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No claims of absolute originality are made for this material. As one man said, "I milk a lot of cows, but I churn my own butter." Please use these sermons as the Lord leads, but nothing on this site may be used for profit without my expressed, written permission!
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Acts 1:3-14 WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT? Intro: The past
month and a half had been a whirlwind for the Lord’s disciples. Just forty days
earlier they had seen Him die on a cross. On that day all their dreams and
hopes came crashing to the ground. They hid themselves away in fear of suffering the
same fate Jesus had experienced. But, three days after Jesus died, He appeared
to them alive again. Their Lord has risen from the dead! There was hope. Still
they wavered. They were up and they were down. Then, the Lord took them aside and began to teach
them some truths they desperately needed to know, v. 3. He is going away He tells them, and He is leaving
HIs work, His ministry in their hands. • They needed to know what the Lord expected of them,
and He taught them. • They needed to know what they were to be doing, and
the Lord taught them. • They needed comfort for their troubled hearts, and
He gave it to them. • He spent forty days with His men instructing them,
comforting them, and spending time with them. After spending the forty days with Jesus after His
resurrection, the disciples are standing with Jesus on the Mount of Olives. He
gives them some final words of instruction, then while they are watching Him,
He begins to rise up, ascending into the heavens. Suddenly, He is gone. He is
taken from their presence, and they are left in bewilderment on the mountain
without him. In that moment, the disciples are filled with more
questions than answers. Their minds are doubtless filled with many confusing
thoughts. While they stand there looking up in to the sky,
angels, messengers from God, appear to them and say, “Ye men of Galilee, why
stand ye gazing up into heaven?” The
angels ask, “What
Are You Looking At?” In other words, “What has your
attention? What are you focused on?” “What are you looking
at?” That’s the thought I would like to explore today. I
want to preach on the question, What Are You Looking At?
I want to point out some issues that occupied
the minds of the disciples the day Jesus ascended back into Heaven. Those same issues are on the minds of many of God’s children today.
Let’s explore these issues together and
hear the word God has for us today
I. V. 9 A COMPELLING DEPARTURE While Jesus stands with His disciples on the Mount
of Olives, instructing them in their task and in His truth, He is suddenly “taken up” into Heaven. Gravity suddenly lost its power over
Jesus, and He began to ascend up into the sky, until He disappeared into a “cloud”. The word “cloud” does not refer
to a typical rain cloud. It refers to the glory cloud that surrounds the very
presence of God. In other words, when it came time for Jesus to leave this
world, His Father received Him up into the Father’s Own glory, and took Him
home. After Jesus ascends into Heaven, His disciples “looked steadfastly
toward Heaven”, v. 10. Verse 11 says they were “gazing up into Heaven”. The words “looked steadfastly” and
“gazing” translate the same word. It means “to fasten the eyes
upon, to look intently at something”.
It means they were transfixed on Jesus as He ascended back into Heaven, amazed
at what was taking place. They really shouldn’t have been amazed. After all,
Jesus told them it would happen, John 6:62; 16:28; 17:11. This transfixed “looking” and “gazing” of the
disciples into Heaven speaks of more than them just standing there in rapt
amazement. It suggests that they were looking after Him like men who were
worried they had lost someone forever. It suggests a look of hopeless
bewilderment, of sadness, of brokenhearted astonishment. Perhaps that is why
the angels issued a mild rebuke to the disciples in verse 10. For the disciples, the ascension of the Lord back
into Heaven changed everything. For the last three years these men had spent
nearly every moment with Jesus. They had left family, friends, and business to
follow Him. Now, He is gone, and they don’t know what to do. I am certain that the Lord’s departure left the
disciples confused and concerned. They did not understand completely why He had
to leave them here, while He returned to the Father. There are least three reasons why Jesus had to go
to Heaven while His men stayed here. • If Jesus had not gone
away, the Spirit of God could not have come, John 16:7. These men had been walking by sight. They lived with Jesus. They heard
His voice. They saw His miracles. They felt His touch. He was real. He was
tangible. The was there. When Jesus died on the cross, the disciples were
filled with fear, John 20:19. Even after the resurrection, some of them nearly
quit on the Lord, John 21:3. These men were so accustomed to be with Jesus
they did not believe they could function without Him. When Jesus leaves, and the Holy Spirit comes, these
