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No claims of absolute originality are made for this material. As one man said, "I milk a lot of cows, but I churn my own butter." Please use these sermons as the Lord leads, but nothing on this site may be used for profit without my expressed, written permission!
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WINNER Intro: We are
entering the final section of the book of Romans. Throughout this great book, Paul has
been dealing with the great doctrinal themes of the Christian faith. He has struck a note so clear and so
powerful that there is no disputing his logic, or doubting his conclusions. Now, as he nears the end of his letter
to the Roman Christians, he begins to speak of things that are personal in
nature. Before he closes, Paul
wants to share his heart and his motives for service with the believers in
One of the great
things that becomes clear about this man from this passage is the fact that he
has a heart for the lost. Paul was
a great preacher, of that there is no doubt. Paul was a prolific writer. After all, his pen gave us 14 of the 27
books of the New Testament. Paul
was a pioneer missionary. He
traveled from place to place starting churches and feeding the sheep of the
Lord. Yet, running through all of
this was the fact that Paul had a deep, burning desire to see men saved. Everywhere this man journeyed, he told
men about Jesus. When he was
chained as a prisoner of In the verses we
have read this evening, Paul’s heart becomes as a soul winner becomes very
clear. As he shares his personal
thoughts with us, he also paints a portrait of what a soul winner is. He tells us How
To Recognize A Soul Winner.
Now, I may be wrong, but I believe that within the heart of every person
who is saved by grace, there is the desire to see men saved! I know that is what I want tonight! I believe that is what you want as
well. If that be the case, then
let’s look into the heart of the great Apostle and learn How
To Recognize A Soul Winner this evening. Let’s see if we are the type of people
God can use to being men to Jesus Christ.
( brother. And, after having shared some of the
most profound doctrines of the faith, and after admonishing them to do what he says, Paul takes
a minute to encourage them in the Lord.
He wants them to know that he believes in them and in their heart for the
Lord. As he lists their
characteristics, we need to see that what he says about those people should be
true about every person who has a desire to bring men to Jesus
Christ.) A. They Possess Heavenly Life
Pauls first statement to them is that they are full
of goodness. This,
of course, simply means that they are filled with a goodness that only comes
from the Lord. These Roman
Christians were just like everyone else who has ever lived. They were born into this world as wicked
sinners in need of a Savior. As
members of the human race, there was no good dwelling in them at all,
Now, the most
important characteristic of a soul winner is that he or she be saved by the
grace of God. Perhaps one of the
reasons that many are not used of the Lord to bring men to Jesus is the fact
that they themselves have never been born again! There is not burden for the sinner on
their heart. There is no reality to
their testimony. Their life does
not point men to Jesus, because they do not know Him. By the way, your life is either an
advertisement for the Lord Jesus Christ, or it is a statement that the Gospel
doesn’t work, Phil. 1:27. So, the number one characteristic for a
soul winner is that he is filled with a goodness that comes from being
saved! B. They Possess Heavenly Learning
Now Paul tells them that they have knowledge of spiritual
things. I think the knowledge he is referring to
has to do with knowing the Word of God.
One of the necessary ingredients in the life of any soul winner is the
ingredient of knowing the Word of God.
As we study the Word of God, it creates within us a desire to see men
saved. Why? Because it is in the
pages of the Bible that we learn that men are lost sinners in need of a
Savior. We learn that these lost
men are headed to Hell without God.
We learn that just as God loved us and saved us, He will do the same for
them if they will trust Him to do it.
It is there that we also learn how to tell men about Jesus. We learn that the most powerful
witnessing tool we have is His Word.
It will speak to hearts and it will bring men to
Friends, our
study and increasing knowledge of the Bible ought to birth a desire in our
hearts to see people saved. If it
doesn’t then we should ask ourselves if we really believe the Word of God or
not! I mean, how can we learn of
men going to Hell and not be moved?
How can we see their lost condition and it not break our hearts? There is something fundamentally wrong
with people growing fat on the Word of God and not sharing the message with
those who do not know Jesus! C. They Possess Heavenly Love
Paul moves deeper by telling them that their goodness and knowledge are to be used to “admonish one another. This is a word that means, “to
rebuke, to warn, to exhort.”
In the New Testament, it often refers to the ministry of the Pastor, who
is called upon to “admonish the church. That is, he is to warn them, exhort or
encourage them and, from time to time, he must rebuke them. The idea is that of communicating the
truth of God to someone in order to help them in their own personal walk. There are times when this word is used
of the Christian community, Col.
3:16. It speaks of the
necessity of Christians “rebuking, warning and exhorting one
another. By the way, this is one of
the missing components in the modern church! Most believers don’t have the love for
their fellow believers or the courage to go up to them when they see error in
their lives. Most believers don’t
have the grace to accept it either! I think the idea
that is in view here is loving another person enough to tell them the
truth. When a Pastor loves the
church he pastors, he will tell them the truth, even when it hurts! When believers love one another, they
will speak to each other in truth.
