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No claims of absolute originality are made for this material. As one man said, "I milk a lot of cows, but I churn my own butter." Please use these sermons as the Lord leads, but nothing on this site may be used for profit without my expressed, written permission!
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Jeremiah 32:16-27; 33:3 THE GOD OF THE IMPOSSIBLE Intro: The book of Jeremiah was written against
the backdrop of supreme evil. The people of God have walked away from God and
they have embraced the gods of the pagan nations around them. Their character
can be seen in Jer. 32:28-35. Because
of their sin, God is bringing His judgment upon the people. It was a time of
pain, sorrow, death and judgment. It was into this atmosphere that Jeremiah was
sent to preach the Word of the Lord. Jeremiah
was sent to a people who would not hear his message. He was sent to a people
who would turn a deaf ear to all his pleas for repentance. He was sent to a
people who were so given over to their sins that they had no desire to hear
anything God or God’s man had to say. Jeremiah preached in this climate for 50
years and there is not record that he had even a single convert. It
was a tragic time for the nation of Israel. Jeremiah was sent to them to preach
a message of judgment. He was sent to the people to let them know that they had
angered God and they were about to be judged. Jeremiah was commanded to tell
them that their nation would be invaded. He was sent to tell them that they
would be taken away captive. He was sent to deliver a message of final judgment
to their king. As
a result, Jeremiah was not the most popular man in his nation. In fact, he was
arrested and thrown into prison by king Zedekiah for preaching the truth, Jer. 32:1-5.
(By the way, those days are not far away in America.)
Thus, Jeremiah wrote the passage we have read today while he was sitting in
prison. Out of that tragic and difficult time comes a ray of hope for all those
who know the Lord. While
Jeremiah languished in that prison, the Lord came to him with a word of hope,
blessing and promise. The words of Jeremiah offer the same comfort to our hearts
today. As
everyone here knows, we are living in tough times. Times are rough spiritually.
Times are tough economically. Times are tough for the church. Times are tough
for the family. Times are tough on individuals. Times are tough right now. I
want you to know that the same God Who spoke peace to Jeremiah in that prison
cell is the same God Who knows where you are today. He was The
God Of The Impossible then, and He is still The
God Of The Impossible now. Let me show you the lessons we can learn here that teach us
about The God Of The Impossible. I.
this great prayer of hope, Jeremiah presents the evidence he has collected
about God that shows Him to be The God Of The Impossible. Jeremiah found hope
in a desperate time by considering the nature of His God. Since God does not
change, Mal.
3:6; Heb. 13:8, we can rest in the same hope today. Notice the
foundation of Jeremiah’s confidence in the Lord. A. 32:17 God’s Creation - When Jeremiah
considers the work of God hands, he understands that he is serving a God with
Whom nothing shall be impossible. The heavens above us and
the world around us declare the power and Person of God. His creation
declares Him to be The God Of The Impossible. Genesis 1:1
is perhaps the greatest commentary on God’s power. Psalm 19:1-4; Psalm 8:1-3; Isa. 40:12;
Rom. 1:20 also declare the greatness of God in His creation. Regardless of lies in your path today
remember that, if you are His, you belong to the God Who made it all. If He can
make everything out of nothing, then He can be trusted to take care of you. B. 32:18-20 God’s Character - The language
Jeremiah uses to describe God in the verses serves to remind us of Who He is.
He is the God of grace, love, mercy, and provision. He is the God of miracles
and power. He is the God Who moves heaven and earth, and suspends the very laws
of nature, if necessary to meet the needs of His children. (Ill. Elijah; 3
Hebrews; Daniel; Widow of Zarepath; 5,000; the disciples in the storm; Mary,
Martha and Lazarus, etc.) Beloved, He has not changed! He is the same
God now that He was then. He still knows what it takes and possesses what it
takes to see you through whatever you may face in this life. (Ill. Heb. 13:5;
Phil. 4:19; Matt. 6:33) C. 32:21-22 God’s Conversion - Jeremiah
also finds confidence from the Lord’s power as it was displayed in Israel’s
deliverance from slavery in Egypt. He recounts how the Lord moved to deliver
them from Egypt. He remembers how God brought them into the land of Canaan. He
writes of how the Lord demonstrated His power to save His people. That thought
gives him confidence. It should do the same for us. When I think of
God making the world, and everything that is a part of it, I marvel. When I
think of Him creating light with a word, I am amazed. When I think of the
vastness of the universe and how He created the stars, moons and planets just
by speaking them into existence, I am speechless. But, when I think that holy,
eternal, infinite, omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent, God would
condescend to love the likes of sinners like us, I am brought to my knees in
worship. When I contemplate His love, I realize that if He can take a black
heart, wash it is the red blood of His Son, and make it whiter than snow, He
can do anything! That gives me confidence! He Is The God Of The Impossible! That should give us confidence today,
regardless of what we face in this life. If He can save us, nothing is too big
for God! I.
