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No claims of absolute originality are made for this material. As one man said, "I milk a lot of cows, but I churn my own butter." Please use these sermons as the Lord leads, but nothing on this site may be used for profit without my expressed, written permission!
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Matthew 24:36-41 WARNING: A TSUNAMI IS COMING Intro: Sunday December 26,
2004 just before 7:00 AM a massive earthquake measuring 9.0 on the Richter
Scale occurred some 6 miles deep, under the This
energy caused water to be displaced, creating massive underwater waves. These waves were propelled by the force of
the earthquake, away from the epicenter, until they reached speeds of up to 600
miles per hour. As these waves near the
shore, where the water became shallower, they slowed down slightly and began to
rise above the surface of the ocean.
Some reached heights of up to 50 feet.
When these waves hit the shores of Over
the past week and a half we have watched as pictures of this tragedy have
filled the news. We have seen nations
around the world send in aid and workers to help alleviate the suffering and
bury the dead. This event will be
remembered as one of the greatest tragedies of recorded history. When these things occur, people are caught
off guard and seem to be amazed. But,
those who know their Bibles should not be surprised. After all, Jesus said that these things would
happen in the last days, Matt. 24:7-8. As
this tsunami has unfolded, I was reminded of the passage we have taken as our
text this evening. This is a passage that
speaks about events during the Tribulation period. It is a warning about a tsunami that is
coming upon this earth. Not a tsunami of
water, but a tsunami of the wrath of God.
I would like to look into these verses for a few minutes this evening
and preach on the subject Warning: A Tsunami Is Coming. I believe this passage has something to say
to the church this evening. I also think
it stands as a warning to those who do not know the Lord. It is a reminder to us all that the end is
coming and that people had better be ready when it does. It is also a challenge to the church to get
busy, for we do not have many days left in which to tell a lost world about our
wonderful Savior. Let’s look at the
thought Warning: A Tsunami Is Coming.
Jesus tells us that the last days will be like the days when Noah built
the ark and the world was destroyed by the flood. To see the state of affairs in Noah’s day, we
need to look at Gen. 6:5-13. When we read these verses, we can see that
the days when Noah’s lived were days filled with wickedness and violence. Men lived for evil and gave no thought to God
or His will. The
word “imagination,” Gen. 6:5,
means “to fashion as a potter.”
It means that men fashioned every form of evil and gave themselves over
to every vile affection of the flesh.
They were so wicked and so given over the pursuing the evils of sin that
God was determined to destroy them from the face of the earth. The sin of man and the decision of the Lord
literally stabbed God in the heart. The
word “grieved,” Gen. 6:6
is “a
love word.” We do not grieve for
those we do not love. God wanted a
relationship with man, but man had no desire for God and it broke the Lord’s
heart. B.
Jesus tells us that the last days will be like the days in which Noah
lived. We are seeing this prophecy come
true before our very eyes. Think
about the fact that we are living in days when the pornography industry is a 12
billion dollar industry in the What
about abortion? 1,370,000 babies are murdered in this nation in the name of
convenience and a woman’s right to choose.[2] That is over 3,753 babies murdered per
day! And, that is just in Add
to these horrors the ungodly perversions of homosexuality and lesbianism. We are living in a day when a mere 1% of our
population has an agenda; they want to force the rest of us to accept their
lifestyle as legitimate, when God’s Word calls it an abomination, Lev. 18:22. We
haven’t even discussed the twin tragedies of alcohol and drug abuse, which
destroy lives by the millions. We
haven’t mentioned the spiraling crime rate where murder, rape, theft and other
crimes impact the lives of millions every day. C.
I think it is easy to see that we are living in days like those in which
Noah lived. Truly, “the wickedness of man is great in
the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart is only evil
continually.” II. v.
When those tsunamis came last week, they caught people off guard and
unprepared. Folks were just going about
their daily lives when tragedy came swiftly and without warning. Many were in those tropical locations
enjoying a little vacation time; they never expected what happened to
them. Many of the natives were doing
what they and their ancestors had done for thousands of years. They never anticipated the flood that came
and took them away. Of
course, they were not without some warning!
It appears that the animals sensed the coming danger and fled the
coastline. A few Asian elephants that
were being used to give children rides sensed the approaching waves, broke
their chains and headed to higher ground with little children still on their
backs. Those elephants saved the lives
of their passengers and of their handlers and parents who were attempting to “rescue”
their children. On
one beach, a ten year old girl from Others
saw the water receding from the beaches where they were and followed it out to
explore the exposed coral. They were
many feet from shore when the tsunamis hit and buried them under the sea. They didn’t recognize the warning signs and
died as a result. Scientists
say that a tsunami early warning system could have given the people time to
flee the coast, thus saving thousands of lives.
