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No claims of absolute originality are made for this material. As one man said, "I milk a lot of cows, but I churn my own butter." Please use these sermons as the Lord leads, but nothing on this site may be used for profit without my expressed, written permission!
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Back To The Future — Sermon #29 THE GREAT DRAGON IS CAST OUT Intro: The chapter we are studying here in Revelation is a
chapter wrapped in conflict. In our last study we witnessed war between the
nation of When
we read of war in Heaven it kind of takes us back. We do not think of Heaven as
being a place where wars are fought. If the Bible announced a war on earth, we
would not be shocked. Our world has a long history of bloody warfare. According
to one statistician, in the 5,560 years of recorded human history there have
been some 14,531 wars. Many of history's wars were conflicts between two
nations, or two factions within a nation. But, in World War II war was taken to
new and devastating heights. By the time the war reached its zenith only twelve
nations were not involved in the conflict on at least some level. In the year
2,000 there were at least forty armed conflicts being fought on the soil of
thirty-six different nations.' Our world is a world of warfare![1] Yet,
when we read of warfare in Heaven, we are taken aback. This war will settle a
conflict that has been raging since before there was a world. As we discovered
in our last study, Lucifer, who seems to have been the chief among God's angels
sinned against God. He led one-third of the angels of Heaven away from God in
this rebellion and he and they were removed from God's presence. Lucifer became
Satan and he has done everything in his power to disrupt the eternal plan of
God to redeem His elect people and His ruined creation. Since that time, as we
will discover, Satan has had limited access to Heaven. This chapter tells us
about the final battle in this ages old war. In this battle, Satan, the great
dragon, is forever cast out of Heaven. While
there are details here that are confusing, these verses are a blessing to the
children of God. They tell us of a day when Satan will finally and eternally be
cast out of Heaven. Let's look at these verses and examine a few more of the
participants of the Tribulation Period. I want to preach on that time when The Dragon
Is Cast Out. I. THE REVEALING OF THE DRAGON (III. There are several passages
that talk about the devil, his origin and his activities, Isa. 14:12-20; Eze. 28:12-19; A. v. 9 His Names — A quick look at the names given to this creature
reveals more about him than he wants people to know. 1. Dragon — A winged, mythical creature
that resembles a serpent with four legs. Dragons are usually associated with
fierceness, brutality, violence and destruction. Superstitious people in the
dark ages lived in fear of fire-breathing dragons. This
image is fitting for Satan. He is a violent character, bent on the total
destruction of God and His creation. He is responsible for countless deaths and
wars. 2. Old Serpent — This immediately calls us
back to the fist appearance of Satan in the Bible, Gen. 3:1ff. In that passage Satan appears to Eve in the form of a
serpent and entices her to commit sin. The image of a serpent is an image of
something that is evil, contemptible, detestable, deceitful, underhanded and
sly. What a perfect depiction of the devil! He spends his time attempting to deceive
everyone he encounters. 3. Devil — The word devil comes from the
word "diabolos". It refers to one who is a "slanderer,
a false accuser''. It pictures him as a creature who stands before God
accusing the saints of God. This is just what the Bible says he does in 4. Satan — This word means "adversary'
or "one who stands opposed'. This is what Satan is all about. He
opposes everything that has to do with God. He opposes everything God is trying
to do. He opposes the people of God, the House of God, the Word of God and the
plan of God. He stands in open opposition to everything that is decent, holy
and right. He is an adversary! B. v. 9-10 His Nature - This passage not only reveals Satan through his
names, but also through his nature. This passage reveals the two most common
activities of the devil. 1. v.
9 Revealed By His Earthly Deceptions
— We are told that it is he "which deceiveth the whole earth".
The word "deceiveth" means "to seduce, to lead astray, to
lead out of the right way'. That is Satan's mission! When he appeared
before the Lord in 2. v.
10 Revealed By Some Heavenly
Declarations — Satan is described by the host of Heaven as "the
accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and
night'. The word "accuser" means "to
make an accusation". It speaks of "a plaintiff who brings up another
person on charges". That is Satan's business! It seems from I. The Revealing Of The Dragon II. THE REMOVAL OF THE DRAGON A. v.
