak to the rock so that water might be given. He struck the rock twice
instead. God graciously gave the water, but Moses was not allowed to enter the
Promised Land because he disobeyed. I would rather have the blessings and
presence of God than the prosperity that can be achieved through human means!) 3. The Third Temptation - Matt.
4:8-10 - Here, Satan, as the god of this world, offers Jesus the kingdoms
of the world. Satan is attempting to get Jesus to take the crown and bypass the
cross. For a simple bow to the limited sovereignty of Satan, Jesus could skip
the pain of Calvary and have the world fall at His feet. Apparently, Satan had the power
to grant this promise. But, Jesus responds in a way that honors God once again.
He reminds Satan that only God is worthy of worship. You see, Jesus did not
come to this world just for a crown. Oh, there is a crown in His future, but
for Jesus, the path to the crown leads by the cross! Jesus came to this world to
die. He would obtain the crown by laying down His life on the cross. (Ill. Again, there is a lesson here
for us. Satan would have us take the easy, painless way. He promises us an easy
path if we will just allow him to be the ruler of our lives. But, if you give
the devil an inch, he will become your ruler! God's will is that we walk
in His ways, and that we trust Him to give us the things He desires to bring
into our lives in His time, Psa. 37:5.) IV. v. 13 THE
when the devil had ended all the temptation, he departed from him for a season,”
Luke 4:13. This would certainly not be
the last encounter Jesus would have with the devil. He would ultimately defeat
Satan forever when He died on the cross. But, here, in His temptation, Jesus
won a great victory over Satan. It needs to be said here
that the temptation of Jesus was not about trying to get Him to sin. Jesus
Christ was God in human flesh and it was impossible for Him to sin. The Bible
is clear in this matter. First, He knew no sin, 2 Cor. 5:21. Second, He did no sin, 1 Pet. 2:22; Heb. 4:15. Third, He had no sin, I John 3:5; John 14:30; Heb. 7:26. Yet, He was tempted in
every way that mankind is tempted, 1
John 2:16; Heb. 4:15. He was tempted in the physical realm, the
emotional realm and the spiritual realm, just like we are. If He could not have sinned,
were His temptations real? Yes, they were real. The temptation of Jesus was not
to see whether He would commit sin or not, but to prove that He could not sin.
He proved that He was the sinless Son of God in that wilderness! There are some lessons we
can learn from His temptation; lessons that can help us in our day of testing. B. Jesus overcame because He was sinless. We
fall because we are sinful. How can we obtain victory in our own battle with
sin? Watching Jesus in His
trial can help us through ours. There are two things we need to take note of.
First, He was filled with the Spirit, Mark 1:10. Second, He was filled with the Word of God.
Three times Jesus was tempted and three times He reached back in to the Old
Testament book of Deuteronomy, (Deut.
8:3; 6:16; 6:13), for just the word He needed. The Spirit of God gave Him
the ability to stand against the attacks of the devil. The Word of God gave Him
ammunition to defend Himself while He attacked back. If we want to be successful
in our battle with the flesh and the devil, we need to be sure that we are
living lives that are controlled by the Spirit of God, Eph. 5:18, and filled with the Word of God, Psa. 119:11. We need Him and His power if we are going to have the
victory in our own times of testing. C. The first Adam was placed in a beautiful
garden. He was in a perfect setting, and he still failed. Because of Adam's
fall, all of his children have been born in sin, Rom. 5:12. We are all in need of a Savior and we all have trouble
with sin and temptation. The Second Adam, the Lord
Jesus, was driven into a barren wilderness. There, He did battle with the devil
and He walked off with the victory. Jesus went into that wilderness
and faced the devil on his own turf. He did this so that He might help us when
our own times of testing come. He understands because He has been there. He is
able to help those who will look to Him for the power to overcome their own
trial and temptations, Heb. 4:15. He
fought the battle so that He could hand us the victory! Conc: In 1961 a man by the name of Adolph
Eichmann went on trial for his crimes as one of the principle architects of the
Jewish Holocaust. One of the men who testified against the ex-Nazi was a concentration
camp survivor named Yehiel Dinur. A film clip from Eichmann's 1961 trial shows
Dinur walking into the courtroom, stopping short, seeing Eichmann for the first
time since the Nazi had sent him to Auschwitz eighteen years earlier. Dinur
began to sob uncontrollably, then fainted, collapsing in a heap on the floor as
the presiding judicial officer pounded his gavel for order in the crowded
courtroom. Was Dinur overcome by hatred? Fear? Horrid
memories? No; it was none of these. Dinur explained
that when he saw Eichmann he realized Eichmann was not the godlike army officer
who had sent so many to their deaths. This Eichmann was an ordinary man. “I was
afraid about myself,” said Dinur. “. . . I saw that I am capable to do this. I
am . . . exactly like he.” Mike Wallace, of CBS' 60 Minutes summed up
Dinur's terrible discovery by saying, “Eichmann is in all of us.” That is a
horrifying statement; but it captures the central truth about man's nature. For
as a result of the Fall, sin is in each of us, not just the susceptibility to
sin, but sin itself.[i] How true that is! The possibility to do
the greatest of evil exists within each one of us. The only hope we have; the
only help we have, is the Lord Jesus Christ. First, you need to be sure that you are in
a personal faith relationship with Him. Are you? Second, if you are saved, you need to be
sure that you are filled with the Spirit and the Word of God. Are you? We all fight battles with temptation, but
there is help in the Lord if you will receive it. He is waiting to save you if
you are lost. He is waiting to strengthen you if you are weak. He is waiting to
forgive you if you have fallen. [i] Adapted from Charles Colson, Who Speaks For God? (Westchester, IL: Crossway Books, 1985), pp. 27-28. |
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Copyright 2003 by Alan Carr |