men will learn to “walk by faith, not by sight”,
2 Corinthians 5:7.
The Spirit of God will be in them to empower them for service. Jesus wanted to
use HIs men to accomplish great things. He would accomplish that through the
Holy Spirit, John 14:12. We enjoy that same blessing today. Because Jesus
went away, and the Spirit came, He dwells within every child of God to lead
them, guide them, help them, comfort them, and instruct them in the ways of
God, John 16. • Jesus went to Heaven to
make intercession for them. When He
ascended back into Heaven, Jesus sat on the right hand of His Father, Hebrews 1:3. I
can’t explain how all this works, but the Bible teaches us that when Jesus
ascended into Heaven, He took His people with Him, Ephesians 2:6. When He sat down in Heaven, His people sat down
in Heaven with Him. He is there today as our representative, guaranteeing that
where He is, we will one day be too, John 14:1-3. We have a representative on the inside. Our Savior
is in the presence of God, where “He ever lives to make intercession for us”, Hebrews 7:25. That is, when sin creeps into our lives, when
Satan accuses us before the throne of God, we have a Savior Who says, “That debt has already
been paid”, 1 John 2:1. His presence in Heaven is why the saints of God are
eternally secure. The Savior is ever interceding with the Father. Thus, we are
able to stand, both now and later, blameless in the Father’s sight. “Now unto him that is
able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence
of his glory with exceeding joy,” (Jude 1:24 KJV) • Jesus went to Heaven so
that He could return for His people some day. Before went to the cross, He promised that He would return for His
people, John 14:3. The
angels at the ascension reaffirmed that promise, Acts 1:9-10. As the Scripture closes, His promise is repeated
again in Revelation 22:20. In that verse Jesus said, “Surely, I come quickly”. All we as believers have ever known is that Jesus
is not here physically. I want to remind that, while He is not here with us, He
is physically present in Heaven. One day, He will return for His people to take
them to Heaven, 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18. 1
Corinthians 15:51-52. One element that occupied the minds of the
disciples that day was the ascension of Jesus into glory of Heaven, and into
the presence of His Father. We would do well to meditate on His ascension and
rejoice in what it means for us.
I. A Compelling Departure II.
V. 6-7 A CONFUSING FUTURE With Jesus going away, the disciples are concerned
about what the future holds both for them, and for the work of the Lord. They
ask Jesus about the future, and about when they can expect Him to establish the
kingdom of God. They want to know if the time has come, or if they must wait. The answer the Lord gives them is anything but
clear. Jesus tells them, essentially, that such matters are not their business,
but belong to the secret, providential workings of the Lord. Deuteronomy 29:29
says, “The
secret things belong unto the LORD our God…” The future is a secret thing, which man is
prevented from knowing. No so-called psychic, medium, soothsayer, or prophet
can tell you what will happen tomorrow. No one but God knows what the future
holds or when Jesus will come for His people. Anyone who says different is
deceiving you. While no human may know what the future holds, we
do know Who holds the future. Our Father stands outside time. He transcends the
boundaries of time and space. While we cannot see the future, the Lord is
already in all our tomorrows. He has prepared our way, and ordered our steps, Psalm 37:23; Proverbs 16:9. That is a comforting thought, isn’t it? Our world
is filled with pain, sorrow, and heartache. None of knows whether tomorrow will
be better or worse than today. Regardless of what the path of life hold for us,
our Father not only walks with us, Hebrews 13:5, He also walks ahead of us to secure our future. Tomorrow is a confusing thing to us mortals. After
all, we are not even promised that we will be here, Proverbs 27:1. Today we are here, tomorrow we may be in
eternity. Today the fair winds may be blowing around us, tomorrow may find us
in the storm of our lives. While the future may be shrouded in mystery, as far
as we were concerned, we have the Lord’s assurance that He is already there,
and that He has the future well in hand. The disciples were concerned about the future, but
they had no need to be. The Father had the future well in hand. How about you?
Are you concerned about tomorrow? Do worries, fears, and doubts about tomorrow
trouble you? If they do, you have no need to be worried or afraid. Your Father
has already taken care of all your tomorrows. They are all in His hand and so
are you!
I. A Compelling Departure II.
Confusing Future III. V.
TASK Another element that had the attention of the
disciples that day was the assignment they were given in verse 8. Jesus
tells them that they were to be His “witnesses” to the
world. They were to begin at Jerusalem, then they must take the message to Judaea,
then to Samaria, then to “the uttermost part of the world”. They were tasked with sharing the Gospel with all people in all
places. Their mandate was to “preach the Gospel to
every creature”, Mark 16:15. They
were to “go
and teach all nations”, Matthew 28:19.
