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Back To The Future –
Sermon #35 Revelation
14:6-11 WHEN
chapter 14 is an interesting chapter. In its verses, God takes care of some
Tribulation housekeeping. In verses 1-5
the Lord shows us the fate of the 144,000. If you will remember, the 144,000
are saved Jewish preachers who travel the world preaching the Gospel of grace.
These men are divinely sealed and protected as they carry out their ministry.
When their time is completed, the Antichrist is allowed to take their lives and
verses 1-5 picture them home, in
Heaven, in the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ. Verses 14-20 speak about the horrific
battle of Armageddon that will occur at the end of the Tribulation. We will
consider that text in our next study. Today, we are going to focus our
attention on verses 6-13. This
passage speaks about the future that awaits two distinct classes of people. Verses 6-11 deal with the future of the
lost sinner, while verses 12-13
speak to the future of the faithful saint. While
these verses speak about future events, they are still relevant to us today.
Every person in this room will reach the end of your earthly journey someday.
There will an end of the road for each of us! We do not like to think about it,
but we need to know what is coming so that we can be properly prepared for that
hour. When the end comes, you and I need to be ready! When the end comes, there
will be no more time to prepare. When the end comes, how we leave this world
will be how we enter eternity. In Eccl.
11:3, Solomon said,
if the tree fall toward the south, or
toward the north, in the place where the tree falleth, there it shall be.
The same is true about your life and mine. However the end finds us, whether
saved or lost, is how eternity will preserve us. We must be ready! Today,
let’s consider these verses which clearly declare what the end
holds for both the Tribulation sinner and the Tribulation saint. I
want to preach on the thought When The End Comes. I. v.
PROCLAMATION A. These verses depict an angelic messenger
flying above the earth, proclaiming “the everlasting Gospel. This angel
declares the same message preached by Paul, Peter, John and the rest of the
Apostles. It is the same message preached by the true church for the last 2,000
years. The message this angel delivers is the message of salvation through the
finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ. B. Here is the Gospel – 1 Cor. 15:3-4. It is the “power of God unto salvation to everyone that
believeth, Rom. 1:16. It is
a simple message, Rom. 10:9. It is
an available message, Rom. 10:13. It
is a message of love, John 3:16; of
hope, John 6:37; of eternal
salvation, John 6:47; John 10:28;
and of peace with God, Rom. 5:10. It
is the same message that was proclaimed in Eden, Gen. 3:21; pictured in the Law; and purchased on Calvary, John 19:30. It is a message as fresh as
the need of today; yet it is older than creation, 1 Pet. 1:18-20; Rev. 13:8. It is the only message that will save
the human soul from the wrath of God and an eternity in Hell, John 14:1-6; Acts 4:12. Yet, it is a message that
has been, is, and will be rejected by sinners until the end of time! This
message has been preached for 2,000 years. It has been ignored by most of those
that have heard it. It is still being ignored in this day. It will be ignored
during the dark days of the Tribulation. Many people will be saved, thank God
for that, but many, many more will be lost. The people in the Tribulation will
refuse to hear the 144,000 evangelists. They will refuse the preaching of the
two witnesses, Rev. 11. The world
will even rejoice when they are dead and gone. The world will refuse the
steadfast, faithful testimony of the Tribulations saints. The world will be unmoved
by their love for Jesus, their testimony and even by their blood when they are
martyred for their failure to worship the Beast. The world will turn a
deaf ear to all human efforts to bring them to Jesus. In a final effort to
reach them, God will entrust the Gospel to an angel. He will preach the message
to a universal audience. He will call all people, everywhere, to flee the wrath
to come. He will invite all people to come to Jesus for salvation. He will call
them to refuse the Antichrist and to embrace the true Christ. C. It will be a powerful proclamation by a
powerful preacher. But, the world will remain defiant in their rejection of the
Gospel! The salvation offered through the blood of Jesus is humanity’s only
hope. If Jesus is rejected, “there remaineth no more sacrifice for sin,
Heb. 10:26. When the end comes, it will
be too late to believe the Gospel. Today is the day of salvation,
2 Cor. 6:2. If you have never believed
the Gospel and received Jesus as your Savior, you need to do that
today. One day it will be forever too late. I. A
Final Proclamation A. A second angel appears and pronounces God’s
final judgment on Babylon. You may notice that the angel says “is
fallen twice. This indicates that Babylons judgment is absolutely
certain! We will consider Babylon in greater detail when we come to Rev. 17-18. Today, we will try to
understand why this city, above all others, is singled out for a special
pronouncement of judgment. B. Babylon is more than a city, Babylon is a
philosophy! Babylon represents everything the world is. Babylon represents
everything that stands opposed to God and His perfect will. Babylon represents
a system of unbelief. In Genesis 10:8-10, we are introduced to the descendents of a man named
Cush. One of his sons was named Nimrod. Nimrod founded the city of
Babel, v. 10. It was here
that mankind rebelled against the Lord and attempted to build the
Tower of Babel, Gen. 11. This tower was a place dedicated
to the worship of the zodiac and the heavenly bodies. Babel was one
of the first centers of false, idolatrous worship in this world and
Nimrod was the ringleader. He is called “a mighty hunter in Gen. 10:9. The phrase “mighty
hunter has been interpreted by some as a mighty hunter of souls.
