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No claims of absolute originality are made for this material. As one man said, "I milk a lot of cows, but I churn my own butter." Please use these sermons as the Lord leads, but nothing on this site may be used for profit without my expressed, written permission!
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Mark 7:24-30 I’M JUST ASKING
FOR THE CRUMBS Intro: Does anybody in this room have a need in your life? Most everyone here
has several important needs. I would go a step farther and say that most people
in this room today have one or more major needs in their lives and some may not
see how their need can be met. Some people are looking at
devastating family problems. Some are looking at financial difficulty. Some are
looking at a problem with a child. Some see their own souls and realize that
they are lost. Some are looking at a disease and wondering what lies ahead. Some
are looking at their parents and realizing they won’t be here forever. I could
stand here all day and not exhaust the list of problems that many of you are
facing today. In the midst of your
problems, you need someone to help you. You need someone you can turn to for
your solution. You need God to work in your life. You don’t need Him to lift
every burden, just the heaviest. You don’t need Him to move every mountain,
just the highest. You don’t need God to give you the whole loaf, just a crumb. That is the situation we
are looking at in this passage today. Jesus is approached by a mother who is in
a desperate situation. She needs something in her life. She comes to the Lord
and as she does, she is not asking for the whole meal, she is just asking for the
crumbs. She is just asking Jesus to move in her situation. Jesus has just told the
Pharisees, the scribes, His disciples and the multitudes that nothing in and of
itself is unclean, Mark 7:14-16. He
told them that defilement is from within, Mark
7:20-23. His message was simple: What a man is in his heart is what he truly
is! As soon as that encounter
is over, Jesus and His men go to Tyre and Sidon, which is in the heart of
Gentile territory. Once again, they try to get some rest from the pressures of
the ministry. But, we are told in verse
24 that “He could not be hid. That is always the case! When Jesus is in
a person, a family, a church, a community, or wherever, He simply cannot be
hidden! Word will get out that He is in the house. (Ill. That is why we should
do everything we can to ensure that we create and atmosphere where He can work
among us!) In this text, a burdened
mother locates Jesus. She begins to petition Him for the help she needs. She
faces several challenges, but she persists and she gets what she came for. As I preach this text
today, I want you to understand that there is hope for you. God has the solution
to your problem. I want to share a few thoughts from this passage that may
help us find what we need for our own lives today. I want to preach on I’m
Just Asking For The Crumbs. I. v. 25-26 THE MOTHER AND HER REQUEST A. The Reason She Came This woman came to Jesus because she
was concerned about her daughter. The child was demon possessed and was
probably acting out in violence and anger. She needed help in a desperate way.
It may be that the demon in causing bodily harm to the child. This was the
situation in the case of another demon possessed child, Matt. 9:22 B. The Reason She Cried Matt.
15:23 tells us that she “cried after Jesus. The word means
to croak,
to shout after another. It is the idea of a loud, persistent
shrieking. This woman was shouting
to Jesus for the help she needed. Why was she so frantic? She was heartbroken
over the condition of her child and she was determined to get her child the
help she needed. C. The Reason She Called Verse
25 tells us that this woman had “heard of Him. Perhaps she had heard
about how Jesus had healed all manner of diseases; about how He had opened the
eyes of the blind and unstopped the ears of the deaf; about how He had driven
the demons from other people. She may have heard about how Jesus had gone over
into the country of the Gaderenes and had delivered the man possessed by a
legion of demons. She may have said, If He can deliver that man from a legion of
demons, surely He can deliver my daughter from the grip of one devil! This woman came to Jesus because faith and hope had been aroused
in her heart. She needed something that society had not been able to provide. She
was looking for something that her dead religion had been powerless to give
her. She needed a solution that she had not been able to provide by her own
self-efforts. She was desperate and she saw Jesus as her only hope! (Note: How many of you
can identify with this poor, anxious mother? Perhaps you are dealing with a
child that is out of control. Perhaps you are at your wits end over some
situation in your life and you need help. Perhaps you have exhausted every
means at your disposal and do not know where to turn for help. Maybe what you
need is salvation. Or, maybe what you need is restoration and forgiveness. Whatever
the need in your life may be today; you should take a lesson from this woman:
Get that need to Jesus! Regardless of what you face
in your life today, the answer will be found in Him! He can move your mountain;
meet your need; save your soul; forgive your sins; touch your loved ones; you
name it, He can do it! But, you have to get it to Him! Don’t be afraid to call
on Him; He invites you to come, Matt.
