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No claims of absolute originality are made for this material. As one man said, "I milk a lot of cows, but I churn my own butter." Please use these sermons as the Lord leads, but nothing on this site may be used for profit without my expressed, written permission!
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Great Invitations Sermon #1 Gen. 7:1-16 THE INVITATION TO COMMITMENT Intro: The Bible is a book of
invitations! Beginning here and continuing to the very last verses of
Revelation, God is involved in the business of inviting people to come to Him for
salvation, for the help they need, and for the things they lack in life. It
thrills my soul to think that the Lord of Glory would invite people like you
and me to come to Him. As the Lord leads, over the next several weeks, we will
be examining some of the great invitations found in the Bible. I hope they will
be a help, a challenge and blessing in your life. We
begin today with the first gospel invitation in the Bible. The word “come”
is used some 1,972 times in the Bible. Gen.
7:1 is the first time it is used as a command and as an invitation. Here,
God calls Noah and his family to come into the This
invitation has my interest today. Even though it was given thousands of years
ago, God is still inviting people to enter an ·
neighbors may have thought Noah insane, and the That
Ø Gen. 6:1-4 –
There was intermarriage between the godly line of Seth and the ungodly
offspring of Cain. This was an attempt to pervert the human bloodline and
prevent the birth of the Messiah, Gen.
3:15. The children born of this union were evil beyond words. Ø Gen. 6:5 –
God saw the wickedness of man and knew that man was hopelessly corrupt. Every
desire within mankind drew him away to evil thoughts and deeds. Ø Gen. 6:11-12
– God looked at man and saw that man had ruined the earth. Man was unjust and
violent. Man had abandoned the ways of the Lord and had turned from God
completely. Ø Gen. 6:6-7 –
God’s solution is to destroy mankind. ·
Bible tells us that one man, among all the men of the earth, was still walking
in the ways of the Lord. God extended His grace to Noah, Gen. 6:8. We are told that Noah was “just”. This does not mean
that he was sinless; it means that his faith was in God and God counted him
righteous on the basis of that faith. That is the way it has always been! In Gen. 15:6 we are told that Abraham “believed
in the Lord; and He counted it to him for righteousness.” If you are
saved, it is because of grace through faith! You believed God and He gave you
His righteousness, apart from any works on your part, Rom. 3:23-26. ·
is commanded to build this great ·
was then and this is now and there is still a place of Sanctuary. You see the
Ark Noah built was a real boat, but it was a so a picture. The Ø Its Substance
– Gopher wood – cypress, almost indestructible, durable, will not rot. Wood is
a picture of humanity in the Bible. This wood pictures the humanity of Jesus
Christ. Just as those trees had to be cut down to build Noah’s Ø Its Security
– After the Ø Its Size –
The Ø Its Shape –
It was not shaped like a boat, it would have looked like a floating coffin.
This speaks to us of the fact that Jesus died for us and when we receive Him,
we die to the world. When Noah entered his Ø Its Structure
– Gen. 6:16 – The Ark had one door;
one window and three stories. These elements are a picture of salvation. The one door was set low so that all could
enter, Ø Its Sustenance
– Gen. 6:21 – Noah was saved by the
ship and he was also satisfied in the ship. He had everything in the Ø Its Schedule
– Gen. 8:4 – The Ark came to rest on
the seventeenth day of the seventh month of the Hebrew calendar. Why is that
important? The seventh month is when the Passover takes place. Jesus died as
they were offering the Passover on the fourteenth day of the month. He was
raised three days later – the seventeenth day of the month. The Ø Its Supply –
Noah’s name means “rest”. When Noah entered the ·
you see how the ancient You
can adopt any religion you choose; follow any plan you wish; believe any doctrine
you want to; but if you are ever going to be saved, you must receive Jesus
Christ as your Savior! Yes, it sounds like a narrow plan and it is. It is,
however, the only way any soul will ever be saved, Eph. 2:18; ·
you entered the Ark of Sanctuary? Are you saved from the wrath that is coming
upon this world? There is only one place of safety. Jesus Christ is our II. v. 1
it not for the grace of God, Noah would never have known about the flood that
would have killed him, or the ·
you are in the Ark of Salvation today, you are there because God extended His
grace to you. You didn’t come to God on
your own. You came to Jesus because God, in His grace, His mercy and His love,
drew you to Himself, ·
will never know about the wrath of God or the Hell that awaits the sinner
unless God in grace shows us. We will never see the truth of our own sinful
condition unless God in grace show us. We will never know that Jesus can save
us and deliver us from Hell unless God in grace shows us. ·
salvation God comes to the lost sinner. God opens his blinded eyes. God shows
him his lost condition; He convicts his heart of sin; He draws that lost sinner
to Jesus; He causes him to understand that Jesus died for Him and rose from the
dead. He even gives the lost sinner the faith he needs to be saved. From start
to finish, salvation is the work of the grace of God, Eph. 2:8-9! Man has no part in the process beyond simple faith; and
even the very faith he uses to receive Jesus is the gift of God’s grace! ·
it had not been for the grace of God Noah would have died in his sins and went
to Hell. It was the grace of God that moved his to faith and action. The same
is true today! Salvation is still all of grace and all of God. Hallelujah! III. v. 16 THE
SECURITY OF THIS INVITATION When God called, Noah heeded the
Lord’s voice. He entered the 1. God did not say “Go
into the Ark”. God said “Come into the Ark”. He did not say,
into the 2. God shut them in.
He controlled the door and He determined who went in and who stay in. He sealed
them in and they were safe there until they arrived at their destination. The
saint of God has been “sealed unto the day of redemption”, Eph. 4:30. He has sealed us in Christ
and He has sealed Jesus within Himself, Col.
3:3. We are safe and secure. 3. Noah was kept safe
in that 4. As the flood
waters came on the earth they rose until they were some 22 feet above the
highest mountains on the earth, Gen.
7:19-20. But, did you notice that as the water rose higher, the I am sure
the trip was rough. The boat must have pitched and rolled. Noah may have even
battled a little sea-sickness from time to time. But that Conc: Noah survived because he believed God and entered the I
want to call your attention to one last thought. When God shut the door of that
ark, Noah was on the inside looking out, and the world was on the outside
looking in. There was only one ark and there was only one door. So there's only
one way to be saved - God's way. There's only one way to God's way - the Lord
Jesus Christ who said, “I am the door.” (John 10:9) When the flood of God's
judgment is poured out one last time on this rebellious earth, the only thing
that's going to matter is this: which side of that door are you on? One door, and only one And yet its sides are two; I am on the inside On which side are you? Is
He calling you to come into the Ark of Salvation today? Are you ready to flee
the wrath that is coming on the earth? Come into the |
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Copyright 2003 by Alan Carr |