7-9 He Is Defeated By A Heavenly
Warrior — We do not know who initiates this war in Heaven, but we know
who wins it. The angelic hosts of Heaven are led in this conflict by an angel
named Michael. His name means "Who is like God?" He is a
special angel. He is called and "archangel' in B. v.
10-11 He Is Defeated By Holy
Witnesses — When Satan is cast out of Heaven, the glory spills out of
the cup and overflows the saucer. Heaven literally explodes in praise and
thanksgiving. The tormentor, the accuser of the brethren, the archenemy of God,
and the most feared and hated being in the universe has been forever expelled
from Heaven! So, the citizens of Heaven praise God and the Lamb for their power
and glory in overcoming the devil! Then,
praise is rendered on behalf of the Tribulation saints who were martyred for
their faith. While Michael was able to expel him from Heaven, these Christian
martyrs are called overcomers as well. They used three weapons to defeat the
devil. 1. They used the blood of the Lamb — They
did not fall for Satan's lies that religion would be good enough. They did not
fall for the lie that they were good enough. When they saw their condition,
they turned to Jesus by faith and they were washed in the blood of the Lamb.
Once they were hidden behind the fortress of the blood of Jesus, they were safe
from all attacks by Satan against their souls. He might kill their bodies, but
he could not touch their souls! They had been redeemed and they and obtained
eternal victory! (Have you been washed in the blood?) 2. They used the word of their testimony —
They stuck to their guns! They would not renounce their faith in Jesus. The
word "testimony" means
"report". They claimed to
be redeemed followers of Jesus and they never backed down from that claim.
Their steadfastness helped them achieve victory over Satan. He may have killed
their bodies, but they did with their testimonies fresh in their lips! His
defeat was sealed with every death! 3. They used their supreme love for Jesus
— Even when they were threatened with death they would not back down. They
loved their Redeemer more than they loved their own lives. They would sooner
die for Him Who died for them than deny Him. They stood their ground and
courageously faced a martyr's death, knowing that when life left the body here,
it would continue forever in His blessed presence!
I. The Revealing Of The Dragon II. The Removal Of The Dragon III. THE RAMPAGE OF THE DRAGON (III. Satan does not take being cast
out of Heaven very well. He now turns his wrath to the only place he can still
operate: earth.) A. v. 12 The Fury Of The Dragon's Attack — This pronounces a divine
woe upon the "the inhabiters of the earth" because they are about to
feel the unfiltered fury of an angry Devil. He knows that he only has a limited
time before the eternal plan of the Lord is finished. He knows that he is
facing certain judgment. Since he cannot vent his anger toward Heaven and God
any longer, he turns his hatred earthward and attacks the people living upon
the earth. B. v. 13-17 The Focus Of The Dragon's Attack — The primary object of
Satan's wrath becomes the chosen people of God, the nation of We
are told that Satan "persecuted' the woman. The word
"persecuted' means "to chase or to pursue". It
refers to a hostile pursuit. Satan goes after But,
we are told again that they are divinely protected. The image of eagle's wings
is symbolic of God's personal protection of His chosen people, Ex. 19:4, "Ye have seen what I did unto the
Egyptians, and how I bare you on eagles' wings, and brought you unto myself."
God brings Verse 15 depicts the attacks of Satan
being like a great flood of water. He will pull out all the stops and try
everything at his disposal to destroy Verse 17 teaches us that there will be
a faithful remnant of Conc: As I have studied and preached these messages, I have seen, studied
and preached some horrible things. Yet, every now and then we are allowed to
find a cause for rejoicing even in this dark, mysterious book. In this passage
we learn that the devil, that evil being who has fought against God, His plan
and His people for thousands of years will be defeated. We learn that the one
who has accused us when we fail and has condemned us by name in Heaven will one
day be cast out of that city. We will learn later that his path will end in the
flame of the III.
Saddam Hussein was condemned to die in There
may be some here today that have never been save. This is your day. You come to
Jesus and He will forgive you and save you. Others may need to talk to the
Lord. Let's just mind Him! |
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Copyright 2003 by Alan Carr |