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No claims of absolute originality are made for this material. As one man said, "I milk a lot of cows, but I churn my own butter." Please use these sermons as the Lord leads, but nothing on this site may be used for profit without my expressed, written permission!
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A BIBLICAL VIEW OF HUMAN LIFE Intro: In recent days, the
subject of life and death has been front and center due to the starvation death
of a brain-damaged woman in Sadly,
we are living in a world where human life has become a cheap commodity. It has become effortless to throw human life
away before it ever appears in our world through abortion. And, it is becoming easier to discard those
individuals that are seen as worthless and as being a drain on society. In
the Today,
I want to see what God has to say about human life. I think His perspective should be considered
as we think about matters like the right to live, the right to die, abortion
and euthanasia. In fact, not only should
God’s perspective be considered, it should be the final say in these matters. So, today, let’s examine life from God’s perspective. I want to preach for a few minutes on the
subject, A Biblical View Of Life.
There are three statements I would like to make regarding this topic.
Every Human Is A Special Being
– Gen. 1:26-28; Gen. 2:7 – One of
the primary truths that come from these verses is the fact that man is the
product of God’s creative power and not the result of random evolution. Man did not evolve from a single-celled
organism over the space of millions of years; he is the special creation of
God. You will notice that all the other
animals were spoken into existence by the Word of God. Man, however, was formed by God out of the
dust of the earth and God breathed life into the nostrils of man. The fact that God singled man out for special
care in the creation lets us know that there is a vast difference between
humans and the rest of the animal kingdom. Here
is one of the greatest dangers in the entire system of evolution, as it is
taught to our children in public schools.
If people can be convinced that mankind is nothing more than the product
of random selection then human life looses all its value. You see, if man simply evolved, then he is no
different than a dog or a cat. You kill
him and he simply ceases to exist. There
is no God. Man does not have a soul or a
spirit that live one. There is no heaven
to be gained or a hell to be shunned.
Man is nothing more than an animal and he can be eliminated if it
becomes necessary. Those
who hold to this view of things believe that man should live until his quality
of life is over, then he should be “put out of his misery.” Once we start down this slippery slope, there
will be no turning back. Today, it is
babies and brain-damaged people; tomorrow, it will be the mentally and
physically challenged as well as the old and the infirm. That is exactly where
our world is headed! There is more than
one way to save Social Security and Medicare! Now,
if the evolutionary theory was correct; there would be no problem with this
view. However, it is a false view of
life, death and eternity. We will talk about these matters more in a few
minutes. For now, we need to remember
that every human is a special being; he or she is here because they are the
special creation of God Himself! B.
Every Human Is A Spiritual
Being – We are told that man was made “in the image” of
God. This does not mean that man looks
like God; or that God has a body like we do.
It does mean that man was created like God in that man is a tripartite
being. In the Godhead, there is the
Father, the Son and the Spirit. In a
man, there is the body, the soul and the spirit. God is a three part being; man is a three
part being. God has intellect, will and
emotions, and so does mankind. This
is the primary way in which mankind can be distinguished from the members of
the animal kingdom. Every person who
ever comes into this world has three parts.
They have a body, a soul and a spirit.
Let’s take just a moment to examine each of these parts. 1.
The Body – The body is
the vehicle with which we move through and interact with our world. It is the body that provides a home for the
soul and the spirit while we are in this world.
Both humans and animals have bodies.
When we die, our bodies return to the earth, Gen. 3:19; Eccl: 3:20; 2.
The Soul – The soul is
the seat of the will, the character, the intellect, the thoughts, and the
emotions. The soul is where we reason,
love, hate, want, etc. The soul is what
we refer to when we speak of the mind.
Your soul animates your body and allows you to interact with your world
and with other people. In short, your
soul is that part of you that makes you who you are. Your soul makes you self-conscious. There is a sense in which it can be said that
animals have souls. That is, they have
life within them and they are self-conscious and able to interact with the
world around them. 3.
The Spirit – Here is
where the similarities between man and animals end forever. While the soul makes us self-conscious; the
spirit allows us to be God-conscious.
Every man that is born into this world, is born dead spiritually, Eph. 2:1. But, when the Spirit of God comes by and “quickens”,
or brings to life, the spirit which is within a man, that person will find his
spirit reaching out in faith toward God.
After salvation, the new spirit of life within a person begins to
transform the soul part of man. These
changes within the spirit and the soul demonstrate themselves in the action of
the body. All
of that is complicated, but think of it like this: “The "soul"
and the "spirit" are similar in the manner in which they are used
in the spiritual life of the believer.
They are different in their reference.
The "soul" is man's horizontal view with the world. The "spirit"
is man's vertical view with God. It is
important to understand that both refer to the immaterial part of man, but only
the "spirit" refers to the man's walk with God. The "soul" refers to
man's walk in the world.”[2] When
we leave this world, the soul and spirit return to God to be dealt with
accordingly, Eccl. 12:7. The redeemed to glory, (Note: The fact that
man is the special creation of God and that he was made in the image of God and
has the capacity to know God proves that man is a special creature in the eyes
of the Lord. This establishes the fact
that God is sovereign over the creation of human life.) II.
