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No claims of absolute originality are made for this material. As one man said, "I milk a lot of cows, but I churn my own butter." Please use these sermons as the Lord leads, but nothing on this site may be used for profit without my expressed, written permission!
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Ephesians 5:21 SPIRIT-FILLED SUBMISSION Intro: We have been talking about
the Spirit-Filled life. In verse 18, the Lord commands His people to
be filled with the Spirit.
This means that we are to be brought under the Spirits control in every area
of our lives. Just like the drunkard is controlled by excessive alcohol
consumption, the believer is to be controlled by the Holy Spirit. Alcohol has the ability to
absolutely control the life of the person who consumes too much of it. When a
person yields their life to alcohol, the way they think, act, talk, walk, move,
etc. are all affected by the power of the alcohol they drink. In the same way,
a Christian who yields to the Holy Spirit finds that the Spirit will take
complete charge of their lives. He will take control of the
way they think, walk, talk, act, move, etc. Every aspect of the life of the
Spirit-filled saint of God will be transformed by the power of the Spirit of
God. In our last look at the is
passage, we considered verses 19-20. In those verses, we talked
about Spirit-Filled Worship. I
found it amazing that as soon as Paul told us to be filled with the Spirit, he immediately began to
talk about our worship life. It seems to me that a Spirit-filled life will be a
worshipping life. The person who is filled with the Holy Ghost will find
themselves singing, praising and worshipping the Lord. I would cal your attention to
the fact that verses
18-21 are all one sentence. The command to be filled with the Spirit cannot be
separated from the command to sing and to make
melody in your heart tot he Lord. Neither can it be divorced
from the command we find in verse 21. The Spirit-filled believer
will be under the control of the Lord. The Spirit-filled believer will have a
heart of love and worship for their Redeemer. According to verse 21,
the Spirit-filled believer will also be a humble, submissive believer. The
command in verse
21 is Submitting yourselves
to one another in the fear of God. It is a command for us to be
humble. It is a command for us to be submissive. It is a command for us to live
out the Spirit-filled life with the humble heart of a servant. I want to take a few minutes
today to consider the message of verse 21. I want to preach about Spirit-Filled Submission. Let me share a
few thoughts that we need to
hear, if we are to be a Spirit-filled people who bring glory to God. I.
verse says, Submitting yourselves one to
The phrase is a command. Submission, whatever it is,
is a command and not an option. If this is something the Lord expects us to do,
then we need to find out what it is, and we need to get about doing it. The word translated submitting means to be in obedience to; to be under; to arrange under.
It is a military term that refers to keeping
ones rank. It is the idea of subordination.
In this context, the word
speaks to our relationships with others. He plainly says, submitting yourselves one to another. In
this verse, submission calls
each one of us to consider ourselves subordinate
to others. This means that we are to
consider ourselves the servants of others. It means that in everything others
are to come before we do. When
we think of submitting to others, we often think of it as a weakness. In truth,
no one can make you submit to anyone. But, if you want all the relationships in
your life to prosper, a submissive spirit must dominate. If we walk in
selfishness, putting ourselves ahead of others, the fallout can destroy every
relationship we value. When
we are submissive we are acting like Jesus. While He was, and is God in the
flesh, the Lord Jesus was always in total submission to the will of His Father. - Jesus saith unto them, My meat is to do the will of him
that sent me, and to finish his work, John 4:34. - I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge:
and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the
Father which hath sent me, John 5:30. - For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but
the will of him that sent me, John 6:38. - The
greatest examples of His submission to the Father are found in the incarnation
and in the crucifixion. (Ill. Phil. 2:6-8; Luke 22:42) Jesus was submissive to the
will of His Father. He lived His entire life serving the needs of others. For even the Son of man came not to be ministered unto,
but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many, Mark 10:45. When
we walk through this world in a submissive spirit, we are walking like our
Savior walked. In fact, when we walk in submission to God and others, we are
giving concrete evidence that we are filled with the Holy Spirit. A key
component of the Fruit of the Spirit is temperance,
Gal. 5:23.
