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No claims of absolute originality are made for this material. As one man said, "I milk a lot of cows, but I churn my own butter." Please use these sermons as the Lord leads, but nothing on this site may be used for profit without my expressed, written permission!
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Ephesians 5:19-20 SPIRIT-FILLED WORSHIP Intro: In verse 18, the Lord issues a
very difficult command. He tells us that we are to be filled with the Spirit. This means
that we are to yield to control of our lives to the Spirit of God. He is to be
given the reigns of our lives, and He is to be allowed to dictate every
thought, every action, and every decision in life. Since we are so filled with
ourselves, and the wickedness of our flesh, we all have a hard time making this
command a reality in our lives. Still, we are to reach for the goal of living a
Spirit-filled life. Beginning at verse 19,
and continuing through the end of the book, we are given a description of what
the Spirit-filled life looks like. We are told what it looks like in our
marriages, our families, our work life, and in our struggle with the enemy.
But, I find it interesting that when Paul begins to describe the Spirit-filled
life, he does not begin with evangelism, preaching, giving, holiness, or with
any of the other matters upon which we place so much importance. When Paul
begins to describe the Spirit-filled life, he begins with the way we worship
God. The reason he does this
simple: your worship is a window into your heart! When your heart is right with
the Lord, your worship will be pleasing to the Lord. The easiest way to know
where you really stand with the Lord is to take a close, hard look at how you
worship Him. When the heart is right, the worship will be right also. It is not a stretch to say
that ones worship reveals the condition of ones heart. Did you notice that verses 18-21
are all one sentence? In that sentence, Paul connects being filled with the
Holy Spirit with proper worship, having a thankful heart, walking in the fear
of the Lord, and being in a right relationship with other believers. So, when I
am filled with the Holy Spirit, I will be thankful; I will have a reverential
fear of the Lord; I will walk humbly with my fellow believers; and I will
worship in a manner pleasing to the Lord. I would like for us to park
in verse 19
and 20 today. I want to preach about Spirit-Filled Worship. I want to show you
what it looks like, and why we should be engaged in it on a continual basis.
Notice the clear statements
made in these verses about Spirit-Filled
Worship. I.
SPIRIT-FILLED WORSHIP We all have certain
expectations when it comes to worship. I know people who see worship as time
when they are to sit quietly and meditate on the presence and glory of the
Lord. I know others who believer that you arent worshiping unless someone is
shouting, running the aisles, or jumping pews. Either approach works fine if
the Lord is in in, but I believer that true, biblical worship falls somewhere
in the middle. In fact, verse 19 tells us exactly what Spirit-Filled Worship looks and sounds
like. To comprehend all that Paul
is saying here, we need to examine the words he uses in this verse. Part of our worship involves
speaking to yourselves. The
word speaking is the Greek
word laleo. The word refers
to a sound made by a movement of the tongue.
Literally, it means, la la la la te da.
It just speaks of verbal expressions. So, it means to speak, to use your words. This implies that one cannot
participate in public worship and remain silent. The command is speaking to yourselves. If we are going
to fulfill the command in this verse, we must open our mouths, move our tongues
and allow sounds to come out. Since Paul speaks about psalms, hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making
melody in your heart to the Lord, he is talking about singing.
Singing is a verbal medium. If we are going to sing, as a part of the worship
of God, it implies that we must open our mouths and let sounds issue forth. In other words, the word speaking requires involvement. One cannot
participate in the verbal worship of the Lord if the tongue does not move, and
if sounds are not made. By the way, the word speaking is a present tense, active voice verb. It
means that we are to be speaking to one another in verbal expressions of
worship all the time. Nothing is more indicative of a Spirit-filled life than a
heart overflowing with joy and spilling out in song. All through life extreme
happiness fills us with the desire to sing. The presence of the Spirit does the
same thing in the life of the believer. When the Holy Spirit is in control of a
life, one thing He will fill that life with is joy. When joy is given a voice,
it always expresses itself in songs of praise to the glory of God. A
Spirit-filled Christian will be a singing Christian! Paul now mentions three types
of verbal expressions of worship we are to use. Psalms - The word refers to Scripture set to music. This is referring to the
Psalms of the Old Testament and to other ancient Psalms that we popular in the
early church. The early church did not possess hymnals like we do. They took
the Psalms and set them to music, singing them in their public gatherings. When our worship is
Spirit-filled and directed, He will cause us to sing songs to one another that
are based in Scripture. Every song we sing in the church should be biblical in
its content. Every song should be laid alongside the Bible to ensure that it is
accurate and doctrinally true. We should not sing a song just because it has a
pleasant, catchy melody, or because it is popular. We should sing only those
songs that are scriptural and doctrinally accurate. When we sing songs that are
scriptural, we reinforce the truths of the Bible. Psalms help us learn the Word
of God. A couple that come to mind are, How
Excellent Is Thy Name, by Tom Hayes, which is a musical rendering of Psalm 8,
and From The Rising Of The Sun,
by Mark Miller, which is from Psalm 113. Hymns - In the Greek language, this word referred to a song uttered in praise of a god. It is
a song of celebration.