11:28; Jer. 33:3. You do not have to bear this burden alone! Bring it to
Jesus, He cares, 1 Pet. 5:7; Heb. 4:15;
and He can help, Heb. 4:16.) II. v. 27-28 THE MOTHER AND HER
RESOLVE (Ill. This woman comes to Jesus for help and when she doesn’t get the
response she imagines, she stays after Jesus until she gets what she wants.) A. v. 23-27 The Obstacles Of
Faith She had to overcome many obstacles in order to secure her
daughters healing. It seemed that she met resistance to her request at every
turn. Yet, she persisted until she achieved her goal. Look at some of the
obstacles she faced and overcame by faith. 1. The Obstacle Of Race Verse
26 tells us that this woman was from Tyre and Sidon. Matt. 15:22 tells us that she was a Canaanite. This reveals two
things about this mother. First, she was descended from a cursed people. When
Joshua led the people of Israel into Canaan, they had been commanded to totally
destroy the Canaanites, Deut. 7:2. She
was a member of a doomed race. Second, she was from a region known for vile
religious practices. This woman had two strikes against her from the very
start. 2. The Obstacle Of Religion She came to Jesus and called out to Him
and said, Have mercy on me, O Lord, thou Son of David. Here she was a
Gentile mother crying out to the Jewish Messiah. She had no right to come to
Jesus through the door of Judaism. She was a Gentile and according to Matt 15:23, Jesus gave her the response
she deserved: “He answered her not a word.” 3. The Obstacle Of Racism When the disciples see and hear this
Gentile calling out to their Messiah, they react by telling Jesus to send her
away! They wanted nothing to do with her. She was not one of their people! In
their eyes, she was different and that was enough to justify them not caring
about her at all. 4. The Obstacle Of Rejection As Jesus speaks to this woman, His
words appear harsh to our ears. His words must have shaken her to the very core
of her being. His words probably broke her heart. Matt. 15:23-26 adds much detail concerning this conversation. First, Jesus simply
ignores her. It is as if He turns an indifferent ear to her cries for help. Then,
He tells her that His whole purpose in coming to this world was to reach the
lost sheep of Israel. When she persists, Jesus tells her that she is a dog and
does not deserve the children’s bread. The disciples rejected her and now it
appears that Jesus is rejecting her too. 5. The Obstacle Of Reality The realities of this situation are
harsh! Her daughter was possessed by a devil. She was a member of a doomed
race. These religion men did not seem to care about her or her situation at
all. It must have appeared to her that her situation was hopeless. (Note: Some of you are
looking at some of the same barriers today. You might be a lost person and you
know you need Jesus; but you feel like you have no right to come to Him. You
know you are from a doomed race. You have discovered that religion will not
work. You have experienced the rejection of the religious people around you. Yet,
you still want to see your life changed. Let me tell that you can come to
Jesus! If you do, He will not turn you away, John 6:37. Others have been praying
and seeking God about matters that trouble your heart. You have cried out to
Him and asked Him to do this or that in your life and there has been no answer.
