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No claims of absolute originality are made for this material. As one man said, "I milk a lot of cows, but I churn my own butter." Please use these sermons as the Lord leads, but nothing on this site may be used for profit without my expressed, written permission!
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Ephesians 5:22-33 THE SPIRIT-FILLED MARRIAGE Intro: One of the most neglected
aspects of our walk with the Lord is the necessity for every child of God to be
filled with the Spirit. We are commanded to be filled with the Spirit in verse 18.
Being filled with the Spirit is the only way we ever hope to be Christlike in
our daily walk. When we are filled with the Spirit, we will display the fruit
of the Spirit in our daily walk, Gal. 5:22-23. The characteristics that set
Jesus Christ apart from the rest of the world will be fleshed out in our lives.
Characteristics like love, joy, peace,
longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance,
will mark us, and they will transform every relationship in our lives. In verse 19-20 teach us that
being filled with the Spirit will affect our worship. When we are
Spirit-filled, we will see God as He is, and we will give HIm the worship and
praise He is due. Being Spirit-filled will transform our relationship with God. Verse 21 teaches us that being filled
with the Spirit will transform our way of thinking, so that we do not place
ourselves ahead of others, but so that that we walk in humility and mutual
submission. Thus, the Holy Spirit, when He controls a life, will not only
revolutionize our walk with God, He will also revolutionize every relationship
in our lives. Beginning in verse 22,
Paul begins to flesh out this thought. In these verses that follow, he walks us
through some of the most important relationships we have in life. He begins by
talking about The Spirit-Filled Marriage. No matter how great your
marriage is today, there is always room for improvement. There is always a
place for us to give God more control in our relationship with our spouse. The
fact is, we can all use the teaching in these verses, because as goes the home,
so goes the church. As goes the church so goes the nation. It is imperative
that our marriages be all that God designed them to be. This passage has
something to say about that. Some time ago, I read a story
about a couple who celebrated their fiftieth wedding. They were in their
seventies. Ted, the husband, had lost much of his hearing during this time. And
yet they were still getting along together and celebrating this great
anniversary. Their family came from all over and enjoyed celebrating together
through the midmorning into the afternoon. Finally, toward sundown, all the
family went home. Bessie and Ted decided to
walk out on the front porch and sit down on the swing and watch the sunset. The
old gentleman pulled his tie loose and leaned back and didnt say much. Bessie looked at him somewhat
in wonder and said to him, You know, Ted, Im
real proud of you. The old gentleman turned and
looked at her rather quizzically and after a moment said, with a puzzled look
on his face, Well, Bessie, Im real tired of
you too! Sadly, far too many marriages
reach that same place. The husband and the wife just get tired of one another
and they go their separate ways. That is not Gods ideal for marriage. God wants marriages to be
strong. He wants them to last. He wants them to be a reflection of His
relationship with His redeemed people. He wants them to bring glory to His
name. I want to preach about The Spirit-Filled Marriage. I want to talk
about The Foundation Of A Spirit-Filled
Marriage; The Fundamentals Of
A Spirit-Filled Marriage and, The
Fruit Of A Spirit-Filled Marriage. I want to help us understand
that building a strong marriage is not so much finding the right person as it
is about being the right person. Lets consider the lessons in this passage together as we
consider The Spirit-Filled Marriage. I.
BEDROCK OF A STRONG MARRIAGE The Lord is mentioned in
these verses in some fashion at least 14 times. It seems clear that God is the
essential foundation of a strong marriage. Psalm 127:1 says, Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that
build it: except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.
