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No claims of absolute originality are made for this material. As one man said, "I milk a lot of cows, but I churn my own butter." Please use these sermons as the Lord leads, but nothing on this site may be used for profit without my expressed, written permission!
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Back To The Future – Sermon #24 THE LULL BEFORE THE FINAL STORM Intro: We are in another one of the parenthetical passages in
Revelation. If you will remember, we encountered one of these between the six
and the seventh seals. Now, we encounter one between the sixth and the seventh
trumpets. There are several reasons why the Lord gives us these pauses in the
action. One reason is to give the reader a break. We have been studying
terrible scenes of tragedy and death. He gives us these pauses to allow us to
regroup and gather our emotions. These pauses allow the Lord to give us words
of encouragement and comfort. Another
reason He does this is to show everyone Who is truly in control As you read
about the horrors of the Tribulation Period, you might conclude that sin and
Satan are in control. But, God steps in to remind us that He is still the
Sovereign God of the universe! God wants us to know that regardless of how dark
the hour becomes and in spite of what the devil and his crowd might do, God is
still on His throne and He is still in control of all things! These
pauses also serve to focus our attention on the blessed Lamb of God. In the
midst of His wrath, we desperately need to be reminded of His great power. You
see, there is one fundamental problem with the world today; the world leave
Jesus out of its calculations and plans.
In ancient times, astronomers like Aristotle and Ptolemy believed that the
earth was the center of the universe. It
wasn’t until Nicholas Copernicus and Johannes Kepler discovered that the sun
was the center of the solar system and all other things revolved around it,
that everything fell into place and began to make sense. This
world has cut Jesus, the Son, out of the picture and they have replaced Him
with the United Nations and other faulty man made institutions. The result has
been total chaos. When Jesus is restored
as the focal point of mankind’s attention, then all things will make sense and
fall into place. That is what God is up
to here. ( This
passage introduces the middle of the tribulation period. It also serves to
place Jesus back on center stage. Let’s notice what is taking place upon the
earth as we see The Lull Before The Final Storm.
( As
you may remember, Jesus showed up in the Old Testament all the time. These
pre-Bethlehem appearances are called “Theophanies or Christophanies.
Jesus appeared to Abraham at his tent door. Jesus appeared the Samsons mother
and father. Jesus appeared to Joshua outside A.
v. 1a We Are Told Of His Dwelling Place This angel comes down
from the very place Jesus Christ dwells.
v. 1b – 2a We Are Told Of His Description Several key descriptive
phrases are used to illustrate this angels appearance. 1.
He Is Clothed With A Cloud The
cloud is garment of deity, Psa. 104:3,
layeth the beams of his chambers in the waters: who maketh the clouds his
chariot: who walketh upon the wings of the wind! In
the Old Testament, during the wilderness wanderings, the Lord Himself led His
people with a glory cloud through the trackless desert, Ex. 16. He was with them to guide them and guard them then. Here in
the darkest days the earth will ever see, He is still with His people to
protect them and lead them. Dark
clouds covered Sinai when Moses received the Law, Ex. 19. God clothed Himself in a glory cloud when He met Moses on
the mountain, Ex. 24, 34. When
Jesus ascended back to Heaven, a cloud received Him, 2.
He Has A Rainbow Upon His Head
The rainbow is a symbol of the mercy and faithfulness of God. It first
appeared in Gen. 9 after the flood
to guarantee the Lord’s promise that He would never destroy the earth with
water again. It is a symbol of His faithfulness. It
also appears in Rev. 4, where the
throne of God is surrounded with an emerald rainbow. Here, it is a symbol of
His mercy. So,
the Lord comes as the faithful One and as the merciful One. What a blessing it
is to know that even in the midst of wrath, the Lord remembers mercy, Hab. 3:2. 3.
His Face Shines Like The Sun
This a description of His glory! When Jesus walked the dusty roads of this
world, He appeared to be an ordinary man. So ordinary that He did not stand out
as anyone special by His appearance alone, Isa.
53:2-3. He concealed His heavenly fame within His earthly frame, Phil. 2:5-8. However,
there was one occasion when His glory came out, Matt. 17:1-8. One that the glory that was on the inside became
visible on the outside and Matthew tells us that Jesus outshone the sun! When
Saul of Tarsus met Him on the road to 4.
His Feet Are Like Pillars Of Fire
This is a picture of His judgment. When Jesus comes, He is not coming as the
Savior. He is coming back as the Sovereign Lord of the universe. He is coming
to execute judgment on all those who have rejected Him! The
word “pillars also beings to mind images of firmness, stability and
strength. We are looking at a God Who is rock steady and able to carry through
with His mission. He is going to judge this world, the sinners in the world and
Satan himself, and no being will be able to prevent Him from doing what He
intends to do! C.
v. 2b-3a We Are Told Of His Dominion Here is a wonderful picture of
our Lord. He is standing with one foot on the land, one foot on the sea and He
has a little book in His hand. This is a picture of His dominion over the
entire world. In
ancient time, when a person was going to take dominion over a place or a
person, he put his foot on it. When God gave Canaan to We
are also told that He “cried with a loud voice, as when a lion
roareth. It is said that the roaring of a lion can strike fear into
the bravest heart. An adult male lions roar can be heard as far as five miles
away. Lions usually roar just after sunset. They do so to proclaim a place as
their territory. That is what we are seeing in these verses. The Lord is
staking His claim and He is saying, I am the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. This
world is my world. Keep your hands off what belongs to me! That
is what we see here. We see the victorious Jesus laying claim to the planet
earth. He holds in His hand the book, which is the title deed to the planet. He
stands with one foot on the dry land and another on the sea. Jesus has come to
take control of this world. He has come to take over! Let
the word and the devil do what the will, our Lord reigns today and He will
forever. This truth will become increasingly clearer as the end draws near.