You feel like giving up! Let me encourage you today. God’s silence is not an
indication of God’s unwillingness to meet your need. God’s silences serve to temper
our faith and to remind us that He operates on a different schedule that we do. What obstacles are you
facing today? Persist in seeking the Lord and in His time, you will see every
barrier fall! Your faith will not be defined by what you receive from God; but by
what it takes to stop you from getting to God! What’s stopping you?) B. v. 27 The Opportunities Of Faith As Jesus speaks with this
woman, He never slams the door of hope in her face. Jesus says, Let
the children first be filled… That word first was exactly what
this broken hearted mother needed to hear! Jesus did not say, You
cannot have what you are looking for! He said, I have come to the children of
Israel. And, they must be filled first. She took that to mean that seconds
were available. You see, these obstacles that were thrown up by the Lord
Jesus were not placed there to discourage and defeat this lady. The obstacles
were placed there to mature her faith. Watch the progression. 1. Matt. 15:22; Mark 7:25 She calls on Jesus based on His role as
the Jewish Messiah. She receives no help there. She has no right to approach
Him on that ground. 2. Matt. 15:24-25; Mark 7:27 She hears Jesus tell her that His
mission here on this earth is to the nation of Israel. When she hears this, she
moves beyond seeing Him as a Jewish Messiah. She now sees Him as her only hope.
She sees Him as being worthy of worship. In Matt. 15:25, she bows down to Him; humbles herself at His feet;
gives Him the worship He deserves; and appeals to Him for the help she needs. 3. Matt. 15:26-27; Mark 7:27 Now, she hears Jesus compare her to a
dog. The Jews looked at all non-Jewish people as dogs. The word they used
refers to a mangy, cur. It is used as a metaphor of people who are unclean,
filthy and dirty. In fact, the Jews used this word to refer to
sodomites and homosexuals. Jesus used that word in Matt. 7:6. The word used here
is different. This word means “little puppies. It refers not to mangy,
dirty dogs; but to a little puppy that is a beloved pet in a house. It refers
to an animal that is looked on as a part of the family. I always imagine
that Jesus has a twinkle in His eye as He says this and she immediately catches
the meaning. The image here is of a beloved puppy sitting under the table while
the family eats a meal. It sits there hoping and expecting that someone will
slip it a morsel of food. The puppy can see the food. It can smell the food. It
knows what it wants is within easy reach. It just needs someone to acknowledge
it and give it a bite. She says, “I
know that it isn’t right to take the food from the children’s table and give it
to the dogs. But, even the dogs are sometimes treated to a morsel from the
table. All I am asking for is a crumb. She wasnt asking for
everything, just for a puppys portion! (Note: Can you see how
Jesus took this woman and her small faith and led her along and helped grow her
faith? The obstacles of faith almost always turn out to be opportunities in
disguise. When we continue to seek the Lord in spite of every hindrance we will
eventually see Him do what we need done.) C. v. 28 The Obligations Of Faith A lot of people would have given
up! Jesus ignored her; the disciples played the race card; Jesus even compared
her to a dog; yet she persisted. Most folks would
have thrown up their hands in frustration and stormed off in anger saying, “I
don’t need this! So much for your God of love; for your message of compassion
and your narrow, bigoted religion! I don’t want anything to do with a God or a
religion like that! That is the way many react when they do not get
what they want, when they want it. But, not this woman! She persisted in spite of everything that was thrown into her
pathway. Why? She persisted because too much was at stake! Her little daughter
needed to be delivered from her bondage. Her family needed to be saved. She
needed help and she was determined to get it! A crumb might have been all she
could get; but she knew that a crumb from His hand was more than enough!
She wouldn’t give up until she got what she needed! (Note: How much does
your problem mean to you? Have you encountered some obstacles along the way
that have made you throw up your hands and quit seeking God about the answer
you need? Have you looked at the hypocrisy and the apathy of the church and
concluded that since God’s people don’t care, you won’t care either? Have you
decided that God can’t help you and Jesus can’t save your soul? Friend, too much is at
stake! Be like this poor mother. Keep bringing that need to Jesus until He
answers. Keep seeking His face until He responds. Keep asking, keep seeking,
keep knocking and in His time, He’ll hand you down a morsel of answered prayer! Matthew 7:7-8, “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye
shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh
receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be
opened.) III. v. 29-30 THE
MOTHER AND HER REWARD A. Jesus Responded To Her Faith He was amazed by the depth of
her faith! In fact, this woman is only one of two people Jesus referred to as
having great faith, Matt.