When we walk in the Spirit,
we exhibit temperance, which
refers to self-control. When
we put others first, we are controlling the impulse to exalt self. That is a
powerful impulse, but yielding to the Spirit of God enables us to keep God an
others in their proper place. I would also mention that love is also a major component of the
Fruit of the Spirit, Gal. 5:22. When you study true, biblical
love, it becomes very clear that one way love manifests itself is by putting
others ahead of self. 1 Cor. 13:5 says that love seeketh not her own. That simply means
that love does not put itself first. Biblical
submission is about loving others ahead of oneself, Matt. 22:39. Biblical
submission is about being filled with the Spirit of God, Gal. 3:22-23.
Biblical submission is about being like Jesus Christ in all our relationships. The command here is for us to
love others like Jesus loves them, to serve them like He served them, and to
walk through this life submitted to the will of the Father just as He did.
Walking in submission is about being like Jesus! By the way, our willingness
to submit is a window into our heart. If we yield to His command to submit to
one another it shows that we love Him and His will more than we love self. I.
How Submission Is Demanded II.
next phrase in our verse is one to another.
Obviously, the Lord is referring to our submission to other members of the
family of God, but I think it goes far beyond that. Lets explore this phrase
for a moment. One key to what the Lord is
saying here is found in the verses that follow. Specifically, it refers to what
Paul says in Eph.
5:22-6:9. In those verses, Paul tells us that there is to be
submission in several areas of life. By the way, the submission speaks about is
mutual submission. Everyone
is expected to submit to everyone else. Eph. 5:22-32
refers to the relationship between husbands and wives. In marriage there is the
common idea that wives are to be in submission to the husbands. That is not a
stretch, because that is what the Bible clearly teaches, Eph. 5:22-24.
However, before God tells
wives to submit to their husbands, He tells both mates to be in submission to
the other. This is not a contradiction. God has vested leadership in the home
to the husband. The man is the spiritual leader in the home. Far too many men take the
submission of the wife to mean that they can throw around their weight in the
home. They try to overrule their wives by demanding that they submit. They act
like tyrants in the home. The wife cant make a decision unless the husband
approves it. The wife cant spend money unless the husband approves it. The
wife cant do this or that unless the husband approves it. What a tragedy! Only a fool acts that way in
his relationship with his spouse. The man is to lead, not from a position of
authority, but from a position of love, Eph. 5:25. The fact is, men, you cant
love your wife unless you are submitted to her as her servant. You cant love
her like Jesus loved the church unless you are willing to humble yourself and
give yourself for her good. Men seem to forget that they
are to be the spiritual leader in that home. They are to do everything they can
to see that their wife and children have every opportunity to become the people
God saved them to be. He is to help them grow in the Lord. He is to help them
develop their spiritual gifts for the glory of God. If they are lost, he is to
help them come to meet Jesus as their Savior. If you are the man of the house,
you are to be the servant of your family. You are to be Christ to them. Not in
the sense that you can save them, but in the sense that you love them more than
anything, and you long to see them become everything God desires them to be. I have been hard on the men,
havent I? The fact is, submission is a two way street. Submission in the
marriage is to be mutual. Husbands are to submit to God and to their wives.
