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No claims of absolute originality are made for this material. As one man said, "I milk a lot of cows, but I churn my own butter." Please use these sermons as the Lord leads, but nothing on this site may be used for profit without my expressed, written permission!
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Back To
The Future – Sermon #34 AFTER
THE STORMS HAVE PASSED Intro: If you have been
studying along with us as we have moved through this amazing book, you know
that the last two chapters have been dark, depressing and discouraging. We have
been talking about the devil, the Antichrist and the False Prophet. We have
witnessed the depths of depravity as man abandons his Creator to worship the
devil through his false Christ. Now, the scene changes! Chapter 14 is like a glorious rainbow
after and fierce storm. God takes the brush of His grace and repaints the
landscape of the Revelation. He gives us a breath of heavenly air in these
verses. Only God can do that! Only God can take that which is horrible beyond
words and turn it into a thing of glory. That is just what He does in these
verses. In this passage we are allowed to get a
little glimpse of heavenly glory. We are allowed to see the Lamb of God. He is
the theme of the book and He is center stage in these verses. It would be a
blessing if we could figure out how to keep Jesus at the center of everything
we do in our lives as individuals and in the life of the church. In these verses we meet again the 144,000 Jewish
evangelists who were selected and sealed in chapter 7. These men have preached the Gospel of the Kingdom during
the darkest days of the Tribulation. They were persecuted by the Antichrist,
but they were preserved by God. At some point during the Tribulation, when they
have served their purpose, God will allow the 144,000 to be killed by
Antichrist. These men will then join their Redeemer, the Lamb of God, in His
glory in Heaven. That is the scene we are going to
investigate today. These men have weathered a terrible storm here on the earth.
Now, for them at least, the storm is over and they are home with the Lamb. I
want to show you the facts revealed in these verses concerning the 144,000. I
want to preach on the though After The Storms Have Passed. A. They
Are Protected By God When we first met this group of men, it was in Rev. 7:3-4. There the Bible says, “Saying,
Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the
servants of our God in their foreheads. And I heard the number of them which
were sealed: and there were sealed an hundred and forty and four thousand of
all the tribes of the children of These
men have been sealed by God and have been protected by Him through the darkest
days of the Tribulation. Hundreds of millions, perhaps even billions of people
have die, but these men have been protected through it all because they have
been sealed by God. The earth will be stained red with the blood of holy
martyrs, but these men will be protected through it all! Satan will hunt them
and harass them, but he will be powerless to kill them because they have been
sealed by God. They have His Name in their foreheads and they are untouchable!
Satan marked His people and they are headed to Hell, God sealed His servants
and they are bound for glory! (Note: I would just remind you that Satan marks his people, Rev. 13:16. In the Tribulation he will
mark them with the Mark of the Beast. Today, he marks their bodies, their
hearts and their minds with the scars of their sins. Satan marks all those who
follow him. God, on the other hand, seals His people.
He places His seal upon them and labels them as His Own possession, B. They
Are Preserved By God When these men arrive on (Note: The same is true for all of God’s saints! According to
His Word, we have been “sealed unto the day of redemption, Eph. 4:30. We are also told that Jesus
will not lose a single on of those given to Him by His Father, When the roll is called in glory, not a
single person will be missing. When the family gathers for the Marriage Supper
of the Lamb, there will not be an empty seat at the table! God will bring ALL
His children home!) C. They
Are Presented To God We are t old that these men meet the Lamb on Some
commentators believe that John is referring to the earthly city of I
just happen to believe that we are seeing a heavenly scene! These men have
served their time. They have fulfilled their mission and they have been brought
in the presence of the Almighty. Verse 3
talks about heavenly singing. Verse 5
shows them standing before the throne of God in glory. These men have been
rescued out of a world gone mad and they are home in the presence of the Father
and the Lamb of God. (Note:
I praise the Lord that there is a better place waiting on the people of God! If
this world was Heaven as some groups claim, I would want it. No, there is a
better place waiting on the children of God when we leave this world! Jesus
told us a little bit about it,
I. They Are A Rescued Army II. v.
2-3 THEY ARE A REJOICING ARMY A. v. 2 A New Setting These men have
been rescued from the terrors of the Tribulation. They have witnessed death and
destruction on an unprecedented level. They have watched the world turn its
back on God and embrace the devil as their new god. They have seen this world
fall at the feet of the Antichrist and worship him as god. They have seen
things more horrible than anything you and I could ever imagine. But, this
verse finds them home, in Heaven, in the presence of the Lord Jesus. They are
home! And Heaven is filled with the sounds of their worship and their praises.
Heaven is filled with joy because of the presence of the Lamb. (Note: What a contrast there is between this world and
Heaven. This world is a world filled with pain sorrow and tears; none of those
things will be allowed over there, Rev.
