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No claims of absolute originality are made for this material. As one man said, "I milk a lot of cows, but I churn my own butter." Please use these sermons as the Lord leads, but nothing on this site may be used for profit without my expressed, written permission!
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Ephesians 2:14-18 HE IS OUR PEACE Intro: Our
world is a world differences. There are political differences that result in
war, division, and strive, both in America and around the world. There are
social differences in areas like homosexuality, abortion, and different ways of
living. These differences cause division. There are differences in the home.
Sometimes there is fighting between spouses, between children, between parents
and children, and between extended members of the family. These differences
translate into divisions. Sadly, there are also differences in the church.
Differences in styles of worship, doctrinal beliefs, types of music, dress
codes, and countless other differences, cause divisions in the church. In this chapter, Paul is attempting to teach us
that in Christ, all our differences are put to death. While the world may fight
their wars, society may argue over their different agendas, and homes may be
divided, the church is a place where unity and peace should prevail. In Jesus
Christ, there is a oneness that that brings all
believers together on common ground of faith in Jesus Christ. Having told us in verses 1-12 about the
richness of our past and our loss condition, Paul tells us in verse 13
that we who sometimes were far off are made nigh by
the blood of Christ. I would remind you, that this section of chapter 2
is dealing with the body of Christ. It is doing with the fact that the body of
Christ is made up of both redeemed Jews and Gentiles. These two groups were the
avowed enemies of one another. This is illustrated in verse 11. The differences
between the Jew and the Gentile are driven home clearly by the words of verse 12.
Then, verse
13 gives us the glorious news that Jesus, through shedding of
his blood, has reached out to those who were lost in sin, and has brought them
near to God. In the passage before us today, Paul teaches us
that in Jesus, there is no more Jew or Gentile; there is only Christ and those
who are in Him. Many years ago one of the early church fathers named Clement of
Alexandria said, We who worship God in a new way, as the third
race, are Christians. Paul wants us to know that in Jesus,
those who were formally at war made to be at peace. We have peace with both men
and with God in Jesus Christ. I want to take this passage, and preaching the
thought He Is Our Peace. These
verses teach some lessons then we need to take
to heart.
I. v.
tells us that Christ is our peace.
when the prophet Isaiah spoke of the coming Christ, he called Him, the Prince of Peace, Isa. 9:6. When Paul says, He is
our peace, he is telling us that Jesus is the ground of peace
for both the Jew and the Gentile. In other words, the Jews could never earn
peace with God through their rituals, their sacrifices, or their attempts at
keeping the Law. Regardless of what they did, they would still be sinners in
His sight. By the same token, the Gentiles had no way to even approach God, so
they had no hope of securing peace with Him through any means. What the Law could not do; what the sacrifices
could not accomplish, what works of the flesh could not make a reality; Jesus
did accomplished when He died on the cross. We are told that Jesus hath broken down the middle wall of partition.
The phrase broken down means to dissolve something coherent into parts; to destroy.