Confidence II.
32:23-25 JEREMIAH’S CRISIS A. 32:23-24 The Problems He Faced - While the people of God have been blessed,
they have refused to walk in the will of the Lord. As a result, they are
experiencing His judgment on their nation. Seeing the wrath of God being poured
out firsthand causes Jeremiah some inner disturbance of the soul. He is
perplexed by what he sees happening around him. It brings him to a time of
crisis in his life, and yet, he knows this is what the Lord said would happen, v. 24. So, you have a holy man living in the midst
of an unholy people. They are suffering for their sins, and he is suffering
right along with them. I don’t care how strong, or how well grounded you are,
that would cause anyone problems. It bothers us too, doesn’t it? We have
somehow gotten the idea that knowing the Lord somehow guarantees us freedom
from the problems of life. Nothing could be farther from the truth. In fact,
serving the Lord in a wicked hour like the one in which we live will guarantee
us that we will face problems in our day just like Jeremiah did. God is judging our nation, and the people of
God will suffer right along with it. As our economy suffers, we will suffer
too. As morality and wickedness grow, that will affect us as well. Add to that
the fact that Satan will see to it that God’s children are hated, attacked and
persecuted, 2
Tim. 3:12, and you have a recipe for spiritual crisis. If a
person is not well grounded, there is always the potential that they will fall
by the wayside when trouble comes their way. B. 32:25 The Plan He Followed - After
Jeremiah is thrown into prison, he is commanded by the Lord to purchase a piece
of property from his uncle, 32:6-12. This transaction caused Jeremiah
some serious moments of doubt. Think about it, he is preaching tot he people
that judgment is coming. He is telling them that their nation is about to be
destroyed and all the people are about to be taken away to Babylon as slaves.
Yet, God tells Jeremiah to buy a piece of property. Why do you buy property in the first place?
Most people buy it because they have plans for the future. Maybe they are going
to build a home, start a business, make an investment in the future, or just
have something to pass along to the next generation. Jeremiah is buying a piece
of property he will probably never see, much less use. This transaction brought
Jeremiah to a moment of crisis in his life. The fact is, when the Lord works in ways that
we do not understand, it leaves us perplexed as well. I confess to you there
are many things I do not understand. I don’t understand why the Lord called
Brother Mike home on Monday. I don’t understand why Paul and Debbie have all
the medical problems they have. I don’t understand why some folk seem to have
such a hard time making it through life. There are many things I don’t
understand, but if I focus on those things, I will have a moment of crisis as
well. I must learn to past the things I cannot fathom to seer the face of the
God Who controls all things. C. 32:25 The Predicament He Feared -
I think part of Jeremiah’s crisis came from the fact that he didn’t want to
look like a fool. Here he was, in prison, buying a piece of land, when the
nation was on the brink of destruction. Surely he thought the people around him
would think he had lost his mind. Isn’t that a part of our problem sometimes?
We know what the Lord wants us to do, and sometimes we even do it, but it often
seems so unnatural and so strange to us, that we worry
about what the rest of the world thinks about our actions. Nobody wants to look
foolish to other people, but sometimes God’s commands just don’t make sense.
Think about it: ·
Moses was
commanded to hold a stick over an ocean when the people of God were under
attack - Ex.
14. ·
Moses was
commanded to cut down a tree and throw it into a pool of water to make it
drinkable - Ex.