I. The Vision John Saw II. v.
3b-7 THE
v. 3b-4 There Were Voices Of Mystery John hears seven thunders
speaking. Apparently they spoke a language John could understand and h got
ready to write down what they were saying. But, the Lord stopped him and told
John to seal up those things which he heard the thunders say. So,
what did they say? I do not know! Neither does any one else! Why write about it
if we are not told what they say? God has some things that He wants to keep
concealed for the time being. Paul writes of a time when he was caught up into
the third Heaven. He was taken into very presence of God and He was not allowed
to write about it, The
reason God puts this here is very simple I think. He wants to teach us a very
valuable lesson. He wants us to know that there are just some things in life
that are going to remain a mystery! Look at Deut. 29:29. That verse says, “The secret things belong unto the LORD our
God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for
ever, that we may do all the words of this law. There
are thousands of questions in life for which you and do not have answers. Why
do good people suffer? Why do babies get sick and die? Why is there so much
evil in our world? Why is living holy so hard? We will never have the answers
to these and ten thousand other questions this side of Heaven. The best thing
we can do is to leave the mysteries with the Lord and trust Him to do right,
Ill. Gen. 18:25; Rom. 8:28; Right
no, we are looking at the carpet of life from the bottom and it looks like a
tangled mess of threads. One day, we will be allowed to look at the carpet from
the top. It will make sense then! Paul
says, “For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I
know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known,1 Cor. 13:12. B.
v. 5-7 There Were Voices Of Manifestation While the voices of the
thunders remain a mystery, the next voice John hears brings a message that is
crystal clear. The Person John saw lifts His holy hands and makes a tremendous
promise. He tells John that the days of waiting are finished. God is preparing
to consummate His work and complete His Word. God is preparing to bring His
work of judgment and redemption to an end. In
case you have forgotten, God does not operate like we do. His timetable is
vastly different from ours. We think we are in a period of delay. We think
things are moving so slowly. We think God will never fulfill all the promises He
has made. Well, we are wrong! God wears a different kind of timepiece than we
do, You
see, it appears that sin and Satan are willing the battle. The truth is far
different. He
looked over there and he said to one of the little fellows, he said, “Son,
how's your team doing? And
he said, “Well, we're not doing so good. He
said, “Well what's the score, son? He
said, “They're beating us 23 to nothing. He
said, “Boy, that is bad, son, that's just real bad. He
said, “Aw, yes sir, but it's not too bad, we ain't got in to bat yet. Listen,
the devil is up to bat right now but one of these days God’s half of the inning
is going to come up and there'll be no more delay. Look at Heb. 10:37, “For yet a little while, and he that shall
come will come, and will not tarry. I
like that! According to God’s calendar, Jesus has only been gone two days.
Soon, God is going to turn the page, tell Gabriel to blow his trumpet and Jesus
will return for His church. Then, God will judge the earth, sin and the devil
and usher in eternity. It won’t be long now! Hallelujah!
I. The Vision John Saw II. The Voices John Heard III.
v. 8-11 THE
is a strange little section of Scripture. It does, however, teach a couple of
lessons about the Word of God that we need to hear today. A.
The Word Of God Is To Be
Swallowed The Bible is spiritual food. Jesus said, But
he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by
every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God, There
is something special about this Book! It is food for the hungry soul. It is a
balm for the hurting soul. It is meat for the growing soul. If we are be all
that God wants us to be, and then we are to get into the book and feed. We are
to linger there and graze there. We are to drink deeply of its words so that
our souls can grow strong in the things of the Lord. We must get into the
Bible, for ourselves, every day! Are you feeding in the green pastures of this
Word as you should? Remember, you are what you eat! (Note: When John swallowed the Book, he found that it was
both a blessing and burden. It was sweet and it was bitter at the same time. The
sweetness of this Book can be found in its passages about the grace, love and
mercy of our God. When we read of Jesus dying for our sins and rising from the
dead it is so very sweet. When we read of Heaven; it is so sweet. When we read
that He will meet our needs; never leave us; and come to take us home some day
that is also so sweet! When the sinner reads that Jesus will save him if he
will only come to Jesus by faith that is sweeter than words can describe. This
is a book filled with sweetness! But,
it is also a Book filled with bitterness. This Book tells us about a Hell that
awaits all the lost. It is this Book that the Spirit of God uses to convict the
hearts of saints and sinners alike of sin. This Book tells of judgment, wrath
and damnation. It is a bitter book too. Sometimes
I read my Bible and I am thrilled and blessed and helped. Other times I read it
and I am brought to tears over something it has revealed in my life. It is a
bittersweet Book! Be
that as it may, when we take the whole Book, the bitter and the sweet, the
blessings and the burdens, we are able to say that it fits together so well. It
reveals our problems, but it always points us to the right solution. Praise the
Lord for the Word of God!) B.
The Word Of God Is To Be
Shared John was told to share the message of the Book with others.
The same burden has been placed on our shoulders today. We are to take this
Book with both its blessings and its burdens and we are to share its message
with a lost and dying world, Matt.
28:19-20; Conc: When we leave this chapter behind, we are going to enter a time of
tragedy like we have never seen before. Thank God that He has given us this
fresh glimpse of His Son. Thank God that He has reminded us that He is in
control. Thank God that He has reminded us of the importance of His Word. Are
there needs today? Do you need to be saved? Do you need to come home to the
Father? Do you need to come and commit to reading your Bible and sharing the
message of Jesus like you should? If there are needs, this altar is open. |
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Copyright 2003 by Alan Carr |