In dying, Jesus brought some things to an abrupt end. Notice what He destroyed
when He died. A. He Destroyed
A Social Wall - Paul mentions the
middle wall of partition. This refers to the wall that stood
between the Court of the Gentiles and the Court of Israel in the ancient
temple. This wall was about 4 feet tall, with several openings. Archeologists
have recovered a sign that once hung on that wall. In fact, history teaches us
that the same sign hung beside every entrance into the Jewish area of the
Temple. Those signs were written in Hebrew, Greek and Latin. The signs said: No foreigner may enter within the barricade which surrounds
the sanctuary and enclosure. Anyone who is caught doing so will have himself to
blame for his ensuing death. That sign was symbolic of the division that
existed between the Jew and the Gentile. They were on opposite sides of a great
social wall, and there was no common ground between them. When Jesus died, He
dismantled that wall and brought the Jew and the Gentile together in Himself. For those who do not know the Lord Jesus, those
old walls still exist. Having been to the Western Wall on the Temple Mount in
Jerusalem, I can testify to the fact that the presence of Gentiles in that area
considered so sacred by the Jews is merely tolerated, and not encouraged. Those
Jews came to that ancient wall to pray and to insert prayers written on tiny
slips of paper into the cracks in the stones. They were there in their
traditional garments, their robes, with the Scriptures in leather boxes on
their foreheads and their forearms. We were required to cover our heads before
we approached the wall. Some of us came near that wall and prayed for the Jews
and for the peace of Jerusalem. As soon
as we walked away from the wall, Jews came in behind us and prayed over the
spots where the Gentile dogs had dared touch the sacred wall. Those divisions
still exist, and will until Jesus comes. But, for those who know the Lord, they have
discovered that all the walls of division have been torn down forever. In
Jesus, there is no Jew and there is no Gentile. There is only the Christian,
the redeemed believer in Christ. Notice a couple of powerful verses that teach this
truth. · Col. 3:11, Where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor
uncircumcision, Barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free: but Christ is all, and in
all. · Gal. 3:28, There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor
free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. This does not mean that we lose our national,
religious, social or sexual identity in Christ. It simply means that no person
has any advantage over any other person. In Christ, there is only believer and
unbeliever! That should cause us to examine our prejudices a little more
carefully. We are better than no one else in the eyes of Jesus. Jesus Christ
destroys social walls! B. He Destroyed
A Spiritual Wall - Verse 15 says, Having
abolished in His flesh the enmity. the word enmity means hostility.
The source of the enmity between the Jew and
the Gentile rested in the law of
commandments, contained in the ordinances. The Jews despised
the Gentiles because they dishonored and disregarded the Law of God. The
Gentiles despised the Jews because they sought to keep the Law. The Jews with
their strict dietary laws, their laws of dress, and their laws governing every
aspect of their social and religious lives hated the Gentiles who lived outside
the Law and did as they pleased. The Law stood as a great wall of division
between the two groups. While there was great hostility between the Jew
and the Gentile, and between all kinds of people for all kinds of reasons for
that matter, the greatest hostility existed between God and man. All men,
regardless of whether they were Jews or Gentiles, were sinners and stood guilty
before a Holy God, Rom. 3:10-23. They were all guilty of
violating His Law, thus they were all destined to face His wrath, Rom. 6:23.
Here is what the Jews never considered, and what
the Gentiles never knew, For as many as
are of the works of the law are under the curse: for it is written, Cursed is
every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of
the law to do them, Gal. 3:10. When Jesus Christ came and died on the cross, He
tore down the social walls between the Jews and the Gentiles, and He tore down
the spiritual walls between lost sinners and holy God. Jesus Christ takes both
Jews and Gentiles to make in Himself one new man.
The Lord took these two people groups who were so opposite, and so opposed to
one another, and created a brand new person. He takes sinners and makes from
them the Body of Christ. Chrysostom, the great preacher of the early church
said that it is as if God took one statue of silver and another of lead, threw
them into a furnace and they came out a statue of gold. Not only have they
become one, they have been made better. In Christ, our differences disappear. We are made
right with God, apart from the deeds of the Law, and we are made right with one
another. In Jesus, everything that stands between people is destroyed. In
Jesus, everything that stands between sinners and God is destroyed. Paul says that Jesus Christ abolished
in His flesh the enmity. The word abolished
means to render inoperative; to deprive of force
or power. In other words, by fully keeping the Law of God,
Jesus fulfilled the Law of God. Now, ...Christ is the end
of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth, Rom. 10:4.
Through His death, Jesus has rendered the Law
inoperative. It holds no claim over us any longer. We are free from its power
to condemn. It serves the purpose of exposing our sins. What shall we say
then? Is the law sin? God forbid. Nay, I had not known sin, but by the law: for
I had not known lust, except the law had said, Thou shalt not covet. But sin,
taking occasion by the commandment, wrought in me all manner of concupiscence.
For without the law sin was dead. For I was alive without the law once: but
when the commandment came, sin revived, and I died, Rom. 7:7-9.