In other words, many scholars believe that Nimrod was the father of
a religious system that was designed to seduce men and turn them away
from the One True God. C. In this verse, Babylon is pictured as a harlot.
She is seen seducing the foolish sinners of this world. She has lead
them away from God with her lies and she is about to pay a terrible
price. The judgment of God is coming upon her and her heresies and
none can stay His hand of judgment. The philosophy behind all of mankind’s
religious heresies and rebellion against God will be destroyed. Their
foundation will be shattered by the wrath of God.
I. A Final Proclamation II. A Fatal Pronouncement III.
v. 9-11 A FEARFUL
PORTRAYAL A. A third angel appears. He preaches a message
of judgment to all those who receive the mark of the Beast and who worship the
Beast. This angel reveals what will happen to all those who refuse to receive
the Gospel of salvation through Jesus Christ. This angel preaches a fearful
message, but it is one that we need to take note of today. B. We are told in verse 10 that “The
same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without
mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire
and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the
Lamb: What a horrible picture! Lets dissect that verse a phrase at a
time. 1. The wine of the wrath of God The
word wrath translates the word thumos. It is a word
that pictures an explosion of wrath; a sudden outburst; a passionate display of
anger. When Gods wrath is poured out on this world, it will be a time
of sudden judgment from which there will be no escape. 2. Poured without mixture When the
wrath of God comes on this world, it will be pure and undiluted. Sinners and
Satan have never experienced the undiluted fury of an offended God, but they
will one day, Ill. Heb. 10:31; 12:29. 3. The cup of His indignation The
word indignation translates the other New Testament word that is
often translated wrath. It is the word orge. The word speaks of a slow
rising anger. It was used to refer to the sap rising in a tree. It is
the picture of water rising behind a dam, until the pressure of the water
becomes too great and the dam bursts. It is the image of a person holding back
their anger, becoming red-faced, until they final explode in wrath. One day the
dam of Gods wrath will burst and all those who are outside of a relationship
with Jesus are going to be doomed! 4. In the presence of the holy angels, and in
the presence of the Lamb The heavenly host and the Lamb of God will
stand as a constant reminder to the lost sinner that they did not have to
arrive at this horrible place. They would have been saved if they would have
turned to Jesus Christ by faith. Most horribly of all, we are given a
glimpse of the horrors that await the lost sinner in the flames of Hell. Verse 11 is very clear; Hell is a place
of unending, unimaginable torment for the lost sinner. When they die without
Jesus, they will go to Hell. Once there, they will never know on second of rest
or relief. They will go to a place where they will never die! They will suffer
throughout eternity as they endure the wrath of God in Hell. C. It did not have to end this way for these
people. It does not have to end that way for you! When Jesus Christ died on the
cross, He bore our sins in His body, 1
Pet. 2:24. Somehow, in the economy of God, Jesus literally became our sins
on the cross, 2 Cor. 5:21. During
that time on the cross, God judged Jesus as if He were you or me. He poured out
His wrath upon the body of His Son. The judgment was so complete that Jesus
even cried out in His anguish that He had been forsaken by the Lord, Matt. 27:46. Jesus has
already experienced the undiluted wrath of God on the cross. He suffered on
that tree because you and I are sinners. He took our place on the cross and
suffered the wrath of God so that we would not have to, Isa. 53:4-6. Now, the only hope of salvation is Jesus Christ. Those
who believe on Him by faith will be saved and they will spend eternity in
Heaven. Thos who reject Him will spend eternity in Hell. Verse 11 will be their future. Where will you be five seconds after
death? It all depends on what you do with Jesus, John 3:18, 36; 1 John 5:12) Conc:
Lost friend, you need to know that you are walking a very dangerous path
today. You are playing Russian roulette with a fully loaded gun and one day you
are going to lose everything. The only reason you are not in Hell today in the
good grace of a merciful God. At any moment, He could sever the golden thread
of life and you would plunge into a Christ-less eternity, where you would be
lost forever. Do not let that happen! Here again the promise and the call of
the Gospel, John 3:16; John 7:37; John
11:28. Come to Jesus and be saved! Come before it is too late, for one day
it will be too late, Pro. 29:1; Gen. 6:3!) |
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Copyright 2003 by Alan Carr |