Now, if we move into the realm of soul winning, which is our focus this
evening, Paul is telling us to love the sinner enough to tell them the
truth! This was what Paul did, Acts What creates
within us this great a love for the lost that we will go and tell them about
Jesus? Nothing less than a great
love for Jesus Himself will produce this. Instead of praying for a burden for the
lost, I think the church needs to fall in love with Jesus all over again. When we do, there will flow from us His
love for the lost. There will dwell
within our hearts His burden for the lost.
When we love Jesus more than anything, His love will reach out through us
to reach this world for His glory! (Ill. Dr. Jerry Vines shares the following story that
illustrates this truth perfectly.
There was a little deaf boy named Bud Walker who did not have the
opportunity that our deaf people have today to have interpreters and all of
these things. And so, as a teenage
boy, he had reached his teen years and was not a Christian. They had tried, in every
means possible, to get the Gospel over to him, but
they didn't have interpreters, and the kinds of things we have
today. But somehow the
Holy Spirit of God was still able to break through. And somehow the Spirit of God touched
his heart in a revival meeting, early in the week. And so, Bud Walker came walking down the
aisle and bowed upon his knees. And
they prayed around him and in a little while the Lord Jesus came into his
heart. And Bud was so
thrilled that Jesus was in his heart, but he couldn't articulate. And so Bud began to point to his heart
and point toward heaven. He'd point
to heaven and then he'd point to his heart, and he would smile, and they knew
that Jesus had come into his heart. But that's not
the end of the story. Throughout
the rest of that week, Bud Walker was used of God to win more people to Christ
in that revival than any other person in the building. And here's what he would do. During the invitation, Bud Walker, who
could not talk, would walk to some person in the congregation who knew and loved
him; he'd put his arms around them and he'd press them for just a little
bit. And then he'd point his hand
toward heaven, and then he'd point towards his heart
and he'd point toward their heart, and he'd point toward the aisle. And there they'd go down the aisle,
receiving Jesus. And one after one,
he'd point toward heaven, he'd point to his heart and their
heart, and down toward the
aisle. And I read that
story and I thought to myself, "Lord, here I am with a good voice, here I am
with a mind that's able to think, here I am with a body
that is healthy. Oh, God, help me
to engage in the ministry of admonition to the lost, to get into the hearts
of lost people and to take the love
of Jesus which is in my heart and put it in their hearts.") As we prepare to leave this thought behind, how are
you doing thus far? Do you possess
a Heavenly Life, a Heavenly Learning and a Heavenly Love? Those are the characteristics of a soul
winner! II. v. 15-16
( the language of the priesthood and
the Tabernacle to remind us that we are all priests in the Lord’s work, 1 Pet. 2:5. As
priests, we all have certain responsibilities that we are to perform. Paul
speaks about the responsibilities of the Christian priest in these
verses.) A. They Are Engaged In A Proclaiming
Work Paul says that he is a minister. This word refers to one who “is
busied with holy things.
It carries the idea of a person engaged in the public ministries of
God. Paul is simply saying that he
has busied himself with the spreading of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to a lost
and dying world. This is what he
means by the phrase “ministering the Gospel. Paul has been busy spreading the
word! As we pass
through this world, there will be no greater calling than that of being a soul
winner! It is greater than that of
president. It overshadows that of
preacher. There is nothing as vital
and wonderful as the ministry of sharing the Gospel of grace with a lost and
dying world. What is so great about
it is that every Christian is called to it! Only a few get to preach, but every
child of God gets to be a soul winner, Acts 1:8. Wherever you go in this life, the Lord
has placed you there to tell others about Him and about His plan of
salvation. That place where you
work, that community where you live, that little Sunday School class, wherever
it may be, God has placed you there as a minister of the Gospel. You are His priest in that place and He
wants you to be busy with holy things.
And, friends, there is nothing as holy and as sacred as being involved in
telling a dying world about a living Lord! B. They Are Engaged In A Priestly Work
Verse 16 shows Paul as a
priest going about his sacred
duties. One of the primary duties of the priest
was that of intercession. The
priest would enter the Tabernacle and place incense on the altar of incense and
as the smoke arose before the Lord, he would place the names of the people,
which he wore across his chest, before the Lord in prayer. This speaks to the church tonight! One of the reasons we are so ineffective
in bringing men to Jesus is that we have not gotten them in our hearts! We have not labored for them before the
Lord, with a burden on our souls for their salvation. We have not become broken by their need
and moved by their lost condition.