This verse teaches us the truth that every endeavor in life must be based on a
relationship with God. This is especially true when
it comes to our marriages. If they are to be strong; if they are to glorify
God; if they are to be a blessing to us and other; they must be built on the
bedrock of a strong and serious relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. As His love operates in the
heart of a husband and a wife, the married couple is better able to love one
another. I am able to love my wife
better today than I could before I knew the Lord. My love is deeper, stronger
and more pure because I am able to love her with His love. People in love with
Jesus are able to be channels through which His love can flow to those around
us. Being rightly related to the
Lord Jesus brings a divine dimension to marriage. When
both the husband and the wife are in a vital, growing relationship with the
Lord, they can pray together. They
can worship together. They
can discuss the things of God together. Their
mutual relationship with God moves their own relationship beyond the physical
into the spiritual. Thus,
their love is stronger, purer and more enduring than it could ever be
otherwise. As most of us know, over 50%
of all marriages in our nation fail. Many fall apart during the stormy times.
Things like debt, lust, the day-to-day business of life, loss of interest in
the other partner, and a host of other things can bring marriages to the brink
of disaster. No marriage, not even
Christian marriages are immune from these upheavals. However, a marriage that
stands on the bedrock of a strong relationship with Jesus Christ can weather
any storm that comes along. Ill. Luke 6:47-49 Marriages in which both
partners are not saved can and do last for many years. That is a wonderful
thing. Still, those marriages can never achieve the spiritual purposes God has
for marriage. The marriage is real and the love deep, but it can never be
everything God designed marriage to be. I.
The Bedrock Of A Spirit-FIlled Marriage II.
non-negotiable essentials that stand as pillars in every strong, spiritual
marriage. This passage shares them with us. A. Love
– Eph.
5:25, 28 - When we speak of love, we are not talking about the
kind of love portrayed in Hollywood. Movies and television depict love as
nothing more than sexual desire. While the sexual relationship within the
context of marriage is very important, 1 Cor. 7:1-5, even it flows from a deeper,
more spiritual kind of love. Paul describes the kind of
love we are talking about in 1 Cor. 13:4-6. A closer look of loves
character is in order here. v.
4 Suffereth
Long - This word means patient
endurance even when provoked, long-tempered. Love does not
retaliate! v.
4 Is
Kind - This word refers to active goodness. It is never hateful
or mean. Love is kind in words and actions. v.
4 Envieth
Not - True love is not jealous. Instead of being jealous when
others prosper or excel, love is pleased when they do well. v.
4 Vaunteth
Not Itself - Literally, this phrase means does not make a parade. Love does not
brag! It does not draw attention to itself or to what it is doing. v.
4 Is
Not Puffed Up - Love is not arrogant or proud. It does not
demand to be number one. v.
5 Does
Not Behave Itself Unseemly - Love is never rude, but it always
treats others with compassion, consideration and respect! v.
5 Seeketh
Not Her Own - True love is never selfish and self-centered, but
it is actively interested in what will profit others. It never looks at itself
first, but it always considers another ahead of itself. v.
5 Is
Not Easily Provoked - True loves keeps no record of evils done
to it, but it willingly endures all slights and injuries. It is not irritable. v.
5 Thinketh
No Evil - takes no worthless
inventory Two thoughts are in mind here. First, genuine love
does not attribute evil motives to people. Second, genuine love does not keep a
record of evils done to it. It doesnt hold a grudge. v.
6 Rejoiceth
Not In Iniquity - Love does not rejoice in sin. v.
6 Rejoiceth
In The Truth - It rejoices when truth is proclaimed and when
truth wins the victory. Love is glad for the truth, even when the truth hurts.
Love is glad when truth wins the day! This kind of love is to be
mutual. The husband is commanded to love his wife with every fiber of his
being, Eph.
5:25; 28, 31. The wife is commanded to love her husband, Titus 2:4.
A home filled with love is a home filled with the essence of Heaven! B. Loyalty – Eph. 5:31 speaks of the law
of leaving and cleaving.