15:28. The other person was a Roman Centurion who came to Jesus to have
Jesus heal a sick servant. Amazingly,
both of these people were Gentiles! Jesus had tested her faith
with hard words and her faith had risen to the challenge! Her faith exceeded
that of the people he had come to save! Here was a Gentile dog that had more
faith than the Jewish scribes, Pharisees, Sadducees and priests. This kind of
faith excites the Lord! B. Jesus Rewarded Her Faith He rewarded her faith by giving
her exactly what she asked for; He healed her daughter! Her faith was so strong
that she didnt ask for proof, but she took Jesus at His word and turned around
and went home to her family. When she arrived home, she found her daughter
healed and her family restored! What a blessing! What a challenge! (Note: I realize that
some people in this very room are looking at situation and problems that are
every bit as hard and as painful as that faced by this woman. I know that many
of you have prayed and sought God about your situations and things remain the
same. I know that the devil and the flesh are whispering in your ear right now.
They are saying, “It’s no use! God doesn’t care! Go away and don’t bother Him with this
anymore. It’s never going to change. I know that some folks are
discouraged and defeated and you wonder if there is any use or any help for
you. Take heart today, dear
friends! There is hope! ·
Today might be the day when the Master responds to
your cries. ·
Today might be the day when you see that mountain
moved in your life. ·
Today might be the day when you come to Him and
call on Him to be saved. ·
Today might be the day when God speaks in your soul
and says, “It’s going to be all right! I’ve taken care of it. ·
Today might be the day when His peace replaces your
pain and you get the help you need. Bring that need to Him
again today. Bring it with faith in your hear that He will hear you; that He
will help you and He will fix it. Bring it to Him and place it in His hands. Watch
Him take it and make it as it ought to be. You say, “Preacher,
you don’t understand how big my problem is. No I dont, but He does! Look
with me for just a minute at what He can do. ·
Look, there’s Jairus. He places his daughter in the
hand of Jesus and Jesus raises her from the dead. ·
Look, there is Lazarus, four days in the tomb. Mary
and Martha place him in the hands of Jesus and Lazarus lives. ·
Look, there is a multitude that needs to be fed,
but they have no food. A few loaves and fishes are placed in the hands of Jesus
and suddenly everyone had more than enough. ·
Look, there are the disciples, in a boat, in a
storm, in the middle of the lake, in the dead of night. They are afraid they
are going to die. They place themselves in the hand of Jesus and they arrive
safely to the shore. ·
Look, there is a leper and he is healed, his ruined
flesh as smooth as a baby’s. ·
Look, there is a blind man and he can see. ·
Look, there is a deaf man and he can hear. ·
Look, there is a crippled man and he can walk. ·
Look, there is a man possessed with a demon and he
is freed. ·
Look, there is Jesus. He is hanging on a cross. He
is dead! They take His body down and place it in the grave. Look! For three
days there is nothing! Hope is gone and it appears that evil has won. But wait,
look again, He lives! He lives! ·
Oh friends, if He can do these things, and they are
just a small sample of what He can do, then surely He can answer your prayers! Surely
He can save your lost loved one. Surely He can save your soul. Surely He can
forgive you and restore you to that place of fellowship. Surely He can take
whatever is wrong in your life and He can make it right. Surely He can do
that!) Conc: A little crumb from the Lord’s Table might be all you need today. Others
may need Him to drop the whole platter down for you. I don’t know what you need
or where you are today; but I know a God Who can meet you where you are and
help you get what you need today. ·
Do you need to be saved? ·
Do you need a mountain moved in your life? ·
Do you need to be restored to faith and fellowship? ·
Do you need to see God moving in someone else’s
life? Regardless of what you need
today, you can come to Jesus and you can get it. Even if you have sought Him
for it in the past and received no answer, today might be the day when He says
to you what He said to this mother in Matt.
15:28, “Be it unto thee even as thou wilt. Has He spoken to you today?
Get to Him and get what you need from Him. |
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Copyright 2003 by Alan Carr |