The Law serves as a necessary teacher to bring us
to Jesus, But
before faith came, we were kept under the law, shut up unto the faith which
should afterwards be revealed. Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring
us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith. But after that faith is
come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster. For ye are all
the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you as have
been baptized into Christ have put on Christ, Gal. 3:23-27.
And, in Jesus, There is therefore now no condemnation to
them which are in Christ Jesus..., Rom. 8:1.
In Him, we are freed from the Law! Ill. For sin shall not
have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace,
Rom. 6:14. Illustration: In 1961 the East Germans built a wall around
West Berlin, Germany. This wall cut West Berlin off from the rest of Germany.
Families and friends were separated for a generation by this wall. East German
guards patrolled the wall and killed hundreds, including whole families, who
tried to cross the wall to freedom in the West. On Nov. 9, 1989, the East German government
announced that East Berliners could pass through the wall to visit people in
the West. A celebratory atmosphere broke out with both East and West Berliners
climbing onto the wall. In a short time, souvenir hunters began to chip away at
the wall. Before long, the governments of both East and West Germany dismantled
the wall completely. This led to the reunification of Germany in 1990. If you were watching television when that wall
came down, you have a small glimpse of what Paul is trying to teach us here.
When the wall fell, the people from both East and West crossed the no-mans
land where the wall had stood. these former enemies
embraced one another in a spirit of unity. When Jesus broke down the walls between the Jew
and the Gentile, He made it possible for long time enemies to be brought
together as friends. He made it possible for lost, wretched sinners to be
embraced by God. He made reconciliation possible on every level of life! Praise
His name!
I. What Jesus Destroyed II.
v. 16
JESUS DID Having told us what Jesus destroyed, Paul now
tells us how He did it, and what He did when He for us in what He did. A. He
Accomplished Our Reconciliation - The word reconcile
means, to bring to a state of harmony.
The Lord Jesus, in His death, destroyed the walls of separation that stood
between Jew and Gentile, and between man and God. He was able to take all
warring parties, and bring them together, in Himself, making eternal peace. He has brought man together with man and He has
brought man together with God. The ultimate goal of the Lord Jesus was not to
settle a dispute between warring human parties. His ultimate goal was to
reconcile sinners to God. His ultimate goal was to take lost, Hell bound
sinners, and make them one with God, in Himself. He accomplished this when He
died. B. He
Accomplished Our Redemption - Jesus did all this when He gave
Himself as the perfect sacrifice for sin on the cross at Calvary. In giving His
perfect life for sinner on the cross, Jesus has slain
the enmity. The word slain
means, to kill, to utterly abolish.
When Jesus Christ died on the cross, He delivered all those who believe in Him
from the power of the Law and from the penalty of sin. He
did this by: 1. By becoming
subject to the Law – But when the
fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made
under the law, To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive
the adoption of sons, Gal. 4:4-5. 2. By bearing its
penalty - Christ hath
redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is
written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree, Gal. 3:13.
His Own Body, Who his own self bare our sins in his own
body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness:
by whose stripes ye were healed, 1 Pet. 2:24. On
the cross, And you, that were sometime alienated and
enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now hath he reconciled. In the body of his flesh through death, to present you holy and
unblameable and unreproveable in his sight, Col
1:21-22. And you, being
dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath he quickened together
with him, having forgiven you all trespasses; Blotting out the handwriting of
ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of
the way, nailing it to his cross, Col. 2:13-14. 3. By offering
Himself in the place of sinners - For he
hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the
righteousness of God in him, 2 Cor. 5:21. Thats
what He did and what it cost Him to do it!
I. What Jesus Destroyed II.
Jesus Did III. v. 17-18 WHAT JESUS
DELIVERED A. v. 17 He Delivered
A Message Of Peace - The word peace
appears in this passage three times, vv. 14, 15, 17. Peace between people speaks
of harmony, unity and concord. That is what
Jesus accomplished between the Jew and the Gentile. In verse 17 it speaks of
the peace between man and God. It refers to a
tranquil state of a soul assured of its salvation through Christ, and so
fearing nothing Him and content with its earthly lot, of whatever sort it is. The word preached
is the same word often translated Gospel.