Wives are to submit to God and their husbands. That is the recipe for a
successful marriage. We will explore these things in greater details in coming
weeks. Ephesians 6:1-4
speaks about relationship between parents and children. There is to be mutual
submission in that relationship as well. Children are to submit to the headship
of the parents in the home. They are to honor their parents. They are to obey
their parents. Their submission to their parents honors the Lord and brings His
blessings into their lives. Before Paul moves away from
the parent-child relationship, he speaks to fathers. The fathers are commanded
to raise their children with grace. They are not to dominate their children
with ruthless power. They are raise them with a Christlike spirit. They are to
help them to reach their fullest potential in Jesus Christ. If the commands in
these verses are to be carried out, there nut be mutual submission. Children
have to submit to the authority of the parents. Parents are to serve their
children by loving them and by patiently guiding them in the ways of God. Ephesians 6:5-9
deals with the relationship between master and slave. The modern comparison
would be to the relationship between employer and employee. In that
relationship there must also be mutual submission. The employee is to yield to
the demands of his master. He is to do what he is told and give his employer a
good days work. The employer is to respect those who work for him. He is to
consider their needs and treat them fairly without favoritism. If this relationship is to
work in a fashion that glorifies the Lord, there must be mutual submission as
both employer and employee work together to accomplish the will of God in this
world. Of course, Paul is writing here to believers. Unfortunately, not every
employer or employee is saved. If you find yourself either working for or
employing a lost person, you are not responsible for how they act. You are only
responsible for you. In that situation, you are to be Christlike and
submissive; that is His command to you! What
Paul is commanding here is nothing short of amazing. In that culture, it was
common for women, children and slaves to submit to those in authority over
them. Women had few rights. Children and slaves had none. Men dominated the
culture. They were the law. They were the power. They were the authorities. Christianity came along and
changed the whole dynamic of ancient society. Man, woman, children, and slaves
were placed on the same level. God commands every person in the family of God to
submit to every other person in the family of God. We are commanded to love God
supremely, and we are to place others ahead of self: all the time, and in every
situation. That is how the Bible describes the kind of submission God is
looking for. The question is, is that kind
of submission found in your life? Or, of there room for improvement? Lets
search our hearts and get it right for the glory of God. I.
How Submission Is Demanded II.
How Submission Is Described III. HOW SUBMISSION IS DIRECTED The
final phrase in this verse says in the fear
of God. What does it mean to fear God? The word fear translates the Greek word foboί. We get our word phobia from this word. It often refers to
alarm, terror, and fear.
However, this word has a secondary meaning. It can be used to refer to reverence. That is Pauls intention here. The word here speaks of a
holy reverence for God. It speaks of a reverence for God that respects Him
above all other authorities. This reverence to God manifests itself in total
obedience to Him and to His will for our lives. When
we fear God, we will be in
submission to Him. When we are submitted to Him, we will have no problem
submitting to the other authority figures in the home, in society, on the job,
or in the church. When we are submitted to God, we will practice mutual
submission to our spouses, our parents, our children, our bosses, our
employees, and others. Our submission to God is not
rooted in our fear of Him as a cruel tyrant. We dont fear Him because we think
He might judge us and condemn us for our shortcomings. Our fear of God and our
submission to Him is rooted in our love for Him. He loved us and gave Himself
for us to redeem us from sin, and to adopt us into His family. He is our
Father. Because He is our Father, we reverence Him. Because we reverence Him,
we submit to Him and to His authority over us. This means that our
submission to others begins with our submission to God. Our submission to
others is a window into our relationship with Him. When we are submitted to the
Lord, we will have no trouble submitting to others. So,
our submission, in all the relationships of our life, is a direct result of our
love for, and fear of, Almighty God. When He holds the proper place in our
lives, others will too. Conc: Submission. That is a
concept we hear too little about. It is a concept we rarely see lived out in
our world. Yet, it is the will of God for everyone of His children. I challenge
you to take the command of verse 21 to heart and get about the
business of submitting yourselves one to
another in the fear of God. If you are like me, you some
times struggle in this area. It isnt always easy to yield to the rights of
others. It isnt always easy to put others aead of self. Yet, it is what we are
commanded to do. Let me hasten to say that
this does not mean that you are to be a doormat. You are not to allow others to
walk all over you, to trample you underfoot, to take advantage of you, or to
abuse you. There are times when you have to stand up for yourself. This verse is simply teaching
us that in our relationships with others, we are to strive to be Christlike all
the time. Regardless o how they treat us, we are to treat them with respect. We
are view every relationship as an opportunity to serve the Lord, but serving
others. Need to talk to God about
this matter? Need help in the arena of submission? Bring that need to Him and
let Him help you.
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Copyright 2003 by Alan Carr |