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No claims of absolute originality are made for this material. As one man said, "I milk a lot of cows, but I churn my own butter." Please use these sermons as the Lord leads, but nothing on this site may be used for profit without my expressed, written permission!
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David: A Man After God’s Own Heart Series – Sermon #9 ANALYZING AN ANGRY MAN Intro: When we last left
David, we were given a glimpse of why he was called “a man after God’s own heart. He was given the opportunity to take revenge
against King Saul. He was placed in a
position where he could have killed Saul if he had so desired. Instead of murdering his enemy and claiming
the Our
passage today finds David in a different set of circumstances and in an
entirely different state of mind. This
text shows what happens when anger is allowed to control our lives. Does
anyone here have a problem with anger?
Maybe I should have asked it this way: is there anyone here who does not
have a problem with anger? The fact is
we all get angry from time to time. The
problem is we don’t always control our anger as we should. Often, our anger controls us and before we
know it, our anger has caused devastation and destruction on a scale we never
imagined. Someone said, “Anger
like fire, finally dies out - but only after leaving a path of destruction.[1] That
is the danger of anger. That is why the
Bible has much to say to the believer about controlling the temper. Listen to a few verses that touch on this
issue. Ψ Ψ Psalm 37:8 – “Cease from anger, and forsake
wrath: fret not thyself in any wise to do evil. Ψ Ψ Ψ Ψ Today, I want to look in on this
episode from the life of David. I would
like for each of us to examine our own hearts as we think on the subject of
anger and the problems it can cause. I
want the preach on the thought Analyzing An Angry
v. 2-11 The Reason For His Anger David is on the run from
Saul. He and his men are hiding in the
wilderness. While they are there, they
are doing two things. First, they are
fighting skirmishes with some of the wild tribes in the area, Now,
it was customary, in those days, for the person who received the protection to
reward the person who provided the protection.
Thus, when David heard that it was sheering time, v. 4, he sent some of his men to remind Nabal that they had
provided protection and that, as a result, none of his sheep had been lost, v. 7.
David sent his request at sheering time because that was when the
shepherds sold their wool and made their profits from the flocks. So,
David sends his men to Nabal with a kind and courteous greeting, v. 6.
He reminds Nabal of the effective service they have provided, v. 7.
And, he makes no demands, but simply asks Nabal to do the right thing, v. 8. Instead
of responding in gratitude, Nabal answers David’s men with harsh words. In verses
9-11, Nabal calls David’s integrity into question; he calls him a rebel;
and he refuses to do right by David and his men. (Note: Have you ever been done
wrong by someone? Have you ever been
hurt by another person? Have you ever
been mistreated, misunderstood or had your name misspoken? Have you ever had your feelings hurt or been
done dirty by another person? Sure you
have! What was your first response? When
that kind of thing happens, the flesh tends to get all stirred up. We get angry and we say and do things we
later regret. Some anonymous writer
said, “Anger manages everything badly.[2]
They were exactly right!) ( B. v. 12-13
The Reaction Of His Anger
When Davids men return to him and tell him Nabals response, v. 12-13, David blows his stack and
gathers his men together to exact revenge on Nabal. He prepares 600 men to go after one man. Talk about overkill! Anger will make you do some pretty stupid
things! (Note: Anyone know what I mean?
Have you ever said or done anything in anger that you wish you had not said or
done? We all have! God help us to manage your tempers for the
glory of the Lord. Aristotle said, “It is
easy to fly into a passion—anybody can do that—but to be angry with the right
person to the right extent and at the right time and with the right object and
in the right way—that is not easy, and it is not everyone who can do it.[4] How true that is! An old Chinese proverb says, “He
who flies off handle always makes bad landing.) (Note: Nabal’s response should
not have surprised David. Look at how
the Bible describes this man, v. 3. He is called “churlish.” This word means that Nabal was “hard
to get along with. He had a bad
attitude! We are also told that “he
was evil in his doings. This
means that Nabal made a habit of doing others dirty in life and in
business. Verse 2 tells us that he was a rich man. The phrase “very great means heavy
and that tells us that Nabal was loaded.
This also indicates that he was selfish.
Even his very name gives us a glimpse into his nature. The name Nabal means “Fool.” So,
David encounters a man named Fool who lives up to his name. David responds to Nabal by going off in a
blind rage to get even with him. Here is
what we need to get into our hearts today: we cannot always control what the other
person does to us; but we are in absolute control of how we respond to what the
other person does!) C.
v. 21-22 The Results Of His Anger As a result of his anger, David
is temporarily insane! He takes a force
of 600 men to kill one guy just because he feels insulted! That is insanity! David had refrained from
killing Saul, because he saw Saul as “the Lord’s anointed, 24:6, and as his own superior. Here, David sees Nabal as an ant that he can
stomp into submission. David, after all,
was going to be king someday; Nabal was a nobody! What right did this nobody have to rise up
against King David? David would make him
pay. David was blinded by rage! That
is what anger does! It takes control of
the mind and turns sane men and women into raving lunatics. Anger will cause you to say things you
wouldn’t ordinarily say. It will cause
you to do things you would not ordinarily do.
Anger will make you act like a fool!
Anger will make you do things that you will have to repent of later! ( (Note: Listen to these quotes
concerning anger and its effect on the mind. Ψ A man in a passion rides a horse
that runs away with him.[5] Ψ Anger is a momentary madness.[6] Ψ Anger blows out the lamp of the
mind.[7] Ψ The proud man hath no God; the
envious man hath no neighbor; the angry man hath not himself.[8]) (Note: May God help each of us to take a close look at our own
hearts and lives today. I am sure, that
if we were honest, we would admit that anger is a problem we deal with
often. Thankfully, there was a solution
for David and there is one for us as well.) II. v.