But, sadly, there was no such system in place. Such systems exist, but the 20 million dollar
price tag seemed too steep for some the cash strapped nations to pay. B.
Jesus says that this was how it was in Noah’s day. God had an early warning system in
place. The people were warned by
Noah. For 120 years, as he built the
ark, he was preaching about the coming cataclysm, 2 Pet. 2:5, but the people just ignored his warnings. They did the things they always did. They ate, they drank, and they married and
lived it up. While Noah preached, the
people partied! They ignored all the
warning signs and they paid an eternal price for doing so! Verse
39 reminds us that they “knew not” until it was too late. C.
As we watch the end approaching, we are also living in the midst of a
complacent people. God is still warning
people to flee the wrath to come, but people are refusing to heed the warnings
and the warning signs. Preachers are
still preaching, but people are not listening.
God still has His early warning system in place! Why? People have plenty, they are entertained,
they are contented and do not see their need of a Savior. They hear the Gospel and are warned to avoid
Hell, but they do not see a reason to change their lives and believe on the
Lord Jesus Christ. They have been
blinded by Satan, 2 Cor. 4:4, and
see no need to change. We are living in
a day of spiritual complacency and moral apathy. People have great spiritual needs, but they
cannot see them and they do not care!
For most, life is about fun, entertainment and the quest for things. People are refusing to heed the warning signs
and when the tsunami of God’s wrath comes, they will be washed away forever! III.
The phrase “took them all away,” is tragic.
People were going about their daily business when the flood came and
they were taken out of this life into a Christless eternity in an instant! They were wiped out with no hope and no more
chances! B.
That is what happened in C.
Jesus tells us that His coming will be just like that. A cataclysm of unprecedented proportions is
coming upon this world. Jesus is
referring the Tribulation. During that
time, 150,000 dead will be a drop in the bucket. Rev.
4:8 speaks of one-quarter of the earth’s population dying at one time. In today’s numbers that is 1.25 billion
people. Add to this the tragedy of the
Sixth Trumpet, Rev. 9:13-21, and you
see over ½ the world’s population dead! Can you imagine? We read of meteors falling to the earth,
poisoning the waters, causing many to die, Rev.
8:10-11. We read of wars,
pestilence, and death on an unprecedented scale during that awful time. Those
are just some of the things that will come upon those who fail to heed the
warnings to turn to Jesus for salvation.
only way to avoid these events is for men, women, boys and girls to place their
faith in Jesus Christ for salvation.
Before these terrible events occur, Jesus is coming to take His people away,
1 Thes. 4:16-18. Those who are saved
by grace have heeded the warning and will miss the tsunami of God’s wrath. Conc: Did you notice that Jesus tells us that in that day “one
shall be taken and the other left”?
We saw the same thing as the tsunamis unfolded last week. A model name Petra Nemcova from the In
these verses, Jesus is not talking about the rapture. He is talking about the Second Coming. He is talking about that time at the end of
the horrors of the Tribulation Period when He will return in power and glory to
rule on the earth. He tells us that when
that day comes, one person will be taken away in judgment and the other left to
enter into His kingdom. The only problem
is that those who have heard the Gospel prior to the rapture of the church will
not have an opportunity to be saved during the tribulation, 2 Thes. 2:11. Therefore, it is
imperative that people be warned now. It
is imperative that they heed the warning now. If
there was ever a time for every one of us to “make our calling and election
sure,” and be sure that we are saved, it is now! If there was ever a time when the church
needed to take the Gospel in to “the highways and the hedges and compel them
to come it,” it is now! A
terrible tsunami is coming upon this world, only those who have heard and
heeded the warning will be spared. Are
you sure that you are ready to meet Him?
Are you sure that you are doing all you can to sound the alarm and warn
others of the dangers ahead? If God has
spoken to your heart this evening, please come before Him and do whatever it is
that He wants you to do. [1] http://www.familysafemedia.com/pornography_statistics.html [2] http://womensissues.about.com/cs/abortionstats/a/aaabortionstats.htm [3] http://womensissues.about.com/gi/dynamic/offsite.htm?site=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.johnstonsarchive.net%2Fpolicy%2Fabortion%2F |
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Copyright 2003 by Alan Carr |