Literally, the word speaks of a song with
religious content. So, a hymn is a song written to celebrate
God, His Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. Hymns are filled with religious
content. They declare the glory of God. They speak of His salvation. They talk
about the glories and wonders of Heaven. They describe His beauty. Hymns are
songs that cause believers to celebrate the truth. Through the centuries, the
church has used hymns to teach truth. In the days when people did not own
Bibles, preachers and talented people wrote hymns that were brimming with
biblical truth, when these songs were sung and memorized by the church, the folk
in the church were educated in the truths of Gods word. We are living in a time when
much modern music is shallow and devoid of biblical truth. Thank God for the
old hymns of the faith that teach us truth and doctrine, Thank God for the old
hymns of the faith that reveal the glory of God. Songs like Amazing Grace, Rock of Ages, A Mighty Fortress, There
Is A Fountain, How Great Thou
Art, All Hail The Power Of
Jesus Name. Hundreds of others could be named. Just because the
trend today is away from the doctrinally rich hymns of yesterday, we do not
have to abandon them! We need to sing the great
hymns of the faith. We need to sing more of them. We need to sing a greater
variety of them. We need to learn them and teach them to a new generation. There
are so many great hymns that are being neglected, forgotten, and swept from our
memories. It is a shame that the church does not have a greater depth of love
for the hymns of the faith. Lets commit ourselves here
at Calvary to learning, and sharing the great hymns of the past. I would
propose that we learn a new hymn every month. We have a book filled with great,
scriptural songs that we do not sing. Lets commit ourselves to learning and
sining songs that celebrate God, His Word, His salvation, His Son, and all God
represents. Spiritual Songs - This refers to soulful music. This would
include choruses, lighter arrangements, and popular music. Theres Just Something About That Name, God Is So Good, and His Name Is Wonderful, all fall into this
category. So would songs like, There Is Coming
A Day, Id Rather Have Jesus,
New Grace, Farther Along, and Thanks To Calvary, to name a few. Sometimes
these songs hang around for a generation or two and then fade away. Others
endure through the ages. These songs serve to lift our hearts in joy and
adoration of the Lord. They help us to articulate the joy and love we feel for
the Lord in our hearts. So, Spirit-Filled Worship involves those who
know the Lord singing songs that honor and glorify Him. The music of the church
should be intensely biblical. Just because you like a song does not mean it
should be sung in the house of God. If it isnt based in Scripture, glorifying
to the Lord, or edifying to the church; it has no place in our worship. We need to be on guard when
it comes to the music we sing, and allow to be sung, in our church. I want to
say here that not all new songs are evil. We hear the word contemporary a lot. This word simply means new.
There was a day when Amazing Grace
was a contemporary song, simply because it was new. The age of a song should
not be the primary criterion by which we judge it. We should take the song and
place it alongside the Bible. Ask,
is it biblical? Does
it preach the Gospel? Does
it bring glory to the Lord? Does
it edify the church? Does
it teach eternal truth? Consider
the actual music that accompanies the words. Is it the type of music that
belongs in church? There are many new songs that
are fine for my car radio, or for my home, that have no business in my church. I believe that all of our
music should be scriptural, uplifting, and edifying. It should bring glory to
God. It should teach truth. It should not sound or feel like it belongs in the
world. When I say that, I am not just talking about music that sounds like rock
and roll. I am talking about so-called Christian music that sounds like country
music too. I am not a big fan of country music, so I am, by nature, not a big fan
of southern Gospel music. I would much rather hear blue grass. I like hymns and
classical music better than I like that. Thats me. I like all kinds of music,
except country! But. if it sounds like the world, I think it should be left in
the world. So, everything I listen to in private, I would not want played in
the church! If it glorifies God, bring it in to the church, and lets sing it! Ultimately, this is a
decision best left between the individual and the Lord. It is a decision best
left between a church and the Lord. We should never judge others just because
they use music we would reject. But, we have the responsibility to guard
against the introduction of music we find offensive in this church! Lets not miss the intent of
the writer here. He wants us to know that all kinds of musical expression have
their place in the worship of the Lord. He also wants us to know that a
Spirit-filled will always manifest itself in the singing of psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. I.