We will never see souls saved in abundance until we learn to weep over
them before the Lord, until we learn to carry them in our hearts, until we are
consumed with a burden for their birth!
Notice Isaiah 66:8, “Who hath heard such a thing? who hath seen
such things? Shall the earth be made to bring forth in one day? or shall a nation be born at once?
for as soon as
( And then Brother Appleman
looked at her and he said, "Lady, I do not want to be unkind to you but I'm
going to tell you why your boys are not saved." And she said, "Oh, please tell me." And he said, "Madam, your boys are not
saved because your eyes are dry."
And the lady turned and walked away. And that struck her heart -- "Your eyes
are dry." And she didn't go to sleep that night. She spent that night in prayer to God,
and she wept and she prayed and got a broken heart for her two lost teenage
boys. And the next morning at the breakfast table, when the
older boy came to the table and sat down, she began to just pour out her
heart. She'd cried and prayed all
night for his soul and she said, "Oh, son, more than anything else in the world,
I want you to be saved." And the
younger boy came and heard what she was saying and ran from the room. The older boy was
saved. And later on that afternoon, the younger boy came and
said, "Mother, I want you to know I've accepted Jesus as my Savior this
afternoon." He said, "Mother, I got
up during the night, I couldn't sleep.
I went to get a drink of water and I passed by your room. And, mother, I heard you crying and I
thought you were sick. And, mother,
I stepped into your room and I saw you prostrate on the carpet, and I heard you
praying and I heard you calling my name.
And, mama, when I heard you talking to my brother at the table this
morning, I couldn't stand it anymore, I was under such deep conviction. And, mother, I ran to my room and I've
accepted Jesus as my Savior.")
Friends, that is
how we will see sinners saved! We
have dry eyes! C. They Are Engaged In A Presenting Work
Every priest must have a sacrifice that he can offer to the
Lord. Of course, the first sacrifice we are to
offer is ourselves on the altar of service,
As hard as it may
be for us to hear, the truth is this: you can tell how much a person loves Jesus
by how much he shares the Gospel.
You can tell how in love a church is with Jesus by looking at the
redeemed souls they lay on the altar for the glory of the Lord! Some might protest and say, “But, isn’t
it God that saves souls?”
Absolutely! It does not
happen apart from His sovereign grace and will. However, He does allow His people to be
involved. He burdens our hearts,
fills us with the message and uses us to tell a world about His saving
grace. May the Lord help us to
arrive at the place where we are willing to be used to bring men to
Jesus. III. v. 17
WINNER A. They Experience Rejoicing On A Personal
Level Paul says that he has a reason to glory or rejoice in what the Lord
is doing through his life. Without
a doubt, one of the secrets to a happy Christian life is that of being used of
the Lord to bring men to faith in Jesus.
This is seen in Psalm 126:6,
“He that goeth
forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall
doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him. If you want to be happy in the
Lord, then start telling people about Jesus! By the way,
nothing will transform a dead, dry church any quicker than souls being
( B. They Experience Rejoicing On A Profound
Level Paul says that, on a spiritual level, all the glory belongs to Jesus. Paul never really won a soul, Jesus did
it through him. Therefore, all the
glory must go to the Lord Jesus and to Him alone! Therefore, when a soul is saved on
visitation, or in one of these services around here, we need to slip off
somewhere and thank the Lord for using us and for letting us see Him work in
such a powerful manner. Beyond
that, we need to be quick to give the Lord public glory for the work He has done
as well. What thrills my
soul, as much as it terrifies me, is the thought that nothing eternal is ever
done in the church apart from the work of the Lord Jesus in our midst. Therefore, when we are seeing folks
saved, it means that He is pleased to be working among us. That is good! However, when we do not see people
saved, what does that say about our church? Does it mean that for whatever reason,
the Lord has chosen not to work among us for the time being? I suppose it does! Therefore, when the well dries up, so to
speak, and souls are not being saved, we need to get before Him and ask Him to
show us our hearts. It may be that
we are not in love with Him as we should be. It may mean that we have allowed our
priorities to get out of line. It
may mean that we need a revival. Oh
that we would be so burdened of the lost that when they are not being saved, we
would get before God and find out why! Conc: My
friends, the greatest calling the Lord ever gave His church was that of bringing
men to Jesus. I want you to know
that we, as individuals and as a church, are not doing a very good job of
getting the Gospel out into the world.
May the Lord help those who really love Jesus to renew their commitment
to Him this evening. May He help us
to fall madly in love with Him all over again so that He might use this church
to reach men for the glory of God. A church that isn’t telling men and
women about Jesus Christ is a church that does not deserve to exist! God help you and me to get about the
business of being soul winners.
What does God want to do in your life tonight? Are you going to let Him do
it? |
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Copyright 2003 by Alan Carr |