God Determines The Dawn Of
Every Life – God is in charge of when life is created within the
womb. Notice a few instances of this in
the Bible: Gen. 29:31; Rebekah - Gen. 25:21; Rachel – Gen. 30:12, 22; Manoah and his wife – When
we think of childbirth, we think of it being just the product of a physical
union between a man and a woman. It is
far more than that! There is a sovereign
God behind the scenes that determines whether or not that egg is
fertilized. He determines whether or not
life begins, Psalm 128:3-5. I
realize that there are often physical issues involved as well. Still, behind it all is the sovereign will of
God. He opens the womb and He closes the
womb according to His will. He and He
alone determines the dawn of human life. B.
God Determines The Design Of
Every Life – Not only does God
determine whether or not there will be life; He also determines what that life
will become. He has a plan for every
human that comes into this world. In What
you and I are in this life is not the product of random chance and hapless
genetics. What we are in this life is
the product of divine sovereignty. We are what we are because God determined it
to be the way that it is. This was the
conviction of David, Psalm 139:13-16. Job also held this view, Even
modern science, which tries so hard to destroy the very thought of God,
confirms for us that we cannot be the product of mere chance. Notice these facts about your body: 1.
The average body contains some 7.5
trillion cells. It is far more complex
than the most advanced computer. 2.
Each cell has 200 trillion tiny groups
of atoms called protein molecules. 3.
Largest molecule is called DNA. Carries hereditary information from the
parents to the offspring. Also carries
genetic code. It determines if you will
be a man or a mammoth. 4.
DNA in one cell is 6 feet long. Total DNA in body would fill a box the size
of an ice cube, but if it were joined together, it would reach to the sun and
back 400 times. 5.
All our cells contain the information
found in all the other cells. Each cell
in your body carries all the necessary information for another you. 6.
If the coded DNA information and
instructions of one human were translated into English, it would fill a 1000
volume encyclopedia. 7.
In cell division the cell forms a
rotating double helix. It rotates at 75
turns per second. This is equal to
straightening out a cathedral full of tangled microphone wire in under a split second. Yet, the cell’s duplication is so accurate
that it is equivalent to a rate of less than one letter for an entire set of
Encyclopedia Britannica. (Note: What I am trying to get us to understand is the fact
that every human that is conceived in the womb is special! Every person whether born or unborn is
conceived with for a purpose. Every
human life is precious and none are to be discarded out of hand. Life must be protected and preserved at all
costs! That
unborn child in that mother’s womb is precious!
That mentally incapacitated person in that institution is precious! That terminally ill individual is precious! Regardless of their condition, every human life
is precious in the site of God and it must be defended from those who look at
it as something that can be thrown away!) III. GOD
God Alone Appoints The Time Of
Man’s Death – This is the clear teaching of Scripture, B.
God Alone Appoints The Terms
Of Man’s Death – Not only does God decide when we die; He also
determines where we will breathe our last as well. Regardless of how you leave this world, you
will leave it exactly when, where and how the Lord has predetermined it will
happen. It was the Lord’s will that
Moses die alone with God on a mountain, Deut.
34:5-8. It was God’s will that Jacob
die surrounded by his children, Gen.
49:33. It was God’s will that Paul
die at the hands of Roman executioners. Sometimes
people leave through tragedies.
Sometimes people die because of disease.
Sometimes they go out of here by way of old age. Sometimes they go suddenly with the bloom of
youth still on their cheeks. But,
however they leave this world, it is God’s will that must determine the when,
the where and the how, and not the will of men.
The only exception I think of to that statement is capital
punishment. The Word of God is clear,
when man murders his fellow man; he is to pay for that crime with his own life,
Gen. 9:6; (Note: Whether we are talking about murder, suicide,
euthanasia or abortion, man has assumed the place of God when he reaches out to
take another human being’s life. Each of
these horrible sins ends life prematurely, and each will be judged and punished
harshly by God. Now,
please don’t misunderstand me. There are
times when it becomes necessary to withhold further medical treatment and just
allow nature to take its course. If you
have had to make those decisions, my heart goes out to you! You have not committed murder, but you have
simply placed the matter into God’s hands if you have had to do that. However, to put a helpless, voiceless woman
to death by withholding food and water is murder! The courts of our nation failed Terri
Schaivo, but this matter will be taken up in a higher court one day!) Conc: I hope you agree with me that
human life is precious! It is so
precious that God sent His Son Jesus into this world to save life through His
death on the cross, God
says that life is precious. I say “Amen!” I wonder who will join me at the throne of
grace this evening to call upon the Lord in intercession for our nation, our
world and the helpless, voiceless people who face death in the name of
convenience, money and godless indifference. |
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Copyright 2003 by Alan Carr |