This was what God expected of the first married couple, Gen. 2:24, and it is what
He expects of every other married couple. When a man and woman are married,
there is a fundamental shift in their relationships to others. Their relationship with the
parents is altered forever. It can still be strong, but the marriage
relationship must have preeminence over the parental relationship. Children
need to let go and so do parents. Few things are more devastating to a marriage
than a failure to leave and cleave. The word joined means to be glued. It is the idea of two things
being bonded together in such a way that they cannot be torn apart. It is a
bond so strong and so deep that you cannot tell where one begins and the other
ends. This kind of loyalty is
spelled out in 1
Cor. 13:7. Look at the characteristics of true loyalty. Beareth all things – There is loyalty
even when things are tough. It doesnt walk out in the day of trouble. Believeth all things – Loyalty believes in
ones mate. It trusts them. Hopeth all things – Loyalty never looks
for the worst in them, but only believes the best. Endureth all things – Loyalty sticks it
out. Loyalty does not abandon the fort. C. Respect – Mutual respect is
fundamental for any marriage that expects long term success. Several passages
speak about this matter. Lets consider a few today. Eph. 5:22-24
– These verses have been among the most loved and hated of the New
Testament. Some men love to hang these verses over the heads of their wives and
demand that they fall down before them in obedience. Some women read these
verses and feel that they make the wife inferior to the husband. Neither
interpretation is correct. God is not establishing the
husband as some kind of dictator in the home. Nor is God relegating the wife to
a place of servitude. The word submit
means to arrange under. The
truly spiritual wife recognizes Gods order in the home. She understands that
it is a reflection of Gods order in the church. Jesus is the head of the
church and we are to submit to His headship. The husband has been given the
responsibility of leading the home and the godly wife follows the husbands
leadership willingly and humbly. The husband is not to demand
submission from the wife. She is to offer it freely and lovingly. This
submission is to her own husband
only! Women are not subservient to men. They are equals, even in the home. But,
God has invested leadership in the husband and he will be held responsible for
the home. He will give an account for his actions as the head of the home when
he stands before Jesus. Eph. 5:28-29
– I willingly submit to the Lordship of the Jesus in my life because I
know He loves me. I understand that He gave Himself to save me sacrificially,
willingly, lovingly and unconditionally. I respond to His love by submitting to
Him. The same is true in the home. When the husband loves His wife
sacrificially, willingly, lovingly and unconditionally, she will respond by
respecting him. The reason some wives have a
hard time submitting to their mates is because the man is anything but
Christ-like in his love for her! Ladies, this is no excuse for rebellion in the
home! You are told to submit
without respect to how he acts toward you. Even if your husband is lost, you
have the duty of submission, Ill. 1 Pet. 3:1-6. Men, your wife will be more
likely to follow your lead if she knows you love her with every fiber of your
being. Verses 28-29
teach us that the husband is to love his life like he loves his own flesh.
Husbands are to nourish
their wives, and they are to cherish
their wives. Lets consider these two words for a moment. - He Is To Nourish – To bring to maturity. A godly husband
helps his wife to reach her fullest potential in God. He helps her to grow by
meeting her needs and by being an encouragement to her life. - He Is To Cherish – To soften with heat. The husband is to
give tender love to his spouse. This is the primary want and need of most women. They need to feel loved and they crave
special attention. They need time, attention, and a sense of security. A loving
husband can easily provide all these things to his wife. Ill. 1 Pet. 3:7
calls the woman the Weaker vessel.
This does not means that she is inferior and weak. This phrase refers to a vessel that is delicate and of immense value.
It refers to something that is to be handled
with love and tender care! D. Faithfulness
– Eph.
5:31 speaks of the bond that exists between the husband and the
wife. It is a bond that can only exist between two people. There is no room in
the marriage relationship for a third party. It is never acceptable for a man
or a woman to have a sexual or emotional relationship with a member of the
opposite sex on the side. Our relationship with our spouse is to be one of
absolute faithfulness, both physically and emotionally. Adultery is a sin
regardless of the form it takes, Ex. 20:14; Matt. 5:28. I.
The Bedrock Of A Spirit-FIlled Marriage II.
The Basics Of A Spirit-Filled Marriage III. THE BLESSINGS OF A STRONG MARRIAGE What will be the outcome of
all the love and effort in a marriage? A strong marriage will bear fruit to the
glory of God. Let me share with you what a strong marriage will produce. A. A Spirit-Filled Marriage Sanctifies The Home
– Eph.