Literally, it is The Good News. Paul is
telling us that the Lord Jesus Christ secured peace with God through His death
on the cross, and that He has gone out to both the Jew and the Gentile
declaring the Good News that they both can be saved from their sins. That Good News still stands today! Those who come
to Jesus Christ for salvation always find a willing Savior, John 6:37.
Those who come to Him will be brought into a state of perpetual peace with God
Almighty. They will experience complete forgiveness for and freedom from their
sins. They will find that they are reconciled to God and adopted into His
family. They will experience His power to forgive them, save them, deliver
them, secure them and change them forever. That is the Good News preached by
the Lord Himself. By the way, unless He preaches that Good News to the lost
heart, that soul will never be saved, John 6:44. B. v. 18 He Delivered
A Message Of Permission - through Jesus, and through what He did
on the cross, we have access
to God. The word access means, the act of moving to; or of bringing to.
In other words, when we come to Jesus Christ by faith, we are placed in a
position of being brought to God. This
word is used three times in the New Testament, Rom. 5:2; Eph.
3:12. Each time, it refers to the believers access to God. The
word refers to a court official who was responsible for introducing people to
the monarch. That person controlled access to the king. Jesus Christ is our access to the Father, John 14:6.
He controls access to God. Jesus Christ is able to take us where we could never
take ourselves. Our sins stood as an impossibly high barrier between God and us,
Isa. 59:2.
When Jesus died on the cross, He tore that wall down. He reached out and
claimed us, and He brought us to God. Illustration: Many years ago in England a young boy by the
name of William stood at the gate of Buckingham Palace. He stood there for most
of the day, wanting to see the King of England. He didnt really want to ask
for anything, he merely wanted to meet the King. There were several obstacles that stood between
young William and the King. There was the wall around the palace. There were
the gates, and the guards. There were the policemen who stood nearby. All those
things conspired to prevent William from getting a glimpse of the King. After a while, a policeman told William it was
time for him to leave and go home. William pleaded to be allowed to see the
King. The policeman told him that it was impossible; he could not go in. About that time, the policeman snapped to
attention, and the gate swung open. A young man walked passed the policeman and
took William by the hand and together they walked through the gate. The young stranger showed William all the
highlights of the palace. After a while, they came to a door and walked in.
William could not believe his eyes! There, right before him, was the King of
England. The young stranger said, Father,
I have here a young boy who wants to meet you. Meet my friend William. William,
meet the King. William didnt know it, but his new friend was
Edward, the Prince of Wales. By meeting the son, William had access to the
father. That is exactly what Paul said in Eph. 2:13.
We could never get to God own our on. Left to ourselves, we would have
continued to wander around in the blindness, deadness and lostness of our sin.
But, came to us and took us where we could not go on our own. He brought us to
God! Now, He welcomes us at any time. Ill. Heb. 4:16, Let us
therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and
find grace to help in time of need. Conc: I am thankful for what Jesus did in bringing us
to God. I praise Him that He has made us one with Him and with one another.
That is a message the whole world, Jew or Gentile, saved or lost, needs to
hear! Another reason we so desperately need this
teaching is because artificial barriers often divide the church, just as they
do the world. We allow issues to divide us. Many in the church, especially here
in the South, are racist and prejudiced against others because of their skin
color or their ethnic background; this should not be. Some believe that anyone
who isnt exactly like them is absolutely wrong, and this is an attitude that
should not be tolerated in the church. Jesus died to erase our distinctions. He died to
take us out of Adam; He died to take the Jew out of Abraham. He died to make us
one in Him. Until we come to the place, we are willing to walk as one in Jesus,
the church will never experience His presence or His power in the way we need
those things. Until we come to a place of unity, we will always be less than
Jesus saved us to be. If you know there is peace between you and God,
you should come before Him to praise Him for His grace in your life. But, if
you know there is still a wall of partition between you and God, you should bow
to Him today and be saved. If you know that there is a division between you
and a true brother or sister in Christ, you need to deal with that both
horizontally and vertically so that God and His power might be revealed through
your life. |
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Copyright 2003 by Alan Carr |