The Description Of Spirit-Filled Worship II.
V. 19b, 20 THE DEPTH OF
SPIRIT-FILLED WORSHIP Paul tells us that our
singing is to be from the heart. He says, singing
and making melody in your heart. The heart refers to the center of the emotions, thought and the will.
It speaks of the mind, of the area of life where we do our thinking. The word melody means to pluck or to twitch. It refers to the vibration of strings. It has the idea of
someone strumming a harp. In our day, it would speak about a piano, or a
guitar, or some other stringed instrument. When the string is plucked, it
begins to vibrate and it makes music. The picture here is of a
heart being strummed by the Holy Spirit. When the Lord strums the spiritual
strings of the heart, He will cause us to break forth into psalms, hymns and spiritual songs for His
glory. The whole idea here is that singing and worship that brings glory to God
always begins in the heart. It is more than a mere superficial, fleshly
response to life. This phrase refers to a deeper experience. When the heart is reminded of
Who God is and what the Lord has done for the saint of God, the strings of the
heart begin to vibrate. When the Lord makes His presence real, it is as if He
plucked the very strings of our heart, and makes it vibrate, producing music
that lifts others and glorifies the Lord! The heart must be filled with the
glory of the LOrd so the brain can engage the tongue and verbal worship can
take place. So, this implies that singing
should be more than a mere performance. Some people are gives musicians and
some are talented singers, and they can play and sing and mesmerize an audience
with their talents. If they are doing what they do simply because they are good
at it, it means nothing! Years ago, Joan and I went
with some friends to a Christian supper club to have dinner and to hear a
famous Southern Gospel group sing. The dinner was good, and the singing was
good. At the time it struck me as being very spiritual. Later, I heard a live
album by the same group. What amazed me was the fact that they shouted at the
same places on the album that t hey had in the dinner club. It gave everything
they did a hollow ring. It made me think they were doing it to entertain the
crowd, and to make money, more than they were doing it to bring glory to God. Music that results in worship
always rises from a heart that is overwhelmed with love for the Lord. As He
strums the heart strings, worship and praise are always the result. When He strums the heart just
right, you might not be able to carry a tune in a number 3 washtub, but you
will still want to sing and honor Him! Singing from the heart also implies that the singer will
give some thought to the song being sung. In other words, you wont sing it
just because it is a good song; you will sing it because the Lord is making
music in your soul that must be given a voice. True, spiritual worship is
always a matter of the heart. It always arises out of love for the Lord. It
always results from His work in us. True, spiritual worship is always prompted
by the Lord, and it always flows back to the Lord, focusing attention on Him
and not on the performer. Notice verse 20.
This verse tells us that our worship should always arise out of a thankful
heart. When we think about what the Lord has done for is in choosing us,
calling us, saving us, keeping us, blessing us, meeting our needs, walking with
us, using us, and everything else He does for us, the heart cannot help but
erupt in praise for Him! I challenge you to give yourself to a time to
mediation over the work of the Lord in your life. I challenge you to do that
and not be moved to sing His praises. If you stop and consider all He has done
for you, He will strum the strings of your heart and produce the sweet songs of
praise and worship I your soul. So, spiritual worship is an
event that occurs in the heart and then spills over in song. I.
The Description Of Spirit-Filled Worship II.
The Depth Of Spirit-Filled Worship III. v. 19c THE DIRECTION OF SPIRIT-FILLED WORSHIP When Paul speaks about our
spiritual worship, he says that we ares to manifest heartfelt worship in songs
that both glorify God and edify the church. When he says that we are to
be speaking to yourselves,
he is speaking about the ministry of edification. Our worship of the Lord is a
blessing to the other members of the body of Christ. When I see the Lord
blessing you, it blesses me. When you worship Him in songs that glorify Him, it
serves to build me up in my faith. When someone sings a special, which is not
nearly often enough, it helps me to grow in my faith by reminding me of the
Person and power of God. When the choir sings in hymns and spiritual songs,
they serve to prepare my heart for the ministry of the Word of God. They feed
me and lift my heart in worship. When we join our voices together in a hymn, it
serves to lift my heart and it causes me to worship the Lord. While our worship
exists to glorify the Lord, there is a sense in which we worship to help others
grow in the Lord. While there is a sense in
which we sing to be a blessing to others, the real direction of our worship
should be to the Lord. That
is, we should lift our voices in praise, adoration, glory and honor of the Lord
Who gave HImself to redeem us from our sins. Our worship, like everything else
we do, must be directed to Him. That is why I do not like to
give applause to those who sing in the church. When we applaud singing, we are
giving the performer the glory. If they are singing for our applause, they have
their reward. If they are singing for the Lord, then they do not need our
applause. We sing to the Lord.