5:21-22; 25; 29 – A marriage that is lived out according
to the principles of the Word of God is a marriage that keeps God at the
center. It produces a home where Jesus is King and God is Sovereign. It is a
marriage that opens the door for God to bless in amazing ways. It is a marriage
that invites the power of God to dwell in the home. Ill. 1 Cor. 7:12-16. B. A Spirit-Filled Marriage Glorifies The Savior
– Eph.
5:32 – A marriage that operates according to the
principles of Gods Word brings glory to the Lord. God is glorified when we
live out our marriages according to His precepts. This is true because a
marriage that functions according to the Word of God is a marriage that honors
His will, and doing His will always brings glory to His name! So, God is
glorified when we love like He does. C. A Spirit-Filled Marriage Witnesses To The Lost
– A strong godly marriage is a witness to this lost generation because it
is a living, breathing example of Christ and His church. It demonstrates the
power of the love of God and the grace of God to all who witness it. A godly
marriage exemplifies forgiveness, patience, love, hope, and the power of Gods
saving grace. A good, godly marriage is a powerful witness to a lost world.
When the world looks at our marriages, they should see how Christ loved His
church. They should see that there is just something different about our love
for our spouse. D. A Spirit-Filled Marriage Instructs The Next Generation
– Eph.
6:1-3 – In these verses, Paul speaks to the children in
the home. Children have a duty to submit to their parents. But, I am talking to
husbands and wives today. We need to realize that our children learn about
marriage and about how to treat their future spouse by watching you. How you treat your spouse is
probably how they will treat theirs. How you talk to your spouse is how they
will talk to theirs. Dad, how you love you wife will be hoe your son will love
his wife. Mom, how you react toward your husband will be how your daughter will
react toward hers. A man who curses and abuses
his wife will raise sons who are prone to do the same. He will also raise
daughters who expect that kind of treatment. Women who ridicule and belittle
their husbands will raise daughters who have no respect for men. They will also
raise sons with who lack the power to lead. We need to take a step back
and look at our marriages. How do the children around us see us? What are we
teaching them about marriage? We have a responsibility to the next generation.
We are responsible for teaching them the right way to walk and live. By the way, dont use your
own upbringing as an excuse for bad behavior in your marriage. Your parents may
have fought all the time, but it does not mean you have to. Your father may
have abused your mother physically or verbally, but that does not mean you have
to treat you wife that way. Your mother may have talked down to your father,
but that does not mean that you have to act that way. If you are saved, act
like a saved man or woman. If you are saved, you have been changed, 2 Cor. 5:17.
Live like the person you are and stop the cycle of sin that has operated in
your family. Conc: Marriage is a wonderful gift to
humanity. A marriage that operates as God intended truly is a beautiful thing.
The only way a marriage can be what that God designed it to be is for both the
husband and the wife to be filled with the Spirit of God. We are living in a generation
when the institution of marriage is in trouble. Liberal, worldly agendas are
seeking to change the definition of marriage. The biblical standard is no
longer the standard for most of the world. Men want to marry other men. Women
want to marry other women. People want to take multiple spouses. I even read
about a man recently who is petitioning for permission to marry his goat. Some
of these abnormal, warped views of marriage are already being practiced in our
society. The world has gone crazy and is doing its best to destroy the family. In my opinion, all of this is
the work of Satan. He knows that the home is the very bedrock of society. If
the biblical standards for the home and family can be eliminated, society can
be dismantled. That is why people who still
believe the Bible, people like us, should take our stand for marriage. The best
way to do this is living out the biblical standard for marriage in front of a
lost world. The best way to do that is for husbands and wives to be filled with
the Spirit of God. This
would be a good time for couples to come before the Lord to pray about their
marriages. This
would be a good time for husbands and wives to come before the Lord and seek
His presence and power in the homes that make up our church. It
would be a good time for each of us to seek the Lord and the filling of the
Holy Spirit.
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Copyright 2003 by Alan Carr |