These men had a message to tell, and the Lord sent them out to tell it. That
assignment must have been front and center in their minds as they watched Jesus
depart from the world, and disappear into the glory cloud. For the last three years the disciples had watched
the Lord Jesus do what He was sending them out to do. They had heard Him preach
the Gospel, watched Him love the lost, and seen Him cross all social and
religious barriers to reach sinners. He had used them too. He has sent them out
to preach, but He had always been there when they went out and when they came
back in. Now, He is going away and they are left behind to
carry on without Him. Surely the task they faced filled them with fear. How
would they do it without Him? How would they accomplish God’s work if He was
not here to help them? In this text Jesus reminds them that, even though He is
going away, He is not leaving them here to do this task alone. • In verse 5, Jesus promises them that they will “be baptized with the
Holy Ghost not many days hence”. That
promise was fulfilled ten days later on the Day of Pentecost, when the Spirit
God came in power to fill the church with His power and presence, Acts 2. The night before He died, the Lord Jesus promised
His men that He would send them Someone to help them. “And I will pray the
Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for
ever; Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth
him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and
shall be in you. I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.” (John 14:16–18 KJV) • In verse 8, Jesus tells the disciples that the Holy Ghost
will empower them to carry out the mission God is leaving them here to do. They
will not have to do God’s alone; they are promised His power, His touch, and
His blessing as they carry the Gospel to the ends of the earth. We are still here, and God has not changed His
mind! Do you know why you are still in this world? You are here because the
Lord isn’t through with you yet. One reason He leaves us here in this world,
with all its sin, its problems, and its pain, is so that we might be witnesses
to His saving grace to a world is trapped in sin. He leaves you here so that
the world might see Jesus in you, and so that you might tell the lost about the
Christ who saves. -
“Ye are our epistle
written in our hearts, known and read of all men: Forasmuch as ye are
manifestly declared to be the epistle of Christ ministered by us, written not
with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God; not in tables of stone, but in
fleshy tables of the heart.” (2 Corinthians 3:2–3 KJV) -
“For we are his
workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before
ordained that we should walk in them.”
(Ephesians 2:10 KJV) -
2 Corinthians 3 says that we are “epistles”. That is, we are God’s letters of love and grace to a lost world.
When they read our lives, they should read of His love, His mercy, His grace,
and of His saving power. -
Ephesians 2:10 says that we are God’s “workmanship”. That word comes from the Greek word that gives
us our English word “poem”. It refers to “an artist’s master work”. In short, we are examples to he world of what
God can do when He saves a soul. That is why we should live for Him, and why we
should always be ready to share the Gospel with a lost world. “But sanctify the Lord
God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that
asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:” (1 Peter 3:15 KJV) I am sure the task laid upon them occupied the
minds of the disciples that day. I fear, however, that the task rarely cross
our minds today. We have the same assignment today. May the Lord help us to be
about our “Father’s
I. A Compelling Departure II.
Confusing Future III. A Challenging Task IV. V.
PROMISE The minds of the disciples are filled with many
thoughts. They have been given an assignment that far exceeds their abilities.
They face a future that is unknown and probably a little more than frightening
to them. To top it all off, they have just watched as their Savior, their Lord,
the One they have left everything behind to follow, disappeared into a cloud of
glory. They are terrified, and filled with many questions about today and about
all the tomorrow that lie ahead. They are so captivated by the sight of Jesus going
up into Heaven that they are oblivious to the two strangers who appear on the
mountain with them. These men, who turn out to be angels, speak words of
comfort to the confused disciples. The angels tell them that “this same Jesus, which
is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen
him go into heaven.” They say, “Yes, He has gone away,
but there is no use staring into Heaven with a sense of confused bewilderment.
Jesus has gone away, but He is coming again”. The implication is clear. They angels tell them to
be about the business of the Lord, knowing that as they work for Him and serve
Him, there is coming a day when He will return. I have already referenced it, but that is the same
assurance we live under today. While the future unfolds around us with all its
uncertainties and questions and while our lives are occupied with serving Him,
we have the blessed confidence that Jesus is coming again to claim His people, John 14:1-3; 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18; 1 Corinthians 15:51-52. One day Jesus will come for you, and He will take
you home to live with Him forever in Heaven. That is why Paul referred to the
Lord’s coming is, “…blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and
our Saviour Jesus Christ”. No matter what today holds, or what tomorrow brings
your way, rest in the knowledge that Jesus is coming. If you know Him as your
Savior that day will be a day of wonder, blessing, and glory. Conc: What are you
looking at today? What has your attention? What are you occupied with today? Are you caught up in the
wonder of a risen Savior, Who loves you, and Who gave Himself for you on the
cross of Calvary? If you are caught up
in Jesus and in His glory, that is a wonderful thing. It means you are saved
and will be ready to meet Jesus when He comes again? Are you confused about the
turns life has taken? Are you worried
over the future and what it holds for you? If you are worried about today or
tomorrow, I challenge you to leave that in the hands of the Lord. He has your
today and all your tomorrows well in hand. Bring your fears to Him and let Him
comfort your heart. Are you actively serving
the Lord and doing the work of sharing the Gospel He has called you too? If you are serving the Lord and sharing Him with
the lost, carry on. One day He is coming and He will reward you for your
faithful service to Him. Are you looking for His
coming? Are you even ready for His
return? If you are looking for Him, don’t stop. He’s coming! |
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Copyright 2003 by Alan Carr |