That is why we should not applaud singers in the church. If any one should
applaud, it should be the Lord. After all, the song was for Him, right? The
best way we can acknowledge the fact that someone is blessing us with their
verbal praise is to join in with them by offering up words of heavenly praise
to the Lord. The best words we can use are the words given to us by Heaven.
Those words are amen and hallelujah, Rev. 19:1-8. One of the real problems in
modern Christian music is the fact that it has become a lucrative source of
income for many. Hundreds of millions of dollars are made every year by those
who sing. I do not begrudge them making a living. I think they should, but I do
have to wonder about the motives of some. That group that wants to charge a
church $5000.00 to come and sing has missed the boat somewhere. One lady who
was approached about speaking in a womens conference here wanted $10,000.00 to
come and speak. I realize they have to make a living, but thats crazy! You
have to wonder, at some point, why they are doing what they do. Is it for the
glory of the Lord? Or, is it for the glory, the money, and the adulation they
receive from others? Another issue with modern
music is that we dont seem to care about the character of the people behind
the music. I know that a person can write a song and then mess up, and the song
still be good. But, what if the song was written by a person who was living a
lifestyle that God has called an abomination when the song was written? Do we
still sing the song, or do we set it aside? I hear that Ray Boltz song, The Anchor Holds. I used to love to hear
that song, but since I learned that Boltz was a homosexual, and had been hiding
that fact for years, hiding behind a wife and 4 children. Now, that song has
been tarnished for me. The same is true concerning the music of Kirk Talley. My point is this: the church
needs to hold professional singers accountable. We should not tolerate false
doctrine, weak doctrine, anti-biblical lifestyles, or greed. We cannot judge
the motives of others, but we can observe the fruit of their lives and
ministries. We must do everything in our power to guarantee the purity of our
music and our worship! If it isnt for the Lord, God
doesnt want it! God told ancient Israel that He didnt want their chants or
their songs, because they didnt come from a heart of faith, Amos 5:23, 6:1-7;
8:3. He wanted their worship, but only if it came from the
heart! Nothing has changed about that. The Lord wants our worship, but He wants
it to come from a heart filled with, and overflowing with, love and gratitude
for Him. We should ask ourselves, what
drives our activities around the church? Why do we do what we do? Why do we
teach, preach, sing, etc.? Do we do it because we love Him, or do we do it
because we love the attention, the glory, and the praise of men? The preacher
needs to ask himself why he preaches. Does he does it for the glory of God,
from a desire to feed and help the people of God, from a desire to share the
Gospel with sinners? Or, does he do it for a paycheck? Motives matter! We need
to be sure that we do all we do from the heart
to the Lord. That is the only motive He will bless, and that is
the only worship He will accept. Conc: Hows the state of your worship today?
Can you honestly say that your heart is so filled with love for the Lord that
it sometimes spontaneously overflows in verbal worship? When the Spirit of God
is in control, there will be times like that. When those times of hear worship
are missing, it is a good indication that we need to yield to the Spirits
control in our lives. I think that we, as a church
body, need to come before the Lord and ask Him to help us in our worship of
HIm. We need to pray about our singing and put praise, so that it is pleasing
the Lord. There are people in this room
who have been gifted with voices to sing who never stand up and honor the Lord
in that way. You need to ask the Lord to help you get busy doing what you know
you should be doing. There are some here today who
need to be in the choir singing in our services. Others need to learn to open
their mouths and sing the congregational hymns. Some would say right there that
they cant sing. The word songs
in verse 19
is used to describe the hooting of an owl
and the croaking of a frog. If an old owl can hoot and a frog
can croak, then surely you can open your mouth and sing. No one around you may
appreciate your voice, but the Lord in Heaven will be glorified when you open
your mouth and let His praises out. Hows the state of your
worship? Do you need to come and talk to Him about it? Listen to His voice!
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Copyright 2003 by Alan Carr |