15. ·
Moses was
commanded to strike a rock so that the people of God could have water to drink
- Ex. 17. ·
The people
of Israel were commanded to look at a snake on a pole to be healed of snakebite
- Num. 21. ·
Isaiah was
commanded to walk around naked as an object lesson to the king of Israel - Isa. 20. None of those things make sense to us, but
they were all the will of God. So it is with us, the Lord’s will does not
always make sense to our minds, but the secret to contentment in the service of
the Lord is absolute obedience, even when we do not understand what He is up
to. The fact is, we will never understand the Lord or His ways, Isa. 55:8-9.
Our duty is to trust Him in spite of what we do not know, or what we cannot
see! I.
Confidence II.
Crisis III. 32:26-33:3 JEREMIAH’S COMFORT The
Lord speaks to Jeremiah to bring him comfort in the hour of his crisis. What
God says to Jeremiah in these verses surely comforted his heart. These words
can also comfort ours. A. 32:26-35 He Was Comforted By God’s Power
- God tells Jeremiah that He will indeed bring judgment upon the people of
Israel because of their sins. Everything He has promised to do, He is able to
bring to pass. God reminds Jeremiah that He is “the
God of all flesh,” v. 27. God will judge Israel, and He will
use the lost pagans of Babylon to do it. Go declares His power by asking Jeremiah a
very simple, straightforward question: “Is anything too
hard for the Lord.” The word “hard”
means “to be beyond one’s power; to be difficult to
do.” God is simply saying that nothing is beyond His power and
that nothing is too difficult for Him to do. May that truth encourage us today. God is still the God Who
possesses “all power in Heaven and in earth,”
28:18. He is still the God “who is able to
exceeding, abundantly above all that we can ask or think,” Eph. 3:20.
He is still the God Who “works all things
after the counsel of His Own will,” Eph. 1:11. He is still God
and that should comfort our hearts today. B. 32:36-44 He Was Comforted By God’s Promises
- God tells Jeremiah that the people of Israel will fall and they will go away
into Babylonian captivity. He also tells the prophets that He will bring them
home again. He will gather them to Himself and they will serve Him. He will be
their God and they will be His people. In other words, the judgment they face
will serve to purify them and they will return to Him, and to the place of His
blessing. So it is with us. The Lord uses the crisis in
our lives to mold us, grow us and develop us. He uses pain, hardship, suffering
and the trials of life to make us more like Jesus, Rom. 8:28-29. He is The
God Of The Impossible. He can take that situation you see as being so
impossible and He can transform it into a time of blessing for you and glory
for Him. Let the comfort of God’s promises give you
peace and encouragement regardless of what you face in this life. He will stand
them all, and not a single one will ever fail. ·
“I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name
for thy lovingkindness and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy word
above all thy name,” Psa. 138:2. ·
“For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one
jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled,”
Matt. 5:18. ·
“Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not
pass away,” Matt. 24:35. C. 33:1-3 He Was Comforted By God Proclamation
- The very God Who made the world and all that is within it, come to the
prophet in his prison and makes one of the greatest prayer promises in the
Bible. He is promised that if he will call on the Lord, the Lord will hear him
and He will answer him. Think about where Jeremiah is when this
promise is made. He is in prison. He is living in the middle of a wicked
people. He is living in a nation that is experiencing the awful judgment of
Almighty God. Yet, the Lord wants Jeremiah to know that God cares about
Jeremiah and about what the prophet is facing in his life. What a comfort! It does not matter where you are today, He
will hear you too. It does not matter what you are up against He will hear you.
Not only will He hear you, He will answer your prayers as well. he may not answer them the way you want Him to all the time,
but He will always answer them correctly and in a way that brings glory to His
name. ·
“Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find;
knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth;
and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened. Or
what man is there of you, whom if his son ask bread, will he give him a stone? Or
if he ask a fish, will he give him a serpent? If ye
then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more
shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?”
7:7-11 ·
“And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if
we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us: And if we know that he
hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired
of him,” 1 John 5:14-15. Conc: What are you facing today? Whatever it is,
it is not too big for Him. ·
He can save
you if you are lost. ·
He can help
you if you have a need. ·
He can
comfort you if your heart is broken. ·
He can love
you if you are lonely. ·
He can
restore you if you have fallen. He
is The God Of The Impossible. Let’s come
before Him today to bow to His will for our lives. Let’s come to Him to seek
His face. Let’s come to Him to rejoice in His Person, His power and His
promises. |
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Copyright 2003 by Alan Carr |