14-31 DAVID’S
v. 14-20 Abigail’s Appraisal Of The Situation Nabal was a fool, but
his wife was everything that he was not.
Her name is Abigail, which means, “My father is joy.” She was a beautiful woman physically, and she
was a wise woman spiritually. She was as
lovely of heart as she was of appearance. When
she hears what her foolish husband has done, she takes the necessary steps to
make matters right. She gets together
the food and things David and his men needed and she goes out to meet David
with the hope that she can change his mind. (Note: Look at verse 19. We are told that she did this without
consulting her husband. She isn’t
working against him, she is working for him!
A carnal woman might have said, “This is the opportunity I have been waiting
for. I’ll just sit here and wait and
David will take care of that old fool for me. But, Abigail did not do that. She went to work behind the scenes trying her
best to protect her husband. In fact,
she very literally saved his life! Why
didn’t Abigail tell Nabal what she was doing?
The same reason the servants did not talk to him, verses 14-17. Nabal was totally unapproachable. He was probably so stubborn that when he made
up his mind, he would not listen to reason.
Being a stubborn man is as dangerous as being an angry man! Let
me just say this and move on. Fellows,
you ought to listen to your wife. God
gave her to you as a “helpmeet.” She is your completer. She will often have wisdom and insight that
you do not have in the situations of life.
Wise is the man who consults his wife and listens to what she has to
say.) B.
v. 23-31 Abigail’s Appeal In The Situation When Abigail meets
David, she humbled herself at his feet.
She refers to herself as David’s “handmaid six times and calls him my
lord fourteen times. She comes
into his presence humble, open, and honest.
She admits that David and his men have suffered wrong at the hand of
Nabal. She admits that her husband is a
wicked man and a fool v. 25. She asks for forgiveness and pleads with
David to accept her gift and to spare Nabal and the rest, v. 27-28. She
tells David that God sent her to stop him from murdering a man in anger, v. 26.
She tells David that if he kills Nabal in anger it will hang over his
legacy like a dark cloud. If he does what
his anger is telling him to do, he will regret it forever. She appeals to the spiritual side of David! (Note: In these verses, Abigail
reminds me of the Holy Spirit. When the
flesh gets its anger stirred up, the Spirit of God will remind us that we need
to act slowly, and sensibly. He will
remind us of C.
v. 32 Abigail’s Achievement In The Situation Abigails wisdom
overcame the anger in Davids heart and he backed away from his plans. Disaster
was averted because David was willing to listen to reason! (Note: Sadly, the loud cry of
anger in our hearts is so strong that we cannot, or will not; hear the still,
small voice of the Spirit of God as He tries to reason with us. If we could just learn to calm down, listen
to what the Spirit is saying to and respond to Him instead of the flesh, it
would save us a lot of heartache in every relationship in our lives.) III.
v. 32-42 DAVID’S
v. 32-35 Conquered By The Openness Of David’s Heart David backed
down because he saw that God had worked in the situation to send Abigail to him
to prevent him from committing a terrible sin.
David accepted the things Abigail brought and allowed her to return home
with his promise that all was well. What
would have been so wrong if David would have taken matters in his own hand and
gave old Nabal what he deserved? The wrong would have been in the fact that
God, not David, is the One authorized to right all our wrongs! Anytime we take matters into our own hands
and seek to get even with one who has wronged us, we sin against the Lord. But,
as usual, God has a better way, “Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide
things honest in the sight of all men.
If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all
men. Dearly beloved, avenge not
yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is
mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.
Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink:
for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head. Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil
with good, B.
v. 36-42 Conquered By The Operation Of David’s Heart When Abigail
returns home, she finds her husband drunk.
She knows that if she tells him in that state, he is liable to do something
really foolish. So, she waits until the
morning and she tells him what she has done.
When she does, Nabal experiences what many believe to be a stroke. Either he is overcome by anger at what
Abigail did and what David threatened to do; or he is over come by fear. Either way, he stays in that condition for
ten days and he dies. Now,
because David was willing to allow the Lord to take care of his problems for
him, he enjoyed the victory over Nabal.
Instead of taking revenge and getting his hands red with the blood of an
enemy; David’s hands were clean. In the
end, David married Abigail and probably came to possess all that had belonged
to Nabal. In other words, David got it
all simply because he refused to allow his anger to rule his life. (Note: David proved by his
actions in this encounter why he was called “A man after God’s own heart. David responded properly to the voice of the
Lord and his anger was kept in check.
Let that be a lesson to each of us!
No matter how strongly we may think that we have a right to get revenge
against those who have hurt us, it is never right to violate the Word of God by
allowing anger to rule our lives!) Conc: So, what are we to do with this
message? We need to bring our anger to the Lord and ask Him to help us act like
Him toward those who offend us. Some of
us need to get before the Lord today and ask for help, because we know that we
might not be angry right now, but it could happen before the lights are out
tonight. And, we know that when anger
comes, we will need God’s help to respond properly. Others have been simmering in your own anger
for quite a while now. The best thing
you can do is get to the Lord and ask Him to turn down the heat in your heart
before you have a melt down. I
know most folks don’t like to come to the altar after a message like this. But, here are the facts; we are all cut from
the same cloth. We all have problems
with anger from time to time. The best
thing we can ever do is to yield our feelings, our rights and our anger to the
Lord. If He has used this message to
speak to your heart, I challenge you to get before Him and get the help you
need! |
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Copyright 2003 by Alan Carr |