21:4. This world is marred by disease and death; they will not be found
over there. This world is in the grip of sin and Satan; both will be banned in
Heaven, Rev. 21:28. This world is
perishing; that world will endure for all eternity! They are rejoicing in Heaven today. We
will join them one day soon! One day, we will take our last steps in this
wicked, harsh world. We will leave here and we will fly away to be with the One
Who died for us on B. v. 3 A New Song The 144,000 are
overcome with joy because they are in the presence of God and the Lamb. They
are overwhelmed and they burst into song. They sing a song that is unique to
them. It is a new song and no one is qualified to sing it but them! The word learn
means to understand. No one can understand their song because no one
has had their experiences. (Note: A new song is mentioned some seven times in the Old
Testament. It is always used as a means to praise the Lord for some great,
amazing thing He has done, I went down that day singing the song of
the broken hearted lost sinner. I came up singing “Amazing grace, how sweet the
sound, that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now I’m found, was blind
but now I see. Since that glorious day, God has been adding verses to
my song of praise! That day, I knew that He had saved me and that was about
all. Now, I can sing of His faithfulness, His blessings, His glory, His
goodness, His grace, His presence, and His provisions. I can sing because He
has changed my life and given me a new song. He has given me a song that is as
unique as I am. If you are saved, He has done the same for you! I can’t put every word of my song into
verse down here, but when I get home to glory, I will sing the new, new song
with glory in my soul. I will have the vocabulary and the means with which to
praise Him in glory! While I may not be able to sing the whole
song now, I do want to lift my voice ad share the parts I can put into words. I
want to praise Him for saving my soul! He is worthy of our love and praise!)
I. They Are A Rescued Army II. They Are a Rejoicing Army III.
v. 4-5 THEY ARE A REDEEMED ARMY ( These next two verses describe these men.
What the Bible says about them should be true of every saint of God. These men
have not even been saved yet, but their dedication to the Lord Jesus already
serves as a model for every believer.) A. v. 4a They Are Spotless We are told
that these men have maintained their physical purity. They have not fallen prey
to the sins of the flesh that will mark the last days. Beyond that, they
have not succumbed to the spiritual fornication that will run rampant in the
world during the Tribulation days. The world will go after the “great
whore, Rev. 14:8; Rev. 17:1,
but these men will state separated and holy during an apostate age. (Note: God expects the same from His children in all ages.
His command is for us to stay separate from this wicked world, B. v. 4b They Are Surrendered These
144,000 preachers had followed the Lord Jesus wherever He lad them. They did
not turn back through fear. They did not turn away from their task, even though
it was dangerous and costly. They stayed the course. They followed the Lamb.
The word follow means to be in the same way as. These men
walked in the ways of the Lord. They made His way their way and they stayed the
course for the glory of God. (Note: Again, this is just what God expects from each one of
us. He saved us to walk in His will and to follow His ways. He wants us to be
obedient, surrendered followers. He wants us to make His way our way! Of
course, this means that we have to see things the way He sees them and do
things the way He does them, (Ill. William Borden
was born into wealth as an heir to the Borden dairy fortune, but he soon
recognized true wealth was to be found in a different inheritance—being a child
of God and an heir with Christ. Borden lived a short but high-impact life. He
graduated high school at age 16 and quickly decided to become a missionary
after seeing the global need for Christ on a trip through Asia, the Middle
East, and After revolutionizing
the campus of After finishing
Princeton Seminary, Borden studied Arabic in God wants all of His
children to live lives of great impact, and He gave us the example of William
Borden as inspiration. No reservesSacrifice yourself, No retreatsPress on Phil. 3:14. After totally surrendering to God, you will face
distraction and discouragement that will make you want to revoke your sacrifice
and not follow God’s will. Stay focused on God and rely on His resurrection
power to reach forward for what lies ahead. No regretsFinish the course C. v 4c They Are Symbolic These
144,000 were chosen, saved and sealed at the beginning of the Tribulation. They
went out and preached the Gospel to the ends of the earth. Just as the first sheaves of grain were
taken into the I cannot imagine how hard the ministry of
these men is going to be. It is hard in these days, but it will be far harder
then. What a comfort it is to know that God is going to use them to reap a vast
harvest of souls during the Tribulation. Only in Heaven will they know the
impact of their ministry. (Note: By the way, the same is true of us! We will not know
until we arrive home in glory just how the Lord has used our lives. Therefore,
let is stay the course for His glory and allow Him to use us when and where He
sees fit. Until He calls us home, may we “do the will of God from the heart, Eph. 6:6.) D. v. 5 They Are Sanctified These men
stand in the presence of God complete and perfect. The Bible says that there
was no guile found in them. The word guile means deceit.
The word was used to speak of something that was a decoy. Something that
gave the appearance of being real but wasnt. These men claimed to be the
servants of Almighty God and their walk matched their words. They were not
fakes; they were the real deal! The word “fault
means blemish. These men had no flaws in their lives that could be pointed
out by men. Now, even in the presence of God, they are declared faultless by
Him! (Note: Again, there is a word here for saints living in this day
and age. Like the 144,000 our walk is to match our words. We should live out
before men what we claim to be before God, You
and I are faulty at best. We all fail and fall short of the glory of God down
here. There is coming a day when this evil flesh will drop away forever and we
will stand perfect and without fault in His presence! What a day that will be!) Conc: |
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Copyright 2003 by Alan Carr |